What's next after Corus?



Well I'm level 39 (Luri Champ) now - people tell me that you generally stop in Corus until level 40.

But what comes next? I'm fairly new to Hib so still dont really know my way around - the impression I get is that 40 is waaaay too low for Fins. So where do you group hunt from 40-45? - nobody wants to solo at 40+ and DF is hardly ever available to us.

I've seen posts on Hib/Excal where regular/nightly groups of the same people meet up for Bog and Sheeroe groups - are there any such things currently going on over here on Pryd that I'm not aware of and could possibly join?

Any advice would be welcomed.



well next step is Cursed forest if ur lucky=) but you should realy stay in the mines for abit longer. its daaaaamn hard to get grps in CF=)

trust me... i know!

i'm now lvl 41 Lurki ranger:p


Get a group, go kill bears in CF, kill Fuaths just outside Druim Ligen (watch out for invisible people xp killing you tho).

The best option I would think would be gather a group and go to innis... there you have a small valley full of far darrigs during the day then dullahans and Rhiannon Sidhes of a night... or even wander off into the bog of cullen, things of all levels in there, trouble is wondering just how *purple* the purple mobs are there... ask advice from friends or guild before tackling any purple mobs in the bog in a group, could be anything up to lvl 65+

Well there's a a few options anyway


there should be such a thing, but at present, no there is not.. however!! there is nothing to stop you from starting it up, just /send a few of your friends and make a goup and head to bog/sheeroe.. before you know it, everyone will be joining! No one likes cf, so many people when they find out others are there wil want to join any groups you may form..


39-43 was spent doing pookas in Lough Gur, brilliant XP.

Get in contact with Sortia, Maryl or Cuchuluhain and see if they are looking for any tanks, they are just slightly above your level, but, add yourself, and that is a very nice pooka group with Usp stunning them (Ranger, Druid and Enchanter).


Cursed Forest is the mouth of hell. Don't go there. Many travel in and never come back the same. Some completely vanish. Some become ill in the mind. Some become violent. Some change professions or give up their weary bodies to eternal rest. Others, like me, gain 75% of their last two levels from aggressive creatures while travelling to Emain. Don't go! I beg you! DONT ... DO ... IT! Sing it with me! Hell no! We won't go! Hell no! We won't go!


But seriously.


pbae at the start bits of sheeroe, lesser banshees in bog, greenbarks, blackwraiths..

don't kill single mobs

pookhas are probably the most boring xp you can get, and a full pbae group totally blows it away


there are other things in CF than fins u know , leprechauns , fomorian crenchers (sp?) and such that are lower level


Get a group of people similar lvl's to you.
Got to Allain Binn
Start pulling Savage Fishing Bears. ;)

They are about lvl 50ish and there are sentinals and guards at Allain Binn so just pull the mob back abit if you get a really tough one lol :D

Nobody hunts them there so the cam is good, and you can sell loot in Allain Binn plus the bog is way better than CF for fun ;)

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