Whats the best Duo?


Madonion Slicer

Ok my girlfreind wants to play DAOC so i decied to get another copy of the game and run another account, now she will probably only play when i am playing i thought it best to create new characters.

Now i think one of the easiest to play is either an Armsmen or a Wizard, but i know she will get bored of hack and slash so i will advise her to go for a Ice or Fire, or maybe an Earth not many of them about.

So my question is what best compliments a Wizard? how is a Wizard best to team up with?

I have never been a cleric or minstrel, so i was think one of them

Wizard and Cleric or Wizard and Minstrel

What do you think?


i play with my gf alot just the two of us she plays a pally and i play my friar very good 2 person group as long as ya make sure the friar doesent get aggro for 2 long you can both fight when the pally needs healing you drop out and heal this tactic we can do reds/oranges with V little downtime :)

not many earth wizzys couse there kinda really just buffers and bolters, they only have 1 dd thats not too great there bolts own (no good in groups, but great in rvr) and there lava sheild is nice especailly if you get it high lvl a hi spec earth wizzy rivals theurgys for pwr lvling noobs :) hi lava sheild means they dont even have to be able to hit the mob the lava sheild kills it for them :)thing is lvling an earth is hard. fire is most common due to its insane dmg but imo wizys earth,fire and ice grow old its just NUKE NUKE NUKE NUKE melee is far more fun you have to watch the fight more to pull of parry moves/ evade moves chain attacks etc

Madonion Slicer

That nice Zold, is she well into the game?

I know that she will want to play a magic character, but i know your going to say a cleric(friar) and pala are magic but i can see becoming bored, where a Wiz or Threug even i found to be fun, my fire wiz is excellent fun still, and see has played him and enjoyed the powers and damage and there is not alot to them click on the enemy hit bolt then dd, dd, dd.

So was thinking if i was a mistrel i can help out alot and do all the difficult parts like mez and tank and i also have a heal and mana recharge, and speed i can do all that and she probably wont even notice.

Will do a highlander minstrel and use slash so my tanking skills are up there so i keep Music and Slash top, not point bothering with stealth as it is only useful in RVR, and we will never get that far before the game bored her.

So what i am saying is her account will be around max 2months, so i reckon a Wizard will give her the best fun, effects and wow factor out of all the characters, and then i can minstrel and back here up with what ever she needs, Tank, Heal, Mana, Mez, Speed.


His missus is in our guild and we prefere her to him! (;D)

Personally, I'd go for a minstrel/theurgist combo.

She can spam lil pets and you (when you get it) and play power song until your hearts content ...

Oh, and if she does play a theurg I think I have some low lvl stuff on mine (which i don't use) that she can have.


Oh, and my alt minstrel is Highlander/Slash ... seems ok, but then again it's only lvl 6 ...

I think the Highlander/Slash would only really be of great benefit in RvR, although I could be wrong (usually am).

Madonion Slicer


Thanks buddy you are one helpful guy you know that. Thinking about it the Thug is probably best, them pets keep us from doing any work.

Now not know much about them whats the difference and better choice for only PvE and only upto around lvl30 ice, earth and air??

Thanks guys, and pfy when it all goes ahead i contact you cheers bud.

Order it this morning for 17.99 hope it will be here at the weekend.

Madonion Slicer

I know what will happen after a month or so she will grow tired of it and will leave it for a few months then maybe come back to it, which i dont mind it is nice to get her intrested in games, she normally never goes near them.

I think the highlander and slash will be excellent, being that stealth is going to be so gimped it worthless specing in it and besides them Minstrel never mind see one unstealth you got to catch it next bugger next as it runs like 10x faster.

But yeah i have always wanted to role a minstrel, i almost did but made a scout instead, but now i reckon me and the girl will make a good team, wonder if the names His and Hers are already used:D


Never really looked into which 'spec' is best, although if the character isn't going to be used for RvR then i don't see any need to go the path of the PBT.

When messing with my Theurg I just put everything into Ice to try and see how big the beasties get ... quite big around lvl6/7 (You can tell I research my choices REALLY well ;D).

Oh, and on a side note, you do realise that you'll need to get matching outfits to be the perfect couple, don't you? ;D

Madonion Slicer

lol matching outfits, that has to be done.

Wonder if i can find other couples only need 4 couples and i can make a new guild <The Couples> or <The Love Boat>

<Mister and Misses>


Originally posted by laughingboy
lol matching outfits, that has to be done.

Wonder if i can find other couples only need 4 couples and i can make a new guild <The Couples> or <The Love Boat>

<Mister and Misses>

I think the 'Love Boat' sunk near Sepucoth :/

I quite like my Sorceror, but only due to the fact i can get little pets and pretend that they respond to the name Bertie.


earth theurgys are best tanks ice theurgys most dmgand airt theurgys have best control and RVR or not PBT is vital if ya hunting without a healer im going to be making a theurgy alt in not to distance future proberly going earth main with air as second (too many theurgys earth ice )

And yeah my gf plays all the time lol
watch out for seeaira the killa pala :)

lol and pfy as for outfits you seen me and seeaira recently ROFL


I play with my girlfriend alot, we created Merc and Paladin as original characters, not a great combo, so when we made alts we went for Minstrel/Scout. This works quite well for this simple reason that the minstrel can control the mobs quite well for the scout to shoot at. This principle would probably work as well for a Minstrel/Nuker. Three reasons why it works, Mez, Stun and Confuse. You can stun to allow the nuker/scout an extra shot or two before the mob reaches them. Obviously you can mez adds but the funniest tactic of all is confuse. The nuker/scout pulls the mob with the minstrel way up front, the mob passes the minstrel headed for the puller, as it get's halfway between the two of you, you wham it with confuse. It spends the remainder of its short life wandering back and forth between the two of you :)



you wait till you get the lvl 35 confuse.
*minstrel casts confuse*
*mob warps back to camp*
*mob returns with friends*

Edit: ought to make a constructive addition to the thread too...
If you can get a trio, a pair of wizards and a minstrel would be fantastic. A pair of scouts is a common sight but i dunno how good?


Absolutely best combo imo: Wizz (fire or ice NOT earth) and a earth theur. Me and my theur m8 turath hunted in snow through the 30's and we had no probs at all. Sure u get more exp at gobbos but that was much more fun and probably the best way to exp with only 2 ppl.

You can kill reds/easy purps with no problem but with a bit of down time. Or you can kill yellows with allmost no downtime at all.
Just let the theur pet the mobs and when the mob is at about 80% hp the wiz starts nuking. If a mob aint dead before the first pet dies and he aggro the theur, the theur only run in big circles around the wiz so the wiz can nuke the mob to death...very simple really :).


LOL you think that if she plays this game she will leave after 1 month?

I doubt it as soon as you play games like this and UO or any online rpg for that matter your social life gets binned. Until you hit lvl 50 and totally own at RvR i doubt you or you GF will leave.


Dunno how well off you are :p but consider having a high-damage class each, with a recovery char on a third account. This assumes one of you has a second comp.
Pair of mercs + cleric bot
Pair of wizzies + minstrel bot
pair of infiltrators + theurgist bot (would set you up nicely for some great duoing in RvR lately =p buffs and PBT would seriously help in PvE too tho infs are never going to make an uber-exping class)


Where do u find a gf who is interested in computer.games?

Im sick of horses, flowers, etc etc etc



ahh i got that too shes a horticulturist so works with flowers LOL


Just to let you know slash highlander minstrels are good - my level 43 is one. :D


I play with my gf to (hi steph :)). I'm a lvl 45 infiltrator and she's a lvl 47 minstrel.

For PVE it ain't all that great but it helps me to get into groups. PVE is not our favourite aspect of the game unless it's a DM/Lynn hunt but for that you'd need a group anyway to do the interesting mobs.

RVR is where this combo REALLY shines. We can both stealth. She mezzes the adds I just perf em one by one while she helps. Or when hunting archers we just speed unstealth'd around the spots they usually hide and with my detect hidden I spot em and uncover em with relative ease.

Madonion Slicer

Thanks for all the replys, went through the characters with her last night and she wants to make an Ice Threug, which is fine, when i used to have one soloing oranges was easy, and i think i am going to go for a Highlander Slash Minstrel speccing all in Music and Slash, i will do this til lvl10 and if a cleric is better suited i can always change.

Never made a minstrel so it adds something new to it for me too. I have plenty of PC's i build them for a living so i got that covered, i dont think she even knows that it cost £6 a month (£12 now) but i wont tell her i rather her just be interested in the game.


I can answer that

Originally posted by tilde
Where do u find a gf who is interested in computer.games?

Im sick of horses, flowers, etc etc etc


Since I am said gf of Talifer (and I should note usually higher level than he is :p hmm and also more addicted :rolleyes: )

One great place to look for a gf who likes computer games is in a computer game ;)

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