Whats all this 1337 d00d crap about



taken from uktfcl forum before it was removed

I got pretty amazed tonight about the attitude of some ppl...

I'm probably gonna get about everyone in uktfcl moaning at me about this cause I don't type l337, spam every tfc forum I find and run around with a fancy shmancy clan tag in front of my name everywhere I go... but I'm not too preocupied by that since I havent checked these forums since storm and nero got pissed off at me and prolly wont do it again for another 6 months... I just need to vent

pickup tonight, I haven't played def solly for several months so I thought it might be fun playing lift solly since I used to like playing that position... we got our basement solly who's pretty drunk, me not having played def for ages and top spiral solly having gfx problems so our defence wasnt really the best imaginable and we were down 50-0 pretty quick but it was still fun, I had a blast playin at my good old 2fort lift that I hadnt seen for so long
btw I was playing under the name McGyver cause I'm **** and McGyver owns so I gotta compensate for my lousy tfc skills with his cool name

our offence was hardly ever touching the flag, yet there was still a bloke on offence constantly moaning about how **** def was, that friendly fella turned out to be that aphextwin bloke, I think I've seen a couple of posts from him here a while back
after a while our basement solly decides he's too drunk to play so my favorite tfc player aphextwin decides to be basement solly... which was good cause we were getting battered
but as I was standing at the top of the lift I hadnt seen anyone approachign and suddenly a solly rjumps up into my face, naturally I fire a rocket without thinking and it kills him, turns out it was aphextwin, appearently that got him mighty pissed off cause after that he wouldnt run by me a single time without shooting me. he even turned around shooting me in the back after I let him through a couple of times

so now if everyone disregards the fact that he's prolly a l337 d00d and imagine he's some hillbilly nobody knows of... you'd think that would be a pretty lame bloke wouldnt you?
so when map changes I tell him showing me his shotty is enough for spy checking, no need to turn around and shoot me in the back after I let him through, that's when he starts going on about what a moaning idiot I am etc...
so after trying to make him realise that shooting ur teammates on purpose ruins the fun and doesnt help ur team, while only getting arrogant answers back I gave up and decided I was gonna play a bit the aphextwin way, so I go medic and for a few attacks, no more than 5, I follow him around shooting him in the back, tossing him a gren or 2... but suddenly appearently it's not fun anymore and he starts bitching about how I should be banned and so on, so I just though foo that and left

but I can't get that out of my mind cause that is by far the most arrogant, easily pissed off attitude I've ever encountered in tfc... I mean come on, one accidental tk and u stalk a fella for the remaining 15 minutes of the map?? I had a good time until I made the horrible misstake of accidentally teamkilling a l337 d00d

I mean sure we can all get pissed off about having a bad game, the opposition playing lame or whatever but ruin the game for someone and screw up your team's defence over 1 little TK that wasnt even done on purpose???

whenever I see that kinda attitude I can't help but thinking about a little spoiled brat who's really bitter about his life and hates being a loser so instead of doing something about it the spoiled brat gets his mummy to buy him a fancy computer, finds out that the only thing he's good at in life is playing tfc therefor spends 24/7 playing it and thinks he can treat the ppl who might not be that good at tfc anyway he wants cause he's the most important person in the world, ppl who suck at tfc are just losers and morons anyway aren't they?

I seriously had never encountered such ****ty attitude online before and am pretty amazed over this guy and am kinda wondering how old he is and wtf could have turned him into such an angry little fella

Reading about things like this makes me sick, some people out there need to fukin grow up and stop thinking they own the internet .
I mean what is wrong with some of you people can't you deal with the fact not every one wants to be an 1337 online g33k, just cos someones different that makes them a lamer or something....pff to many geeks that have no real life credit I think and take it out on people online



Should create quite a response |\/|00|\| !!!


From |\|35513




lol 933|<5!!!! argh nice 1 moon :p HURRAH FOR MOON!:clap:


Lies moon, all lies
The guy was mistaken, he thought Aphex was a def scout
ignore the post, he wanted attention
I talked to Aphex about 5 mins after it was posted, he's cool and it aint like him


Regardles of who its about we all know this kind of thing still happens and its wrong .
I don't judge any one by how good they are at TFC


*yawn* ppl take shit seriously in TFC, wow that's nothing new. ppl get pissed off majorly over sommit small, that's nothing new. ppl post to the forums afterwards bout sommat no one really cares about... well it's not old on these forums yet, but that's coz no one really uses em, not relative to the uktfcl forums.

Who gives a rats ass? You're always gonna get chimps out there, people who think that just coz this guy ain't a well known peep from a well known clan he's a newbie and thinks it's a laff to tk ppl et al. And wot da fook is all this about "1337". If I here one more person say that "just coz I don't speak 1337 means I'm a n00bi3 in the eyes of 1337 ppl" I think I'm gonna SCREAM!! :0 Deleted off the uktfcl forum eh? Wank post anyway, it serves no purpose.

(i'm pissed)


Well I don't know the intension of the original poster but my point here is obviously the attitude of some "1337 people" .

They arnt special and don't have any authority to tell people how to play or expect any abuse to be one way because of thier super star reputation .

Its to easy for some to be complete twats hiding behind thier PC screan's it seem's

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