Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
are you fucking thick or do you practice at it?
we simply did tonights raid as retribution
we've done several raids on mryydin in the past
excal and dagda are the hardest relic keeps in the game
it's not as easy ya know
stuf pls.
Originally posted by Khalen
We Hibs and Albs don't wanna risk losing ours So we just sit back and relax a bit.
Originally posted by Khalen
If I go there with a group to gank those Mids/Hibs from sauvage we do it right and not just 1 group who gets ambushed each time.
Originally posted by Killgorde
You should make the effort more often then Khalen. We would appreciate sterner opposition. In the meantime CE will carry on watching Albs drop like flies on the highway...although I will confess we are moving our base of operations to the Berkstead area with all those lovely epic quest tasks you albs have to perform in that region - purely in the interests of making the acquisition of epic armour a genuine and exciting challenge for your realm, I hope you understand? I would heartily recommend a minimum of 2FG (level 50) to complete your tasks when we are in the neighbourhood.
Originally posted by Rhuric
And Garnet I have said the same thing alot regarding u mids, when u gonna attack Dagda, well now u have done it once atleast (not close to the many failed attempts on Excalibur)