What's it all about?



After seeing an almost well-thought post go to waste in a pointless thread, I decided to open a new one with it :cool:

I believe games like DAoC are to be played over a longer amount of time than a few weeks. I now am at 700+ weaponcraft, lvl 31 and have a few low lvl alts. And I just don't like the idea of going to another game, learning all the basics again, spending loads of time and as soon as I get to know the game switch to the next super-duper-new game. Honest Hendrick is going to last for a few months, my guild is going to last for a few months (I hope) and my fun with the game is going to last for a few months at last. Not because the graphics are cool or the action is great, but because the people are. If I want a good looking game with no bugs, I grab my GameCube or Xbox or even play a regular single-player game on the PC. They all look way better than DAoC, but that's not the point. The point is interaction, people, building a community, having fun with each other etc.

That's what I think is important for a game like this, and that's why I like DAoC. I don't care about patches or certain bugs, cause it's the people that make the game interesting, and not the monster-bashing.

I personally see no point in leveling up as fast as possible, only to rule versus monsters and other players. For this, Counterstrike or Diablo are the better choice, are they not? Sure I want to be 50 in a while, but am I in a hurry? No. I like the RvR addition, as it gives a reason for the whole leveling process, but in the end it's the people that make the game interesting.
Maybe it's because I come from Pen&Paper RPG, but I really like how my "character" Hendrick evolves at the moment, and it's actually much more fun to be in a role playing guild than I ever thought.

Just my bag of copper coins.


Yes, I must totally agree on this. I believe this game will last me at least close to the same time UO did, which was around 2 years of full time play even though my account is 34 months old.
I would say that later on (a LOT later) I might move to another server to try out Hibernia for example and I suppose by then we will have a third english server where I can have a go at being a middie.
Good post.


Aye, i completely agree.

A while ago i just played to get experience (and believe me, i played it a lot!) But after a couple of weeks that routine became a bore and i even considered quiting the game all together. Then i started to roleplay a bit and generally just group for fun and a whole new world opened before me (in a matter of speech off course). I now am happy with my char(s) and having a lot of fun with them.


I have to say that the constant XP grind gets way too much for me.

I find that trade skills is an enjoyable way to relax from this presure. But i seem to be in a minority.

Several times I have been after sheilds and swords (neither od which my chars can make) and despite use the broadcast channel and going to a heaving forge no one was interested.

The "Powerlevel at all costs" mentality seems to be hear as well. :(

I find it imensly satisfying using home made armor (by Elvewen) and bows and arrows (by Ryker) to hunt with. :twak:

I dont tend to roleplay but the social side is still there within the guild and other on-line friends.

XP is not the be all and end all.. take the time to smell the roses/dead mabs once in a while.


Hi Hendrick

I totally agree with you on the whole grow into the game thing. I have just come through 3 very frustrating levels (24-27) where I seemed to be going nowhere and started 2 alts to try and escape the exp monotany.

To ease the boredom with my main char I took guildmates out on exp picnics (anyone of any level was welcome) and we went and tried out different dungeons (Koalinth Caves is excellent as dungeons go - its such a shame that it isnt itemised).

I found this got me from 24 through to 26. It was slow but I had a lot of fun and got to know some of our newer guild members a little bit better. I am now at the stage where RvR is a bit easier to undertake. Almost everyone and everything is purple to me but I have a bit of fun and help where I can.

I guess its easy to forget that this is supposed to be fun, and whilst no-one likes to die - dying isnt the end of the world. I find that my character is maturing now, I am getting the hang of his root and poison spells, and as such am able to solo mobs with just me and my pet. I am also finding that in groups at this level you get fewer and fewer selfish people and more and more people who are a good laugh.

Its also nice to say hi to the people from the forums online.. kinda continues the community feel. If there was one thing I would like to suggest to mythic it would be - when you do DAOC2 - concentrate alot on the whole gui for joining servers. Look at tribes 2 for example, that had a server browser, email client, Bulletin boards and even a shell of explorer in the gui for the game itself. It really enhanced the community feel of the game and I thought it was one of the games strongest points.

Cheers All



The main reason I have clocked up 13 days of playing time so far is because I spend a lot of time interracting with guildmates and teammates.

When I look at the mechanical processes of actually playing it can get a bit tedious but the ther night we were having a laugh pulling ww's in varu from about 12:30 am seeing how many we could pull with mojirrs and still live ;-) and suddently it was 4 in the morning and i hadn't noticed because we were having a laugh and chatting about general rubbish and having fun.

If it wasn't for the guild I probably would have given up after the first 100 hours.

+ there is still a lot for me to explore. I haven't been to vanern or the epic zones and apart from keep raiding and emain I have yet to fully explore the frontiers.

+ there are always great moments like my heroic charge that confused Odysessus last night ;-)

Yaruar Drengr


so slooow am i

levels? lol, i maybe get one once a week if im lucky ;)

what i enjoy about the game is talking with my guild, doing quests... and i kind of live in the hills of emain :)

xp? i dont worry about it. i take the game at my own slow pace, doing whatever i please :)

old.Gombur Glodson

When I moved back to prydwen I started to powerlvl s crazy, reason? I want to catch up with old realmmates and enemies, its not great coming back to a server where everyone you used to know is know 40+ thats why I want to catch up


Hmm, more good points brought out here. It is not all about levelling.... there are many other things to do. I for one like making various alts, I find trying new classes out a great way to keep the game interesting. Then after this I can return to a main for some time and then return to a "still wonderfully new feeling" alt and add more lifespan to my gaming experiences of the future.

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