What's GOA's stance on cross realming?



From last week's Grab Bag on the Camelot Herald:
Q: (Insert person here) was crossteaming. Do you care?

A: Yes, we care. From the head of in-game services: "If they suspect someone of cross teaming, they should appeal. We investigate every appeal regarding any violation. We do not, however, contact the customer back who appealed. We can't give out any info on any other account, so we can't tell them what actions we took, other than it was investigated."

Sanya here: I know a certain number of you (as befits the audience of a game set roughly in the medieval period) are fans of public hangings and guillotines set in the town square. But we have to run our customer service team by the standards of the modern era – and that means every account is entitled to privacy, and THAT means we can't tell you what we've done or not done and why to someone else's account.

Anyway, your appeals aren't going into a black hole; it is in our best interest to make our game as free of cheaters as possible.

I always thought cross-realming was just something you have to live with, just wondering if GOA have the same stance as Mythic on this? Reading the last paragraph it appears Sanya classes cross realming to be cheating.

What's everyone elses feelings about cross realming?


Crossteaming and crossrealming are two different things as far as I knew?

Cross Teaming is when two people from different realms team up, while cross realming is when one person plays two realms on a single server via two accounts. Last I heard the latter was fine aslong as it was used to spy between the two realms.


Originally posted by Vegy
cross realming is when one person plays two realms on a single server via two accounts. Last I heard the latter was fine aslong as it was used to spy between the two realms.

you mean isn't I am sure ;)


Oops, um yea

/me hides the fact he has 2 realms on one server


Cross-teaming: Depends on the circumstances . I.e., If one realm had dominated for months and months on a server, and the other two realms decided to knock them off their pedastal, then so be it.

Cross-realming: Under no circumstances should this ever be tolerated. I don't see a problem with having two accounts on the same server on different realms, so long as you never pass information on regarding the other realms population/ plans, etc (in my eyes that isn't cross realming). As soon as you give information away about another realm though, you're ruining the game for a lot of people.

I've reported it in the past and I'll report it again should I see it happen. I don't consider relics/ Rp's important enough to ruin the game for others, regardless of realm. Cross-realming is no different than using radar in my eyes. You can use the information to guide players to enemy locations, including the amount of enemies you face and what their plans are. Ban the bastards on sight, no excuses.


All I can say is that I know that Goa has banned some people that where crossrealming.

But crossteaming is another matter I think, if its just a matter or 2-3 players that dont share intel with their realm. Remember when i started rvr at lvl35 ran into this infil at amg, we emoted then we helped kill a few hibs that came running thru, i was bait he did the most damage :) But as soon as mids and albs arrived it was over and we where attacking eachother :D


What about if two people of different realms are working together, say and infil and an SB? Perfectly fair I assume?


Depends entirly upon what they get up to. If, as an example, they are both in Odins and the SB is guiding the Inf to Hib targets (for example, there's a keeptake going on, and the SB is using the infiltrator to 'hinder' the hib force (or helping the inf hinder the hib forces), it's not a big issue. Sure, they should be thinking about getting each other, but at least both players are working against one of their realms enemies (even if the Inf is helping Mid out in a small way), and if there are easier targets than each other, nothings to say they have to attack each other.

If, on the other hand, again an example only, a NS and an Inf are both in Hadrians, and the Inf is guiding the NS to Alb targets, thats another matter. Here the Infiltrators actions are working against neither enemy realm, instead causing problems in his own realm. And here is where the ban-bat should strike!

Brannor McThife

Cross-teaming has never been frowned on. Solarius gives a good example. There is nothing in the rules, or game that disallows people from simply not attacking each other.

Lots of level 50s have sat and aided lowbies from other realms to XP, until a PL'd assassin thinks he/she is uber and PA's the lowbie. It's perfectly legit for an SB and an Infil to hunt pesky rangers. Perfectly understandable too - safer to stalk prey without having to worry about an archer that has been picking off people.

Cross-realming is a definate no. I know of at least 5 people that have been warned or had their accounts suspended. Some of which I have personally reported, as well as those that people have asked me report. Cross realming normally involves 1 person using external means to spy on another realm, or 2 (or more) people passing on information externally to aid another realm...like oh...warning of relic raids on IRC.

Of course, I played all 3 realms on Prydwen, and apparently I was the biggest spy ever, yeah...I even farmed myself for RP...and hacked Kemor's account and ran around in Godmode...


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