Whats missing?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Ive seen hundreds of suggestions about the things missing in DAoC. Some the player base has asked for since day 1. So i thought Id try and put together a list of things I think need changing or implimenting...

1) Player transport. We can buy boats (daft it takes 2 to row but hey) but we cant afford a horse?!? Yeah we have skalds / bards / minstrels, but they are all sick of being called taxis. Player horses are somthing we have wanted for ages.

2) Crafting. We have a good variety of trades, but the system sucks. Try and fail repeat...mind knumbing. You can farm metal, wood, cloth and leather from mobs, but not wood from trees, or minerals from the ground, or indeed the mines in each realm..right. Alchemists and spellcrafters HAVE to buy from a merchant, but where does he get it from? Yes its floored to hell really, and now after all the hard work us crafters did, we get shafted by random objects that make our 99 hours played time gear look stupid. Revamp, much needed.

3) Better questing system? Currently you can get everything you need from Warcry or Alakhazam, theres no surprises. Talk to XXX run to XXX kill XXX rinse and repeat. These mobs dont even move for crying out loud. How anyone figured out what to do on some of these quests in the first place is beyond me, as the NCPs giving them out give so little information. How about some kind of random generator? Move the mob about too, every time its killed move the damn thing.

4) Make towns and cities more useful, these days housing is the place to be for everything except training. The cities and towns need purpose again. How about scrapping the housing zones, and putting housing where it should have been, near towns. In life thats how it works, as the human race tends to build its houses near towns and industry.

5) Coop server, nuff said (Euro only :p)

Well thats all I got for now, any other suggestions?


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
4. Catacombs kinda does this - it puts a teleporter ala djinn stone in the home city - and the main entrance to the Catacombs is in the home city. I've heard they've become a lot more active than previously. More can be done though I'm sure :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
About 2), Would be cool if they made it so it wasn't just sit down somewhere and press 1 button for like 70skills, change then repeat, what I'd most like to see is something changed about high end, to make it more worth while achieving as atm, the prices even on MP gear has dropped so low due to quest items, artifacts and named drops from high mobs in ToA. Only idea I've had is to add elemental arrows to high fletching. Maybe their could be unique skins for the armor crafted? a choice etc.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003


- At level 40 players can now buy their personal mounts from stablemasters. Thanks to the strong magic of our finest mages mounts can be stored in your backpack like boats do. All boat commands work for personal mounts as well. Personal mounts cannot be used in the frontier zones or dungeons.

It´s a double edged sword. Players must be able to equip their chars without having to rely on a crafter. On the other hand, the market for crafters has to remain intact. At the moment, the drop/craft ratio is - imo - pretty balanced. About the farming: I`m not a crafter, but I don´t really see a difference between farming money and buying the goods you need from merchants or farming the actual stuff.

Implementing a (bugfree) dynamic quest systems is HARD. And I mean... like... HARD! The missing ability to interact with NPC`s properly (you can´t ask them for hints or something) will always kinda reduce the actual "looking for the key mob" to a "run around and keep your eyes open". However, yes, quests SHOULD be solvable without looking them up on Warcry.


NO! :D

some points that came to my mind:

- More and interesting things to do/buy with your personal bountypoints. With character developement and equipment stretched to the limits, there is still room for developement. Buying interesting abilities, saviong bp´s for one-time effects or whatever. Just don´t let the bp´s be a random digit on your char screen.

- Secondary skills... nothing special, just to add some flavour and life to the chars, making them unique. Juggling, Playing an instrument (without running around like Speedy Gonzales), acrobatics... whatever. This is a RPG...people don´t have to use those skills but those who want should have the option.

- Events! More of them. Better ones. Not 50.000 purple cons overrunning Cornwall station, killing everybody. Interesting stuff... grab some volunteers and turn them into NPC´s.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
you do know the 1.74a notes that are going around are a hoax/joke/wishlist?


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Thorwyn[B&Q] said:
However, yes, quests SHOULD be solvable without looking them up on Warcry.
This bit at least is true for the catacombs quests - no warcry to look them up on ;) but at no point was I completely lost - always enough info in the journal.

- Events! More of them. Better ones. Not 50.000 purple cons overrunning Cornwall station, killing everybody. Interesting stuff... grab some volunteers and turn them into NPC´s.

/agree :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Indeed have to aggree with Fing here (lo how I hate myself) catacombs quests are nice and simple, some with some good effects (transformations into different monsters in order to infiltrate places) and story lines. Only once, due to my own stupidity, have I found a quest hard to follow, now hard to complete now thats a different matter.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 19, 2004
Why can't mobs drop materials so a crafter can make that unique item with those material. How can that drops are nicer and sometimes better then a crafter can make. I'm not interrested anymore to make a crafter there is no fun to do it. Its just that easy to buy a drop.

the order that are is needed.

1 very rare drops (and thats very rare)
2 crafters items ( and make them look unique to )

If a drop is rare material so a crafter can make me a good item then i will still do that quest/trail. I'm happy and the the crafter going to be happy again.

Transport is realy needed sometimes. So a horse to buy is very welcome.

Housing is a boring place and city's are ghost towns. like some zone's.
Why do we need catacombs if all other zone's going to die. Make the zone more fun to play again.


Fledgling Freddie
May 3, 2004
Neverever said:
Transport is realy needed sometimes. So a horse to buy is very welcome.

did u miss the horse routes that cover virtually the whole of albion (and the other realms)as it is - i dont think player horses are needed (would be a nice thing but not necessary)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Dalmar-Hume said:
did u miss the horse routes that cover virtually the whole of albion (and the other realms)as it is - i dont think player horses are needed (would be a nice thing but not necessary)

Try going to the Epic zone in Hib - closest stable is Innis Carthaig, nearest bindstone is Connla. Yes, not a massive inconvenience, but enough to put some people off. The horse routes are good, don't get me wrong, but there are some places that are further than necessary from the nearest bindstone/stable. This was just one example from one realm, i'm sure there's more.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 19, 2004
Same in albion. Some places are not coverd enough by a horse route.

Sure the horse route are ok .but sometimes its not enough. Some times you need to go back to 1 place to get to the place where you want to go. because the horse route doesn't go that way from that place. As a cleric i sometimes need to be at a place fast before the auto release pops in for that person. So a horse will help me a lot.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Not sure crafting can ever be made really fun - there's always going to be an element of monotony with any crafting system. Don't know about crafting in other games except UO where I had a gm smith, alchemist and miner. Don't remember it being much more interesting - was essentially the same process of action repetition, except for mining where you actually had to search around for spots to mine from (which then became exhausted before respawning).

As for horses, the main effect they would have would be if they were introduced in rvr - which would open up a whole new kettle of fish. Having said that, giving armsmen a new rr5 ability that involved having a horse and becoming a knight in shining armour would be pretty cool :D

Agree about quests not really working that well. Personally I would like to see quests be just that - a real quest which involves more challenge but higher rewards. Fewer, but more involved quests that gave significantly increased rewards would be the way to go in my book. By "more involved" I don't necessarily mean more steps, but more of a challenge or having to solve problems etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
1. Agree, although even with a horse some journeys take forever (Ft Veldon to Gna Faste anyone?)

2. Really what they need to do is make the crafted items more viable/useful.

3. Think catacombs introduces some sort of visible flag on NPC's that have quests available for you. Somethng that should have been done at release imo. While this doesn't make the actual quests any better, what it will do is show players where they can get quests so that instead of having to go to warcry etc to even find a quest (and then follow the walkthrough) they just pick it up and follow their journal? Either way it'll be a good thing.

4. Should expand this point to include all classic (and to varying degrees SI) zones. They are all pretty much deserted...again though they're planning to beef up the drops in these zones.

5. The problem with another special rules server is that most of the players that want to play it (in English) won't, because the other 80%+ of the server will be using foreign languages in broad chat. Imo any special rules servers need to be introduced in all 3 languages....but they won't do that cos it'll mean more translation work. Either way...any talk about adding servers is a bit out of place when players are leaving the game in droves (whether or not they stay away or return).

Also, something should be done about the Epic suits. These are so out of date its stupid...I mean...Level 50 epic rewards and there most used by 40+ players as levelling suits /sigh


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Thorwyn[B&Q] said:
I`m not a crafter, but I don´t really see a difference between farming money and buying the goods you need from merchants or farming the actual stuff.
Im talking farming the materials, as an AC, Fletcher, WC or tailor, i can farm materials from salvaging drops easily. However SCer and Aclhys cant. The monotony of getting the cash, then spending it on and NPC is boring enough, so why not get items from the same method as other crafters.

Alternatively, introduce like Ryzom and other games a /forage and /dig system, as part of the SC and Alchemy trade skill.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 2, 2004
Quetz said:
Also, something should be done about the Epic suits. These are so out of date its stupid...I mean...Level 50 epic rewards and there most used by 40+ players as levelling suits /sigh

Yes Epic armour really needs an overhaul, you hardly ever see it due to the armour we get from toa with all the +melee/ +stat buff etc.

I remember when I finally got my epic on my first char, it felt as though something was achieved and felt good. Now my last 2 chars never even seen Cursed Forest (where most epic armour quests finish in hib)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
every RPG went wrong when certain mobs drop the "special" thing you are after...
it should be completely random what mob has what stashed in their treasure imo, would be much funnier if zones had nothing to do with it, only mob levels.
this also goes for artefacts, several different mobs dropping them but mob level based.
More choices in weapons of all kinds, for example sword users must choose between Battler, Legendary or ML10 sword, maybe one or two more perhaps.
doesent really feel like we have a real choice when u got 3-5 options and 99% of the others u meet use the same stuff.
this goes for all equipment actually.

more skins and more attractive skins would be nice, crafters able to for example pick between 3-5 different skins for each item type they craft.
i mean 3-5 different skins for the af102 armour of leather, studded, chain and plate, or even make the skin is quality based.

make crafters able to affect the quality of the items they make, for example when making chain and using high quality leather makes getting good qual chain easier etc.

drops that drops from yellow mobs should be at least yellow or preferrably orange, as of now at low level and kill a yellow or even orange mob and it drops a glove that glove is usually blue or at best low yellow to your character.

Tanks and Light-tanks should be the _ONLY_ off limits classes for assassins.
- Mid light tank should hit harder than hib/albs light tanks
- Mid Tank should also hit harder than hib/albs tanks, but not be any better
defensive by default.
- Shadowblades should hit harder than Inf/NS as they are mids (melee realm)
mid is supposed to be melee realm, make them again imo.

hib casters should nuke harder than any other caster in the game as they are the magic realm.
not the case atm, RM's and sorcs nuke just as hard or harder hibs have baseline stun tho ^^

i could go on and on and on and on :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
Would that mean mid casters will recieve a dmg reduction due to Mid being a melee realm? and opposite for hib, melee reduction? ;o


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Jaem- said:
Would that mean mid casters will recieve a dmg reduction due to Mid being a melee realm? and opposite for hib, melee reduction? ;o

it means i would like mids to be melee and hibs to be magic and albs have high AF and great archers :p

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