when PvP come



Then PvP come will this server be a wast land with no players, or is it only a littel group of players who are leaving the server, and the one who is going to play PvP, will they come back ?

I dont see much fun to be on a server with "no" players, what is why I am asking.


population is bound to drop slightly, but don't worry - PvP really is NOT for most people =)
For a week or 2 after PvP starts, yeah, Excal etc will be much lower.... many will return though.


Use it as an easy way to get into lair ;) or whatever the names are on hibernia and albion


week 1 of PvP: Pretty much no one on Excal servers except for the die hard crafters really

Week2 of PvP: some real players will start filtering back

week 3 of PvP: 75% of people who will be comming back, will come back now.

week 4 of PvP: everyone who hasn't gotten addicted to PvP will be back by now.

I estimate Excal server will lose no less that 25% of the players to PvP server...

this is of course all just my guess.


Will prolly be like the US PvP servers...

As said above it will be busy to start with because its something most people will prolly want to try for a few levels..

But when it starts to lose its appeal I doubt excal will be different..

Might lose some of the dicks tho :clap:

Or for a while atlleast


I think it'l be like DF...

To start with you had realm running arround panicing


/who darkness
Too Many To List (245)

then sombody would take it, people would organise a fort retake trip. blah, blah, blah. terrible lag, unplayable in DF, bitch, whine, etc, etc...

Anyway, people started to get back into old habits. So here is my prediction based on this...

To start with the majority of people will flock to Cala-whatever its called. The big 'Uber' guilds will start their race to lvl 50, and everyone else will lvl till about.. i'd say 24 before they get bored of it and come back to excal.

I played PvP on gorre as a Natralist-to-be-warden, seeing as it was PvP and i was just doing it for a laugh i turned off my safety flag..

Thank god you can't get xp deaths below lvl 6, my lvling antics ground to a halt at lvl 3 as this bloody void eldie thought it would be funny to kill dudes innocently lvl. (i know i had the safety off, so it was my fault but its still annoying)

I figure past lvl 10 people will be ganking one another, i know my grand plan was to try and get to lvl 5 with a void eldy quickly. find one of the big guilds (preferably lower than me) and AE nuke them :)

Sadly i doubt this will be worth the effort as after my night of PvP i grew very bored with it. i've gotten one character to lvl 50 and i don't really have a burning desire to go through the process again just so i can spend all day fighting with other people, which i can do in the less used RvR zones.

..oh and Lag, Unplayable, Zerg, Blah, Blah, Blah


PvP will be full of the griefers since it suits their motivation. The rest of the people will quickly tire of the tedium of having to associate with people who think that spoiling the game for others is fun and come back to excal.. in my opinion anyway. I think it will make the game much more enjoyable for everyone.


Originally posted by phillies
Use it as an easy way to get into lair ;) or whatever the names are on hibernia and albion

Seriously, is it hard to get into your epic zone? Really is NOT hard to get into Dartmoor (Alb zone)

Hit ^_^

LandShark no but whit the system even scouts/infils would get in eventually and even get good exp :)
the list system has good and bad things.
but as you said. for the rest of us who only calls the ppl(classes)you want and then just go to DM there aint much of the difference.


Originally posted by -Dreama-
week 1 of PvP: Pretty much no one on Excal servers except for the die hard crafters really

Week2 of PvP: some real players will start filtering back

Oh ! I feel offended .... ;)


He prolly meant "easy to get a spot at lair", in one of the exping grps ;)


Well with most games i have played they had PvP at the start and it is always the biggest moan.

I can only agree with most of the peeps that at 1st everyong will give PvP a try but after a sort while most will move back as not everyone is suited to getting backstabbed while trying to PvE.


trolls grouping with lurikeens = bad, would say 10-15% of people will go, a few of the "supa l33t" rvr only guilds might (hopfully) filter there



I've played PVP on US servers. First, everybody went to there.
Then when there were some higher levels, grey ganking started ...

Lots of people came back and indeed, US Pvp is not the next big thing ... neither will be European Pvp

i agree with the 15% inhabitants loss to pvp

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