whats the best snus you've tasted?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
I can't stand the loose shit. I can take the bags, and even those quite rarely. However, I find Mocca Mint portions great. Wonderful. They are in this pink metal case.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Skruf is my favourite, but I'm using alot of General and Ettan.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
old.Tohtori said:
What the f*ck is snus?
A quick Googly later, and we have the answer!. :D

From: http://www.swedish-snus.com/
Summary - Swedish Snus

Swedish Snus is a moist to semi-moist, ground, oral tobacco product which is used behind the upper lip. Swedish Snus exists in two packaging formats, loose Snus and portion packed Snus. Both forms exist in different flavour varieties. Swedish Snus is made from selected, mainly air-cured tobaccos, water, salt and flavour additives. Swedish Snus is pasteurised in a proprietary heat treatment process which satisfies the Swedish food requirements.
Swedish Snus has a 150 year tradition in Sweden.

1.What is Swedish snus?

Swedish snus is a ground tobacco product dating from the late 1700s. Even at that time, Swedish snus, which is used orally, was distinctive from the nasal snuff products used in many other countries.

Swedish snus contains three main ingredients: selected tobaccos, water and salt. Flavor additives are also used. It is moist for easy use.

Swedish snus is heat-treated in a process closely related to pasteurization. This process ensures that microorganisms are neutralized, and that the snus stays fresh longer.

In Sweden, snus is regulated as a food product. Sanitation requirements in Swedish snus factories are the same as those used in food production. All additives are approved as food additives.

2.What makes Swedish snus special?

Raw material selection
We set tough standards for the tobacco used in our snus. The tobacco undergoes several stages of rigorous analysis to ensure that it meets standards.

The manufacture of Swedish snus involves a process called heat-sweating, which makes Swedish snus unique in the world. All production follows strict procedural and hygienic standards.

Food standards
Swedish snus is regulated as a food product in Sweden. Production and additive standards are the same as those for food products.

Scientific documentation
Several recent, independent scientific studies have been published regarding the health effects of Swedish snus. The Swedish Board of Health and Welfare summarized this research in its 1997 report Health Risks of Snus, which states "[t]he health risks of snus are with great probability less than the risks that are associated with smoking." (Ahlbom, A.; Olsson, U.A.; Pershagen, G. Hälsorisker med snus. Socialstyrelsen: SoS-rapport 1997:11)

The Scientist, Volume 17 | Issue 6 | 22 | Mar. 24, 2003 (The Scientist is an international news magazine)
"The new, so-called harm-reduction products are getting mixed reactions from public health officials. These can include "safer" cigarettes, novel nicotine products, and smokeless tobacco, such as low nitrosamine Snus from Sweden. "Snus is the most interesting harm-reduction story in the world," says Kenneth Warner, director, University of Michigan Tobacco Research Network. Perhaps because of its low cost compared to cigarettes, almost 30% of Swedish men use Snus. "The Swedish government has studied this stuff to death, and to date, there is no compelling evidence that it has any adverse health consequences. ... Whatever they eventually find out, it is dramatically less dangerous than smoking," says Warner."

University of Minnesota Cancer Center
"Smokeless Tobacco Study: Alternative Nicotine Treatment Systems (ANTS)
This study examines the health effects of Swedish Snus and the nicotine patch. Snus is a Swedish smokeless tobacco product that contains less nitrosamines (cancer causing agents) than traditional American smokeless tobacco. The nicotine patch is a transdermal nicotine delivery system used to quit tobacco use."

Wall Street Journal Volume 34, 2001
"In week 34 of 2001 Wall Street Journal published an article about a laboratory test on tobacco snuff carried out by the health authorities in Massachusetts. Massachusetts is the state which have been working hardest to implement the toughest regulations against tobacco. What happen in this state is carefully monitored by federal authorities and the tobacco industry. In the examination the existence of carcinogenic nitrosamine substances were compared among five US brands together with the Swedish brand "Ettan snus". The result showed that Ettan snus scored lowest amount of carcinogenic nitrosamine substances, containing 2.8 per mil of weight, compared with 127.9 per mil of weight for the worst US brand. According to laboratory experiment on rats, nitrosamine substances have developed tumours. But to get the amount of nitrosamine substances that the rats were given, a man has to consume 1654 lb. - 750 kg (the weight of a small car) of the Swedish Ettan snus per day."

3.How is Swedish snus produced?

Swedish snus is made from high quality tobacco, specially selected for the lowest possible levels of undesirable components. Swedish Match experiments with cultivation in different countries to achieve the best possible raw tobacco. Important characteristics such as processing flexability and taste vary depending on seed type, growth location, climate, leaf position on the plant and curing conditions.

Swedish snus production involves three main steps: grinding, processing and packaging. First, the tobacco leaves are pulverized. Particle size varies according to the brand. A blend contains between 10 and 30 different grades of tobacco.

Next, the tobacco is mixed with water and salt. It then undergoes heat treatment. Afterwards, it is chilled and flavor is added.

Finally, the snus is packaged in loose (loose snus) or pouch (portion snus) form in cans.

4.How much Swedish snus is consumed?

Swedish snus is consumed mainly in Scandinavia. In Sweden, total consumption was 6200 tons in year 2000. One hundred sixty-seven million cans were consumed, of which 75 million (45%) were portion snus.

Approximately 1,000,000 people in Sweden use snus - 90% are men and 10% are women. Approximately 22% of the adult male population uses Swedish snus.

5.What are the ingredients in Swedish snus?

Swedish snus consists of ground tobacco, water, salt and additives. In Sweden, snus is regulated under the Food Act. All additives are approved for use in food. Swedish snus contains the following additives:

Salt, which adds taste and acts as a preservative
Sodium carbonate, which is converted into bicarbonate
Food approved humectants, which preserve moisture
Flavor additives, which give each brand its unique character

6. Shelf Life

How to keep Snus fresh
The shelf life of Swedish Snus depends on a number of factors i.a. the water content. A lower moisture level results in a longer shelf life. Moist Snus has a limited shelf life and should not be kept in room temperature for more that a couple of weeks. Dry portion packs, however, do not have this limitation.

The general recommendation is to keep moist Snus refrigerated. The Snus will then be very stable and can be kept for several weeks.

To keep Snus for a longer period it should be frozen and you can keep it for at least a year. To avoid frozen Snus from drying out you should freeze it in a freezing bag. Thawing of Snus in cardboard cans should be done in a refrigerat, thus eliminating the condensation water to dissolve the glue in the can. Plastic cans are not sensitive to external moisture and can be thawed in room temperature.

Storage changes
Changes that might occur when Snus is stored for some time include changes that are typical for many foodstuffs.
- Drying out, i.e. evaporation of water.
- Flavour changes due to ageing phenomena.
- Growth of micro-organisms such as bacteria or mould.

Drying affects all products with a high water content and is prevented with a water tight package. Snus has a fairly high water content, normally between 50 - 60 %. Thus, a minor loss of water does not affect the consistency very much. In Sweden, loose Snus is packed in a paraffin coated cardboard can, which under normal distribution conditions is good enough to keep the moisture. Moist pouch products are more sensitive to drying and are therefore packed in the tighter plastic cans.

Flavour changes result in deterioration of taste and aroma characteristics of the product. The Snus might get a stale aroma and taste. These changes are caused by reactions with oxygen from the air, reactions which are very dependent on temperature. We recommend always to keep Snus refrigerated for any longer periods.

Shelf life problems due to growth of micro-organisms are rare. The pasteurisation process during manufacturing normally denatures the natural microflora originating from the tobacco. However, as with pasteurised milk, the pasteurisation process will not render the Snus completely sterile. Under warm storing conditions there remains a small risk of bacteria growth. We have, however, never found any pathogenic bacteria in Snus.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Thanks Jaem, it's that crap people shove up their mouth and leave it around the bar.


Bloody awful shit.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Thorwyn[B&Q] said:
"s" is located next to "a" on my keyboard btw.


i was just going to say that the thread starter prolly made a typo


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
I liked both Happydays and MicksMint, both tasted of mint and then there was the old bucket of Stjärnsnus, it was horrible but the strongest one out there. Made a old friends girlfriend so dizzy we had to get her home by putting her in a shoppingcar and push her home. :D

These days I alternate between, Ettan, Prima Fint and Röda Lacket. Too many good old brands are goners so can't use them anymore. :eek6:


Snus for Life :clap:


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
If your gonna put shite up your nose u may aswell put the old bolivian marching powder up it.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
so is snus better for u than actual smoking? sounds cool tbh, i wanna try it :(


Loyal Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Honestly you girls, you say that your favourite is skruff, mocca and catch. Thats not snus.. Girls and homos snusar that :)
General/grov/ettan is the only real thing.. live and learn! Im very dissappointed at some of you swedes.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
Marc said:
If your gonna put shite up your nose u may aswell put the old bolivian marching powder up it.
I think you eat it, this Snus stuff, dunno why you'd wanna eat it tho, tastes yuk when you get abit in your mouth from a rolly.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Jaem- said:
I think you eat it, this Snus stuff, dunno why you'd wanna eat it tho, tastes yuk when you get abit in your mouth from a rolly.

well im guessing its a bit like the tobacco you chew then take out and put in the bin (hence the complaint that people leave it in bars :p)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Grov, for real men. Or something.

General: Tastes French.

Ettan: 90% salt.

Skruf/Mocca etc: Kidding right ? :)


Loyal Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Otto said:
Grov, for real men. Or something.

General: Tastes French.

Ettan: 90% salt.

Skruf/Mocca etc: Kidding right ? :)

They must be kiddin with skruf/mocca. General and Grov is the only option if you wanna snus!


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I used Skruf for a month, but I'm using General atm.

I don't find a difference between Skruf and General tbh.

And let the guys snus whatever they want, it's not like you're more man-like for using a different tobacco product than what you are.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 27, 2004
Jaem- said:
I think you eat it, this Snus stuff, dunno why you'd wanna eat it tho, tastes yuk when you get abit in your mouth from a rolly.

You put a lump up inside your mouth between lip and gum like this guy, you dont actually chew it


it absorbs into the body thru soft mebrane etc, it can be way way stronger than smoking (buzz wise) increasing the risk of oral cancer and can burn a hole thru ur gum apparently.

I used it while i was in the states and it can be nice but takes some getting used to, I just dribbled everywhwere :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 3, 2005
sounds like snuff to me, my grandad used to have a snuffbox where he inhaled the baccy thru his nose :p not a pleasant pastime.


Loyal Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Kinag said:
I used Skruf for a month, but I'm using General atm.

I don't find a difference between Skruf and General tbh.

And let the guys snus whatever they want, it's not like you're more man-like for using a different tobacco product than what you are.

Snus shows what kinda man you are.
Diffrence between general and skruff? dont you notice the diffrence?!
lol dude. Skruff is like for children under 10, you can buy skruff in a candy-store..


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
So i saw this guy in a bar right?
He was sitting with this girl, real tight.
He takes a jar from his vest pocket,
takes out some doo and starts to suck it.

The chick looks like she's going mental,
like the fat guy gets at the car rental.
"Jim, damnit, stop using that shit!"
"Chill girl, come on, take a hit..."

The girl ain't laughing, she bolts out.
The guy don't seem to care about.
I see my chance and chase the gal,
get real slick and become her pal.

"Oh i know, men are really so pigs."
Gotta hold it in, damn what tits!
All ends well and i get hooked up.
So snus guys, lemme buy you a cup!

*word out*

Habby weekend all, Seel goes get some.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Arilinn said:
Snus shows what kinda man you are.
Diffrence between general and skruff? dont you notice the diffrence?!
lol dude. Skruff is like for children under 10, you can buy skruff in a candy-store..

That's the biggest piece of shit I've ever read tbh.

It's all a matter of taste, perhaps you don't like the taste of general and prefer Skruff?

I myself use general most of the time, but saying that your snus brand shows what kind of a man you are is just so foolish to say.

What makes you a man is how you are as a person, not what brand you smoke or use to stuff under you lip.


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 30, 2004

you dont eat it, or put it up ur noses u tits:p read properly

u place it under ur top lip and basically leave it there and suck sort of:)
yes its wierd, but its a better habit than getting cancer and tar infested lungs or breathing smoke in peoples faces. Much better solution imo


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Each too their own guys ... each too their own :p
If this floats some peoples boat then thats up to them.
Er.... regardless of flavour.

Me, I prefer lighting the end of my tobacco and sucking the smoke in via a paper tube.

However as a youth I did experiment with "other" substances and found them fairly pleasant tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Mojo said:
You put a lump up inside your mouth between lip and gum like this guy, you dont actually chew it


it absorbs into the body thru soft mebrane etc, it can be way way stronger than smoking (buzz wise) increasing the risk of oral cancer and can burn a hole thru ur gum apparently.

I used it while i was in the states and it can be nice but takes some getting used to, I just dribbled everywhwere :)

actually noone has been able to proove that snus increases the risk of getting cancer, just retarded smokers that get that shit ^_~


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
meh snuff never really did anything for me .. i honestly dont see the attraction of tobacco in general.. green any day


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Darksword said:
so is snus better for u than actual smoking? sounds cool tbh, i wanna try it :(

well. yeah, in a way it is. theres no PROOVEN negative effects with snus that it is with smoking. like u wont get cancer of it. but it is WAY more addictive. quit smoking is a walk in the park compared to quitting that shit, i know ive tried... :)

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