Whats the best sniper class for RvR?



Im interested in alting a sniper. So to all the high level snipers out there, who owns? who gimps?


the scout has the best range and damage due to longbow I think, rather long drawing times though


My lvl40 scout shoots lvl50's for ~250dmg non-critical, drawtime sucks tho its true. *cough* hurry up Ody! *cough*


I'm pretty sure I read that scout has best range and ranger has best damage, and hunters, well - we just suck.


Yellow hunters kill me

Yellow scouts dont

Stop complaining about hunters


I don't know about range, but scouts outdamage rangers easily.


imo scouts are best .

they got better dmge/range
also able to spec in sheild "stun"

only thing i think rangers have that makes them good is speed buff for escaping after a kill .

yea the draw times maybe slower but if the sniper picks a good snipe spot the enemy will be dead before they are spotted easy , its amzinf the amount of people who get critted then run in circles looking for the sniper . instead of using face/engage "if they can spec shield that is" which is alo another good thing about scouts cos they can engage also .



IMO it has to be a ranger , nice quick draw speed (3secs for crit with my glimmer bow) and good ranger although not as good as a scouts range

I also have to agree with niljindil , u cant really complain about hunters when a lvl 50 hunter can kill me in 3 shots and it takes me
4 shots to kill a lvl 50 hunter :( .


From a shield tanks point of view Scout with slam could be annoying. Hunters are free game level doesn't matter. Rangers I let mind their own business.


xero stop camping apk or i'll be coming for u over and over again :cool:


depends if you're counting on not being seen or not

luri ranger if u rekon u can stay hidden from ppl - they hit hardest and longest range - also nice and small so hard to see etc.
BUT, they die v.easily - i mean on my scout i can kill a luri ranger in 2 shots (assuming crit, then one normal). Where as a scout gets killed by a luri in 3 shots - BUT has shield spec ability (spec 7 in shield = engage) so with engage u just block all his arrows after the first crit >_<

Hunter is the overpowered big bro of archers - cross between a scout and luri in terms of damage and range - but again very weak like the luri - with 2 shots useually killing - but he gets a pet so if u shoot him and it goes horribly wrong, pets come after u even if ur stealthed (bug?).

of course luris get insta-temp-speed buff and self buffs, and hunters get pets and some dodgy spells (i duno cuz IMO i hate all midgard chars except skalds) - whereas scout gets no spells at all, has no power whatsoever - but that all important shield spec saves ur ass a lot against other archers ;D - (of course u also get shield stun abilities should you spec so, which helps when getting away from a tank ...)



Originally posted by Ninjastyle
xero stop camping apk or i'll be coming for u over and over again :cool:

you know you love it mate ,

what do you mean you come for me , i killed you more than you have killed me ;)

And if you do get me , you know i'll be right back ready to put more arrows in you , you seem to go down easyly enough :p


ROFL this thread is so full of bullshit I dont even bother saying anything positive ^^


Originally posted by old.Niljindil
Yellow hunters kill me

Yellow scouts dont

Stop complaining about hunters

Sounds like a challenge ;)

Lets see if my Green scout can kill u..


A Scout's shield stun is very effective, especially the longer duration version if attacked first by a melee class i.e. stun your opponant move back fire arrow then engage. This is causing me a few problems atm.

Hunters get pets which can be an advantage in certain cases when soloing.

Rangers get dual wield so will do more damage in combat.

I would expect you could have fun with any of these classes if Stealth and Bow skill are both maxed.

My own preference if I was just starting out would probably be a Scout.


Rangers get dual wield so will do more damage in combat.

in the 20-24 bg yesterday my li'l 21 kobby huntress killed an orange luri ranger in melee (i didnt get the chance to use a bow because we were both stealthed and i saw him only just before he saw me). By the time he died i still had 1/10 hp left ;P

viva la spear!


I trust completely on my bow/stealth and shield skills. If you kill me in melee its because i made a bad judgement call. My scout wasn't born to melee, it was born to rule you all.


I think Rangers rule over Scouts,

cause : from lvl35-40 i one shoted 5 yellow scouts :clap:

so in my poitn of view, rangers are the best snipers !!!

btw i'm a celt ranger (no Luri) with a crafted *by Merbos bow


Well it sure as hell aint a hunter thats for sure^^

The scout is the best goddamn class in DAoC

#1. Longest range.
#2. Hardest hitting bows.
#3. Engage
#4. Slam

Scouts shoot kinda slow, but with a crafted Hunting bow u shoot alot faster than with the longbow.

a scout with like 45 bow, 42 shield, 35 stealth and the rest in Slash is teh best.

I play a hunter, fortunally i got good buffs so it makes up for the lack of :

#1 Shortest Range
#2 Lowest Damage

I got 2.4 drawtime on my normal shots, 2.9 on my crit, meaning i can shoot multipile crits on the same target etc... Mages stand no chance against me as i shoot to damn fast.
I cant do shit against tanks tho...

Hunters also have good damage with spear, and most assassins will die to it becuase its slash spear, and slash > leather

Rangers are medium range, medium damage and medium melee...
But lurikeens are so goddamn small that they get a advantage because of that, you can shoot from inside gravestones for example, ur hard to spot which means u can get away after a kill etc...

Dunno why Eleasias and co are celts tho... it makes them better in Melee sure, but 10000 times easier to spot..

Sharp Thing

think hes celt so he can hit harder, i remember kull one-shotting me and nolby "only" taking 60% away with a crit shot. i gues same goes for rangers


kull has a much slower bow than me

id like to have it to have bigger crits, but i dont

i shoot harder and faster than him cuz my dex and quick is higher, luris shoot harder and faster than celts
its all abotu da b0w and mine has crappy crit shots


- but again very weak like the luri - with 2 shots useually killing - but he gets a pet so if u shoot him and it goes horribly wrong, pets come after u even if ur stealthed (bug?).

1150 hp = weak ? ahh nm Im a fatty...

Pet's hunting you even thou your stealthed IS a bug, I thought that was getting fixed in this patch =/...
oh and btw our pet's are only good for:
a) Ganking greycons when your bored
b) Remove BT, Interupt spells/shots and case alittle chaose.
c) Draw Mob and Guard agro

btw Xero dont run unstealthed in Odins... you never know when the Fatty with the big stick will destealth ;)


Anyway the best archers is the 1 that fits your playstyle the best...


well scouts must have the weekest armor of all snipers, i caped twice one a yellow ,at 39 that was 728=one shot kill

+i hitted for the same amount of dmg with none crit...

must meen that scouts have best range and dmg but weekest armor, in my eyes...

...scouts are my favourite target and nothing will change that...

after them come the minstrells, but ...

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