Whats up with MMPORG publishers!



I really love MMPORG games, but what about the companies behind them? They are starting to get more and more like the music industry, the expect people to still spend there money even if they dont get anything that is worth them!

Since this is a DAoC message board I think I will start with GOA, what is really up with thouse guys? Why are there for an example no COOP Server yet, I want that server and I would start playing again right away if there was one! I also know a lot of people that would do the same. Well do I need to mention the customer support? Well I did not think so.

Take another MMPORG game namely EverQuest, the everlasting expansion quest for more money that SOE have. What do they think? That people are willing to that kind of money for playing a game? I know I do pay them, and that is sad, becaus it's not worth it at all. EverQuest have been falling down the drain, they have expanded the game out of proportions, the gameing world is to large and the numbers of players per server is all to small.

Well maybe I should stop here before even mention the biggest dissepointment of all MMPORG's Star Wars Galaxies! That subject can wait until another day, becaus I could write an entire essay on things that are horrible wrong with that game! Ofcourse there are more things that are wrong with both DAoC and EQ that I did not mention, but it would take up to much space to post even a tip of the iceberg here :)

And I dont want to rant that much!


I gotta admit that I agree with you about GOA, but it's not always their call from what I know. They're tied by a contract with Mythic so if they do anything that they aren't supposed to then we'll all suffer. I'd kill for a Co-op server (that actually sounds like fun :) ) because I'm tired of having to play a specific realm on a PvP server because of only having 2 English servers.

I'd love to be able to speak/read French or German fluently just so that I could play on one of the French/German servers, and one day maybe I'll have the time/patience to learn, but right now I'd rather just cut out the middle man, or in this case, force the middle man to do my work for me by putting up either a third English server (which frankly would be quieter than Prydwen at 4am) or a Co-op server (which would go down a treat with damn near everyone here).

GOA put up a poll recently which asks what people thought of the idea of a Co-op server, and I've no doubt that many many many people said "Yes!" and the sheer fact that GOA are even asking about it must mean they are considering it.

Give GOA a break I say, it's not like they've been doing this for 5 years and still ignoring people.


GOA are probably just worried that the same will happen with the co-op server, as did with the pvp server.

We all said how great it would be, how much we wanted it, how uber it was gonna be, and, 6 months down the line, it was deserted, and most of the 'old faithfuls' that remained on it deleted, due to lack of players.


Well maybe the PvP server does not have that many players, and I can understand that. Becaus I can promise you that there are a lot of players out there that really disslike PvP. And there are much less people that does infact disslike PvE, that is one of the reasons why EQ is much larger than DAoC in my opinion!

I dont care about PvP at all, sure it can be fun now and then, but I rahter play on PvE servers, because it's more fun and less tention! And the fact is I will return to DAoC at once if they do release a PvE server. And I know a lot of people that would be much more intrested in trying DAoC out if there was one!

Many people I know that is playing EQ have there number one reason to not try DAoC out becaus of it's PvP nature.


But, again, if there was a coop server, it most probably wouldn't be in English.

There simply isn't enough players to allow another english server.


Well yes it would be in english, and people from France and Germany would play on that server aswell just like the PvP server!


Why? Would it not make sense for GOA to make it in German, to please their largest playerbase? (I presume there are more Germans than Frenchies :))

Or are we all to high and mighty (or arrogant, of course) to learn another language/play on a server with a different language?

Do you think the French/Germans enjoyed the fact that the pvp server was in english? For the small majority of them who could speak english, it was no problems.

... But I bet GOA got some high class whinging from the rest :D


No I'm not that arrogant that I will not learn another language to play a game, that is one of the main reasons why I did learn English to start with! And English is the defacto universial language in Europe and the rest of the world. That why they should have servers like PvP that are just one server in English! If they are not willing or there are enough people to make an English, French and German PvE server.

But also GOA did actually take on the work to serv the english community of this game, they are getting our money! They did write a contract with Mystic to serv the English, German and French communities in Europe with this game. And the best way to do that is to introduce the servers people want! And since they dont know how popular this type of game can or will be, the best way is to make it an English server. Becaus that is the language that most people in Europe know. Germans know the English language and so does the French people. So that is the reasons why it should be a english server!


It all boils down to the fact that british people really can't be arsed learning more languages, and think other people should learn English.

The only way to decide anything of this sort is a poll. But, of course, they'll [they = goa] manage to cock that up, too. :rolleyes:

Ehm.... yes... Back to the original post :D

No one makes a noise when things are good. Think about all the good things your company is doing. Then think about the bad things. If the bad things outweigh the good, they suck bottom. Email them. Tell them. Organise mass protests. Anything. Just let them know that they better get their act up. If it doesn't work, or you can't be bothered wasting your time for them, quit their game. If you can't quit, it can't be that bad.

In the case of EQ, they know their time is drawing slowly to and end, and are now milking their consumers for everything they're worth.


Originally posted by old.tRoG
In the case of EQ, they know their time is drawing slowly to and end, and are now milking their consumers for everything they're worth.

You don't think GOA realise DAoCs time is coming to an end? Probably the main reason they also decided to take on Ryzom was because they knew by the time the next MMORPGs come out, DAoC will have run its course and they'll already have their next project ready for release.


The daoc playerbase is slowly slipping away (as is the eq one), which is a shame, really.

Unless a shedload of people come to the market there'll be heaps of tiny mmorpgs, which kind of chnages the whole meaning of the 'massivley multiplyer' bit.



Maybe GOA will offer some sort of discount for DAOC players that want to try Ryzom, that way they could keep the business and maybe transfer the player base from one game to another.

For all I know there may be a resurgance in the game but I recently payed for another months sub in Hib/Pryd and it seemed to me that there's a lot more people have left for other games than new faces have joined.


Unless Ryzom sucks :D

If WoW/DE have some good customer support and update often, then the other mmorpgs are knackered ;)

In my opinion.


Originally posted by old.tRoG
If WoW/DE have some good customer support and update often, then the other mmorpgs are knackered ;)

In my opinion.

And your opinion is a Scottish one, after all :D


Hence, a very good one. To be respected.

*Or else I'll ram my caber so far up your arse you'll be eating woodshavings for breakfast, lunch and dinner*


Originally posted by old.tRoG
I'll ram my caber so far up your arse you'll be eating woodshavings for breakfast, lunch and dinner

You gonna toss that caber first or would I need to do it after each meal? :eek7:


On-Topic! Stay on topic! There may be some poor soul who would like to further this conversation.

But, in case not:

"I throw the caber while it's rammed up your arse."


Well I'm not sure how they will keep the games going, after a while it won't be profitable to keep several games running when it's clear one makes a lot more money than others.

Maybe Everquest will get cancelled once Everquest 2 is in full flow.
Maybe DAoC-Europe will when GOA get Ryzom going.

What has happened with the original Asherons Call now Asherons Call 2 is out?

I've not really kept up to date as I never really payed much attention to either game.

*removes caber*


Well, they both suck arse, so should shut down soon.



Im putting my hopes on WoW or EQ 2 atm, since SWG was a major let down! But I think I hope most on WoW after all becaus I dont like SOE at all. But Blizzard on the other hand is one of the best gameing companies that is in existance to day :)

So WoW i just say WoW to :)

And I dont toss cabers im just a Swede lol


Okey I had never heard about Ryzom until today and well what to say.. I did look at the teasers and to say the least they did give me a chill. The design in that game is marvilous, wounderful, if not even the best and most original I have seen in ages!

Thanks for letting me know about it :)


its a shame though that 90% of the ryzom player base is french.
but i guess its too early to decide anything about that since they havent even started the first english beta


Let's get serious and answer this munkeynutter. (Almost serious...)

I really love MMPORG games, but what about the companies behind them?
(First little nitpick to pick about. I wouldn't say GOA is behind any MMORPG as you start off later on but let's see further along.)

They are starting to get more and more like the music industry, the expect people to still spend there money even if they dont get anything that is worth them!

(You buy music you don't like? Damn man. Well i guess you got more serious issues then the cost of CD's or how to get them.)

Since this is a DAoC message board I think I will start with GOA, what is really up with thouse guys?

(Stupid question deserves a stupid answer. They are ze french poodle.)

Why are there for an example no COOP Server yet, I want that server and I would start playing again right away if there was one!

(You don't play the game and you want stuff in it? Isn't that a bit like saying "I want a cupholder in this ferrari i will never buy!". Silly liberal. You are arn't you?)

I also know a lot of people that would do the same. Well do I need to mention the customer support? Well I did not think so.

(And you still did mention customer support! Amazing how cunning these liberals can get when given a proper chance. Seems that you would know alot about the customer support these days since you don't play and only see the complaints made by 5day trialist marathoners that play the game with their daddys Creditcard.)

Take another MMPORG game namely EverQuest, the everlasting expansion quest for more money that SOE have.

(Sidenote. Only liberal -paleontologists- play this game. He knows it. Must be. Atleast liberal for sure.)

What do they think? That people are willing to that kind of money for playing a game? I know I do pay them, and that is sad, becaus it's not worth it at all.

(Ha! Knew it! "Oh boohoo...i don't want to pay...here's 50$". You're a real tough cookie to break. What did they do? Threaten to take away your Metalearring of Righteousness?

EverQuest have been falling down the drain, they have expanded the game out of proportions, the gameing world is to large and the numbers of players per server is all to small.

(So...people have left the game to play something else. The world is too large and it has too much in it? First time i've heard anyone complain about a game being too wide, complex and...oh forget this...even some things don't even need to be explained.)

Well maybe I should stop here before even mention the biggest dissepointment of all MMPORG's Star Wars Galaxies!

(No. Please continue. I'm still slighty awake and an intelligent whine with cheese about SW:G might help me fall asleep. If the game is boring, then this should be solid sleep medicine.)

That subject can wait until another day,

(DAmn....you liberal paleontologist!)

becaus I could write an entire essay on things that are horrible wrong with that game! Ofcourse there are more things that are wrong with both DAoC and EQ that I did not mention, but it would take up to much space to post even a tip of the iceberg here :)

(I don't know if you even mentioned one thing that was wrong in DAoC and you only mentioned the servers being empty in EQ. That's as much as any 5 year old kid fresh from kindergarden can write. If that's the tip of your iceberg then watch out for those titanics, they'll run you through!)

And I dont want to rant that much!

(Or even post something that actually has any other meaning then "Hiss boo! Goa bad!" because you could have just posted that and would've saved everyone a whole lot of time and space.)

Roo Stercogburn

A Euro cooperative server would go the same was as the PvP.

However, a cooperative PVP server where say peeps could fight on the frontier against anyone from any realm, yet they could move around freelly and safely within the 3 home realms would attract a lot of players. Its about variation as much as anything. PvE can be fun, but sometimes you just wanna beat the crap out of people :D


For many players they've missed the boat as long standing players are unlikely to start levelling up a new char to 50 for it, so it depends on newer players to a large degree. The best time to launch a cooperative PvP server would probably be the same time as ToA becomes available in Europe.


Get a proper bloody server, double the zones in each realm, copy all EU characters onto said server, have language packs for clients rather than server side and let everyone go anywhere.

Damned straight.


Originally posted by old.Kerosene
Get a proper bloody server, double the zones in each realm, copy all EU characters onto said server, have language packs for clients rather than server side and let everyone go anywhere.

Damned straight.

Wooot! 5k zergs in emain! I wonder how many minutes it would stay up. Or how low my FPS could get. Great idea from a great thinker.

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