Whats the highes level mob a hunter can charm?



highest mob u can ever charm is lv 41 (u have to be lv50 and have the last insect(lv35)/animal(lv32) spell)

+beastcraft gives nothing as far i know


80% of your level iirc, and bonus in beastcraft dosen't give extra.
You need the last charm spell though for that, cause there are limits to the mobs you can charm with the spells.


i think hunters should be able to charm higher lvl mobs . a minstral unless im totaly wrong can charm mobs that are lvl 58 "been capped" although i have seen screenshot of a mins with a lvl 60 pet :p


Hunters charm is permanent, Minstrels (and Mentalists) 'pulses' and if the pulse fails (as it often does :( ) the mob turns on you and chews you up. For lvl60 pets, this is very, very bad news. Also Minstrels charm uses power, and they can't do any of their other tricks when the charm is running 'cos they are playing their flute. Hunters charm pets, and its theirs until either it or they die.


WRONG! they changed the flute thing last patch. You can now fight while still using a pet


Originally posted by old.¥ØÐÄ
i think hunters should be able to charm higher lvl mobs . a minstral unless im totaly wrong can charm mobs that are lvl 58 "been capped" although i have seen screenshot of a mins with a lvl 60 pet :p

Well that would be an improvement of a midgard class and that is not even thinkable :) :D


Your right , i think they will sooner make it so the minstrel can charm the dragon, than actualy make our pets usefull, most of the time its hard as well just to get a semi decent blue con pet, but mostly it will con green , and be of as much use as a plastic spoon in a fight


i can charm yellows no problem, but orange risist to much, i only use charm sapringly when in trouble to get aggro of me. We can ONLY fight with a pet and charm but we cant play any songs.


Originally posted by old.¥ØÐÄ
i think hunters should be able to charm higher lvl mobs . a minstral unless im totaly wrong can charm mobs that are lvl 58 "been capped" although i have seen screenshot of a mins with a lvl 60 pet :p

Oh if you want our minstrel charm dont forget you cant stealth with your new pet or have it completely under your control and it will attack you when you least want it too...


hehehehehe yeah stealthing with a pet is bliss , seing a mob walk behind "no one " is surely not a give away hehehehehe
Might aswell have someone run behind me, holding a sign saying " stealther here beware "

Ofcourse I can just have it sit there next to me, if in case I get attacked by an infil..but as it fights like a pet bunny rabbit , its not worth the hazzel..when did you last see a hunter use a pet.. maybe except for trying to line up an aoe attack ?
( get aoe peopel ready , release pet , fire )

Minstrels are atleast able to kill someone with there pet , a hunter is happy as hell if his pet annoys his target in RvR

Only time a pet is semi usefull to me is if im solo lvl'ing


Couldnt think of a senario where a huntes pet is of any use.... The only reason its of any use to a minstrel is because of the stun you have...

E.g. you let your pet attack, you stun your target, add some DD's and let your pet do the rest...

Although a level 54 frost stalion hurts... And if you have instruments at 50 and then some adds through items + realm levels... then it wont resist a lot...

Too bad it doesnt work that way for hunters... :p then again, I'm a alb so, who carez :clap:


Originally posted by old.chesnor
Hunters charm is permanent, Minstrels (and Mentalists) 'pulses' and if the pulse fails (as it often does :( ) the mob turns on you and chews you up. For lvl60 pets, this is very, very bad news. Also Minstrels charm uses power, and they can't do any of their other tricks when the charm is running 'cos they are playing their flute. Hunters charm pets, and its theirs until either it or they die.
Mentalist charm uses power, minstrel charm is free (there's a small end cost to cast it initially, but no cost while it's running). As of 1.45 it's an insta cast spell requiring no instrument. Pulsing has it's ups and downs. On the upside if anyone mezzes you your pet will break mez on you (charm stops while mezzed, pet aggros you and breaks the mez). On the downside they resist at damn annoying times and you get xp death off a pet if it kills you. :p
Level 60 pets are not usable, even a high instruments spec minstrel would not normally use anything over 55. The highest I have successfully used was a level 52 templar in hadrian's wall (at level 48 with 44+4 instruments).


Thats still a hell of alot better than any pet a hunter gets


On very rare occacions i've killed solo armsmen, and paladins with my level 41 megafelid, but its the off chance that i can catch them alone, and far away from any help.

Goes like this, i hide the pet, then shoot at Thiralith, he immediately slams on engage and runs directly towards me, i start running away and call the pet to me, then orders the pet to attack him.

If Thiralith stops to fight my megafelid (which has a ton of hp), i stop and shoot at him while my megafelid "tanks" him. hopefully he will spend all his end on the cat (cause if he gets to me and slams me, im dead). If he doesnt kill it fairly quickly, i will kill him.

But if Thiralith continues to run after me (maybe even sprint after me), the cat will catch him anyway, and attacking from the back of him it will keep clawing off a little hp at a time.

The other usefull a hunter pet can do is follow a stealthed person, or person with loads of speed. once you have set the pet on a minstrel, the only salvation for him is running all the way to a friendly keep. (else you and your group can just follow your pet like a homing missile)

In return the hunter pet is a dead give away, unless you use grey con pets, an experienced enemy player will very easily spot a megafelid, or great lynx in an unusual place, which means having them close to you / availible for a fight, becomes a real liability. (and imagine See Hidden in effect)


Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen
The other usefull a hunter pet can do is follow a stealthed person, or person with loads of speed. once you have set the pet on a minstrel, the only salvation for him is running all the way to a friendly keep. (else you and your group can just follow your pet like a homing missile)
Actually I escaped a chanter pet by mezzing it then running halfway across the zone and relogging. Friendly keeps are hard to comeby in the gorge. :)


Another aspect of our pets, beyond their low level, in comparison to other pet classes is availability.

Basically in Emain your ideal pet would be a level 41 Megafield, at any one time you might be lucky to find ONE available, this in comparison to the camp after camp of grogans and loghery men scattered everywhere.

Things are a little bit better enroute to Odins Gate as Great Lynx's are a little more widespread, I suspect at any one time there may be 3-5 ideal (ie level 41) Lynx's available for charming in Jamtland mountains.

My opinion of beastcraft, leave it at spec 6 for the first speed burst spell, or a little higher if ya want to run for longer faster. All other spells are soo rarely used, it aint worth the points.


And bloodletters, daughters of medb, icestriders, isalfs, etc. etc.
Even so, Albion has some of the best pets... isolationst wizards, ellyll windchasers, templar priestesses...

old.Gombur Glodson

you all underestimate the true power of THE LOGHERY MAN!!!!!!!!!


I will swap you my lvl 58 pet (which, btw, requires 58 instruments to hold with any kind of reliability; not easy since sod-all has +instruments on it and there are no good spells in the specline after 44) for your lvl41 pet that never attacks you, and allows you to stealth while it's charmed.
Any day of the week.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
I will swap you my lvl 58 pet (which, btw, requires 58 instruments to hold with any kind of reliability; not easy since sod-all has +instruments on it and there are no good spells in the specline after 44) for your lvl41 pet that never attacks you, and allows you to stealth while it's charmed.
Any day of the week.

Well I would settle for the level 51-52 pet.
That would still be enough to severly hurt somebody.
A level 41 pet can hardly disrupt the spell casting :)

Most hunters would kill for an even con. pet (or close to even con.)


Yes, i'm sure they would, and i won't deny that atlvl50 i probably CAN charm lvl51-3ish mobs. Alright, fine.
"Hunters would give anything for a yellow pet" - no. Let's be accurate here. "Hunters would give anything for a yellow pet which doesn't stop them from stealthing, once charmed STAYS charmed, can be released with aggroing it, and does not in any way interfere with the rest of their classes' abilities"

Yeah, well guess what - so would i.


naa - I would live the the dangers for a yellow con pet.
Where I couldn't stealth, the dangeres of it breaking.
A yellow con pet at level 50 is very powerful and I would be willing to live with the dangers, as I am sure many other hunters would.


Yes as said before a pet and stealth just dont go together , it might be that we are able to stealth whilst we have a pet..but he hardly ever do ( 99.999999% of the times ) So I would take the yellow con pet anyday , a green con or low blue con pet is annnoying at best fighting in RvR , but mostly it just waste of space


Originally posted by thorungla
My opinion of beastcraft, leave it at spec 6 for the first speed burst spell, or a little higher if ya want to run for longer faster. All other spells are soo rarely used, it aint worth the points.
Comes from one who has had a really easy time exping or has forgotten how...
At these times getting a group for me is no idea unless its a guild one. When soloing the dex/qui buffs helps a big deal. A really big deal.


Yes probably true..but a shaman buff and your fine , when we get respecc im gonna get rid of my bc too i think , of no use anyway.
But then again i got 2 comps and 2 accounts , and my shaman is on the diff account so he can buff my hunter

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