Where all the people go?



I imagine others, like me, are playing elsewhere. Couple of reasons ... their dial-up is bOrked and the inclusion of "kiddie" maps in their server cycle. The 4 team maps seem a good idea, but there's never enough players


I like the map rotation at the mo, shame no one else seems to


maybe its all to do with christmas? (I hope)

Its a good move for barrysworld to run servers with custom maps its just a shame noone wants to play NEW maps and stick to playing the valve ones. (which are now showing their age)

I'm forced to play maps im completely bored with just because its the only server thats got some players on it.


[This message has been edited by bee (edited 18 December 1999).]


It's not just Christmas, it's been like this ever since they put in the 4 new servers at the end on November. Custom maps tend to be a personal preference and what somebody should have realised is that the majority of the TFC players out there are quite happy with the Valve maps because custom maps require a download and most are simply a variation of the standard maps.
The 24 player XS4ALL servers have shown this for a long time. The one running standard maps always has players on it and is often full. The custom map server is usually empty and I think people only join it because the are unable to get on the standard server.
So what do Barrys do? BW4 is a 20 player server with custom only maps - usually empty. BW3 has the standard maps, but what do you expect with a 10 player limit? BW1 and 2 are 16 player running the standard maps but are forcing people to play custom maps in between. Why bother when there are plenty of other, 16 and 24 player, servers out there using the standard maps.

Atomic Rammer

Tui has hit the nail on the head there

I think it is mostly the change of ip address. Do most people connect using gamespy? I do. Have the servers been updated on the master lists from WON and gamespy network? Even if they have, how often do people reload the latest server list. I hardly ever do.

U have to convert people from the valve maps but the valve server (TFC3?) has too low player limit and people leave when push comes on. I'd be happy if the map rotation was just rock2, 2Fort, well for TFC3 with 14 or 16 players. If tfc3 was busier I think more people would filter onto the custom map servers.


Lo all, long time since I've used this board.....

Which genius came up with the current tfc servers and map rotations then eh? Surely it's obvious by now that they are not working? How ridiculous is it to have 4 servers sitting completely empty all day and night when not long ago there were people queing up to get onto BW. The simple truth is that most of the maps currently in rotation people a)don't have, b)don't want, and c)can't be arsed to get. The only sensible thing to do is to prune down the custom maps and reintroduce a valve server. And I don't mean a tiny 10 person server with Push in the map cycle - let's face it, any game of tfc with 4 or 5 people on each team is bound to be crap and Push is the best known way to clear a server fast.

p.s. ello Tui m8, I didn't know you used these boards. Maybe I'll start checking them again

Asandir iD10

old.British Beef

How true, the fact is it's the valve maps that most people will play, personally i like the custom maps as well, but it's pointless having 3 servers full of them and nobody playing. Some of the best games iv'e had have been on maps like fortsaken and nml, but i can say the same about the valve maps too, it just depends on who's playing at the time. Your dead right about push though i can't belive it was added, on my isp's tfc server they bined it after about 2 days
.So i think the answer to all this is to get barrys 3 back upto 16 players again, dump PUSH, and presto everybody returns. I play q2 and iv'e been playing the same maps(dm1-8) for over a year and a half now, and does it get boring, like hell it does, just ask the people who are still filling the servers every night even though q3a is now among us

old.Mad Kain

I used to use these servers daily, and spent most of my afternoons playing on the BW servers.
When I found out that the server's were to be split up, I mentioned many times, that if this was to happen, BW would die - and it has.
I myself have got tired of TFC. Lame gren/mirv spamming, message spamming, and just general non-teamplay has made me tired of this game which I once loved.
I've made a ton of friends here on BW, and have had some damn decent games here in the past.

I've decided just move over to Counterstrike instead, and now play on BW's CS servers daily. Although I do check the BWTFC servers regulary for a game, but most of the time, they're empty.

[ChPt2]Kain aka [EQX]Kain aka [Kain]-DTA aka (1)Player

[This message has been edited by Mad Kain (edited 20 December 1999).]


Well, i actually got a few good games on Sunday with some damn good players.

I think the problem is when they check the players on LameSpy and theres no one there they wont join, all you have to do is hang on for 5 mins and ppl will join.
Ppl attract Ppl.

So if you only see 1-4 players join in! Get some snipe practice or something!


I hate sniping, and if I wanted deathmatch I'd go play Q3 :p

Asandir iD10


I like most of the maps in rotation, but the thing i like best about custom maps is that its usually a better game - reason, custom maps are like a lamer filter. For some one who just whats to join a server and spam like crazy for no benefit to his team - he can do that anywhere and can't be arsed downloading the maps.
I think the reason for the fewer people on BW is, in part that the change happened so suddenly, with a massive list of maps which i think put a few people off. I say get the maps, have a look at them - just cos they are new doesn't mean they are bad. Give them a go and then decide.
I still play the valve maps quite a bit, but they feel very jaded now - very rarely do i see a tactic i haven't seen before and the majority of the time everybody plays the same. Its nice to play them, its like seeing an old friend but it's not quite as exciting as it used to be...


Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of the custom maps, it's just that I think the map rotations should be cut down, meaning fewer maps to download and more people ready to start playing on them...

Asandir iD10

old.Mad Kain

I love the custom maps, with the exception of Waterfront, which just makes me go on a sniping or stabbing spree.
I've just got tired of the valve maps, which have got kinda tiresome

[ChPt2]Kain aka [EQX]Kain aka [Kain]-DTA aka(1)Player


Barrys servers are basically shit.

The regulars made the barrys servers what they were.

Now they are gone, so barrys is nothing.

Many like I have left TFC full stop, and other have gone to where a more team based experience can be found.



I left TFC a few months ago because it just became boring and a constant spam fest. It seems the BW servers have gone downhill but hopefully see some of u on there soon..

old.Mad Kain

I've got tired of TFC, which I feel is now just old and cumbersome. It just doesn't have the fun factor in it anymore, compared to when it was first released.
Its just all gren spams, and message spams, and non teamplay that bugs me.
Nontheless, I'll still be around, just not as much.
I've moved over to Counterstrike, which is far more fun imho than anything I've ever played

[ChPt2]Kain aka [EQX]Kain


I've just spent quite an enjoyable evening on BWTFC3 and I've regained my enjoyment of the game, the players were freindly and of about my skill level.
And whats even more scarey is that after about 3 or 4 months I can *still* remember my password for the board.


Kain when Ultima Online arrives at your house, you'll drop CS like an atomic hot potato.

UO will Own U

But when you get UO is anyones guess


UO owns us all, but unfortunatly, they get you hooked with the one month free thing and then (in my situation) you can't get another months access! Bastards.

old.Mad Kain

Godamn buggers@Jungle.com...
Er, yeah, I dunno what UO will be like, but I will never ever drop CS, its just too damn bloody addictive I tell ya!

I hope to get it tommorow by mail now...

[ChPt2]Kain aka [EQX]Kain


In all honesty I am never on BW servers because theres all these damn custom maps which i just dont want to play[/] (wonder if that worked)

I'm perfectly happy to play 2fort, then rock2, then well, withouit having to download a load of maps which other people probably dont have anyway which means I'm the only person on the server.

Are there *ANY* BW servers which just run the valve maps? Why do you feel that custom maps are so important? The custom map world hasn't bloomed as much for TFC as it did for say, Quake or Quake2. I'd much rather have 4 servers with all valve maps on than 4 with a load of maps I dont have nor want to play...

For gods sake I even saw Push in there once.



Have you ever wondered why custom maps havent been that popular?
Its people with your attitude of being narrow minded about only playing the same 4 maps.

Yes, theyre good maps, but after after 10 months its tiring, especially watching people doing the same tactics.

Its the people who cant be bothered to either get the 4-5 maps theyll need to play or cant be bothered when the server starts sending it.


It's nothing to do with being narrow minded. The Valve maps simply provide everything that the majority of public tfc players need. Custom maps are only variations that very few players need for a change of scenery.
Provide custom maps by all means but not on 3 out of 4 servers, don't limit the standard maps to 10 players and get rid of Push.
If someone has been put in charge of getting TFC players to avoid playing on Barrysworld, they've done a pretty good job

[This message has been edited by Tui (edited 16 January 2000).]


Ok then its not narrow minded, its lazy.

Saying that 4 maps provide anything is crack fueled. If you havent tried other maps how do you know?

Flag Control has proved a VERY popular map which ive never seen anyone leave or complain about.

Im sure if they put Valve's "Crossover" map, everybody would play it, cos its Valve's.

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