Whats better for a new gaming system?



What's better for a new gaming system, i'm currently using windows2000 and i run a lot of apps also.

I quite fancy a dual Abit bp6 with 2xcelly's oced(550)and a geforce ddr 256meg ram.

Maybe im better with a single CPU athlon or coppermine oced with a big heatsink/f?

Anyone got any ideas as to what i should spend my bucks on (systemwise) would be much appreciated.


U need win2k or NT4 for a dual system - both are a touch sketchy for gaming atm... win2k is the better of the 2 for gaming tho...

'I quite fancy a dual Abit bp6 with 2xcelly's oced(550)and a geforce ddr 256meg ram.'

256meg ram? where??!?!!!!

I have one celeron 366@605 and a DDR 32meg and its a nippy lil combo - cheap too... might have one of the new SSE, .18 micron celerons for me Abit BM6... I have a fuckoff Globalwin FDP32 cooler anyway and i can prob sort u with coolers etc but im after another supplier atm

Coppermines are faster than athlons by a smidgen but are more expensive too... I have some athlons overclocked from 550 to 700, 750 and 800MHz available at me webby - www.clockspeed.co.uk

Some ppl with athlons have had geforce probs, but overall certain driver releases have sorted most stuff out.


Tug, have any idea if Win2k is any 'kinder' to OCed Celerys than Win98? I have seen a few comments on the web of ppl saying they could OC further with 2k.

There is a patch knocking round for Athlons running Ge-Forces, I think the prob was summat to with using the sidebanding on the Ge-Force.

On a different note, have u any idea wot is the best speed to set the CPU cache latency to on a 433 celery @ 593? I am getting odd benchmarking results (3d Mark 2000) at speeds over 558.


[This message has been edited by Inshala (edited 05 March 2000).]


Can't say ive used win2k on owt but athlons... but id say 98se is a bit lighter on the CPU... best way would be to try it and see!

for geforce stuff: www.3dgpu.com and www.nvnews.net

Cache latency as standard is 5 i think for celerons... tbh, as long as its enabled it males no diff.... setting at 1 gains about 1fps and u lose 1fps at the other extreme... i say leave it as standard tho.

Wot kinda scores u getting? Mines quite fast for a single celly i spose... ~4000 in standard settings @ 1024*768 and 250 cpu marks - tis the geforce making me get marks like that


Cant get nothing like that, quickest ive seen is 3038. 1024x768 standard settings, 433@582, Ge-Force SDR, 192 MB RAM, 2/3 AGP divider.


might be becuz u have an SDR geforce...

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