Where are all the groups...



Where are all groups.. The ones i find is either full, or say sorry you are to low level.

Kerram Darktyde

I agree I have had trouble finding groups past level 27 ish..
and now at 31 and spent last night wandering around looking for groups and killing the odd red Enemy sniper :) (with help this time :) )
and dodging Purple attack groups.. :)

Where do the 29-35s hang out apart for lag central Spind..?


Exactly there .. Spind is the place to lvl from 29 - high 30's even to lvl 40

You can tell because each night it is filled with up to 60 ppl.

I dont find the lag bad at all. It should be less laggy in a dungeon any how as there is less information to display on screen with walls cutting out what would normally be rendered.

The other place is Varul Dungeon .. but its so far away not many ppl bother.

I haven't found many more places apart from the frontier mobs (undead camp etc. and Snow Crabs)

But for grouping Spind is the place even tho after 8 lvls in there it is rather boring now :sleeping:


There are LOADS of good xp places in Yggdra, outside of the undead camp, that no-one has bothered to look at.

As the invaders don't know about them yet either I would not really want to give too much info here :D but have a look at maps and try and get some pals accross... I for one will concentrate more and more time there, and with any luck over time we can alleviate Spind a bit so it becomes fun again to go there.


I gotta agree with Kerram on this. I've never taken Vieralt down into Spindelhalla so far (level 32 as well. Just never really gotten round to it).

Groups are so hard to come by, unless you're already in one. In that case I get inundated with requests from across the realm. Ahh, the life of a shaman.



Finally i found a group, a great group. Got two lvl in no time in spindel and a lot of cash...


Troble is most people are either lvl 38+ or are playing low level alts, with us at lvl 30-35 left to fend for ourselves

was ina group in spindel, and we had all lvl 33-35 tanks (apart from 1 who was lvl 32), 1 lvl 33 runie and 1sb..... healear was lvl 27 926 when we started out) since it was all we could get... managed to get a lvl 32 later on, but it meant we had troble getting enough xp, since we could only just do scavs..... couldn't even chain kill them


Well, if its a healer you're after, look for Kikya, if I'm on I'll generally be headign towards Spind, or in there... can't promise I'll be ungrouped, but if I'm grouped and you promise not to use AE I'll try and get you a space



Now days i always remove the aoe spells from my hotbar just incase, my flabby fingers would slip in the heat of battle...


Argh! The AoE whines!

There's a time and a place for the spells. Last night in Spindy, a group of us including two thanes and a runey showed how and when AoE spells could be used to great effect.

As casters, we have two resources: the limited amout of power we have, and the time it takes to get spells off before a mob beats us all to death. Anything that improves either is good - AoE spells help with both. We do more damage, to more mobs, faster if we AoE.

Why is AoE a bad thing? Two reasons: it breaks mezz, and it risks pulling in an add. But used carefully, you can avoid both problems.

If you're in a group with good crowd control (ie. someone able to mezz or deal with the adds), AoE spells are unnecessary (except to deal the coup de grace to the first mob, breaking mezz on the adds who can then be disposed of by the tanks - but that's a risky tactic, and won't be employed in most mezzing situations).

However, if you have a large group and only one healer and no-one else who can mezz, you want the fight over as quickly as possible. It's just not fair on the lone healer to expect him to deal with the adds as well as heal the tanks unless he'd devoted himself to Pacification. In that situation, the thanes *should* use AoE spells to draw aggro from all the mobs, and as the tanks engage them, the nukers can AoE away to deal with all of the mobs speedily and efficiently.

This works best outside, of course, when you have a better idea of what's going on. In a dungeon, with restricted visibility, it becomes more dangerous. In that situation, it is VITAL that the group - and particularly the spellcaster - has a good look around for any potential adds before letting go the AoE spell. You'll see me spinning on the spot as I wind one up, and if an extra mob spawns or wanders too close, I can cancel the spell by sitting or moving with no lasting harm done.

If the risk is going to outweigh the benefits, then I'll use a quickbar without any AoE spells on it. But there are occasions, even in Spindy, when it's the right tool for the job. The problem is too many people have their first AoE spells appear around about the time that they first discover Nisses Lair - inexperience leads to a lot of early mistakes, and they never learn how best to employ the AoE effect. Those grouped with them get fed up of dying, and go through the rest of their time in Midgard with an unfettered dislike of AoE spells. Which is a pity, as it's about the best spell I have in my Runecarving line (and the only one worth using in a group given the way bolts are blocked so consistently).

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