Whats after Smouldering Robes..


Madonion Slicer

Have been wearing Smouldering Robes since my early twenties and still wear them now at 31 they con blue. I have a guild colour red an RVR Black and a RVR Daytime Green.

They have a good fire bonus which like with these i am lvl31 with Fire 31+6.

What robes would come after these? i have a full set of the aguaoues(spelling) from the dunters, but they dont really have any good bonus.

Any advice from a Fire Wiz or someone in the know would be great. would also buy something if availible.



at beginning of 30ies i got my stuff from barrows i think...although i dunno what the risen cloth would con to you now...should be orange i think...

there are 2 types of risen cloth sets, the faded risen and the "real" risen, faded is crap (only power +2 if i remember right), the other have some int bonuses and several others i think.

no + on fire but at least a higher AF ( 42 ??? ).

after these i got me a set of ebony cloth (also from barrows, nice stats and AF 46, and now i try to complete my AF49 set with drops from cyraeths (pennine mountains), moorlichs and these nasty mobs in lyonesse who only come appear at night time (dont remember their name, half stealther woman look, they are around treespot 3).

hope that helps a bit.

Madonion Slicer

Thx Eraser, i have just started to enter the barrows, but finding it hard to get groups at 31.

Can you answer me this, if our cloth has no absorbtion then why does it matter if i wear con orange or con grey?? what effects does the af have if the absorbtion is 0

Will probably wear the Smouldering Robes till green.


because you still got af =) and i will guess a af 46 cloth got bether abilities than af 4 =)


Been looking for a Smouldering Robe for ages now :p
(Giant Skels drop them right?)

90% of my armor is gray, I shouldnt get hit anyhow... And 5AF more isnt gonna make a hell of a lot of difference when you get hit for 200 damage... But the + in fire should help against resists...

Madonion Slicer

Wedge in all honesty i have never had them drop, guildies have always given them to me as i am the only Wiz or a highiest level, i have had about 5 in my time, and give most away i only have the two now my Crimson Red and Black, wizards i meet always say they have been after them.

But if i do find some new cloth to wear your more than welcome to one.


Hmm, I could look here and there... I was about to steal one from a 'semi-retired' friend of mine, but dunno how he'd react if I plunderd his account (he also has the epic cloak, as I'm too lazy to get it myself :p )...

Btw, you can get +7 fire at level 31... I'm +6 (I think) at 28... I need to robe to get to +7 at 30 ;) And I need the cloak to get +7 and a better necky (fairy pendent is like uh, uber lowbie :p Could use +9 int a bit more then +1 fire)

Where did you XP from 28-31 btw? :p

I'm having the idea that Catacombs is not all that great (although Praetorian Guards are nice, often run into problems since not a lot of groups can pull them without too much risk)... Ponies suck too, their XP just isnt worth it (full group of 8 gets half the XP on a pony compared to a Praetorian Guard, and those guards come in 3's :D )

Madonion Slicer

I have the Fire Threaded Cloak at the moment with a +1 to Fire, but i am not sure if the +6 is the cap i will have to see.

Xping, nothing fancy really finding a good group is getting harder and harder lately, if i was solo i was doing Cornwall Hunters and Boogeys then Giant Skellys

Hunters for the chance of getting a Bracer or Armour for my Scout
Boogeys for them Soul Gems
Giant Skellys because i could drop Orange Con in 4 hits

When i did get a group it was a case of lots of ponies very little downtime

Hit 30 went to Barrows got a group got to 31 been a few times since and i am not wanted, so now i am mostly soloing Dunters, hopefully in a few lvls get picked up for the Gobbos or Clerks.

I know i have some old gear that has plus on fire i will stick it all on see how high i can get the + to, never seen it above +6.

Seems now days to get groups it is not what class you are or how good you are it is who you are friends with.

So i be at the dunters for a while i can tell, at least orange dunters drop easy.


Even I'm able to drop those Dunters too... :p (well the orange ones :p do get in trouble with resists sometimes)

Btw, if you want some shining Hunters Armor for a smouldering robe, let me know... Think I got dunno how many of those pieces, trying to find a bracer for a friend... (Think I got almost all pieces twice)

And been trying to buff up my 'friends list' abit lately... It's kind of weird that when Catacombs didnt drop anything, loads of people where there... Now it's almost deserted...

Oohwell, 29 should be reached tonight... May be power level some guildies so that I have more people to play with (Solo'ing sucks :p )


Your can still wear it till green, cloth is no defence at any con.

The risen robes in barrows was what i was wearing at around that lvl.
I've pretty lucky with robes in my time, got a good set whe soloing in snowdonia in my 20's and the risen set got autosplit to me in barrows.

On a side note if anyone has spare elemental cloth to give away :)
(no money - relic doors :( )


While AF is of dubious value on cloth, one thing that is always worth checking on a robe is it's bonus %.

Bonus % directly reduces the chance to hit by the % shown. So in many cases it's almost as good as an absorb.

I've noticed wearing high-con player made enchanted armour really does improve the number of swings you can survive while your group mate or pet is trying to peel a mob off you.

You need the high-con items so that the enchantment gives a bigger bonus.

Of course, you don't get the stat/skill bonuses from player made stuff. :( . But remember stats and skill bonuses are more important to some casters than others - for instance, a body spec cabalist has no spells he/she is likely to use regularly with significant variance, and isn't dependant on power+ items due to convert spirit.


I don't know what comes directly after smouldering robes but for me I went straight from them to the robes of bedazzlement - dropped by moorliches AF 49

Madonion Slicer

Not seen moorliches, but they sound nasty and high whats the states on the Robes of Bedazzlement?


Moorlich's arent that high in level (44 or so)... They just have a nasty proc which does over 500 damage on a level 43 tank...


Madonion Slicer

LoL i like that not that high only 44!! and they proc for 500Damage!! here is me lvl31 with just over 300HP, i guys i got a few months before i see these guys.


A few months? Common, you'll be 40 in a week or two... Or at least, I expect to hit 40 in a week or two...

This weekend aiming for 32-34... (currently 29)

Then Goblin Chains till 38, then Tanglers till 43-44... Then Twee's...

Or, do AE pulls at tanglers with a few fire wizzies does WONDERS for your XP ;)

Madonion Slicer

Btw, you can get +7 fire at level 31... I'm +6 (I think) at 28... I need to robe to get to +7 at 30 And I need the cloak to get +7 and a better necky (fairy pendent is like uh, uber lowbie Could use +9 int a bit more then +1 fire)

You where bang on Wedge, went to my vault and found an old ring, Elemental Fury or somthing like con green, and my fire magic went to 31+7 which is nice.:clap:


There are fire wizards (so I've been told) that make an alt just to find those Elemental Fury rings (and some 1H crush weapon which looks like a hammer with +1 Fire too, kinda cool, they want one just to hang it beside them, makes them look like friars)...

But finally after 3 hours (and a bit) of hunting skells, 5.5 bubs further (was doing them with a minstrel friend)... I almost gave up hope...

After 3 hours, the minstrel had to leave (bye bye PS2 :( ), I decided to do a few more giant skells... And it droped, my own smouldering robes... I'm so filled with joy :clap:

Switched to dunters after that, and found me a pair of leggings... :D

Madonion Slicer

Excellent work Wedge.

I have seen Wizards running around with these mace or hammers, but how do they equip it?? or is it a specfic Wizard item??

I will no doubt see you at the dunters then one day if you are after any of that Aqueous stuff let me know, i may even have a good staff for if you like.


Ok, looked it up, people didnt make alts for the rings :D
(just checked, a +2 fire ring drops in barrows, Ring of the Forgotten Arcane Words)

They make alts to try and find the Sceptor of Intellect:

It's the only 1H staff weapon that I know of...

As for a staff, I currently have a 36 levels Focus (fire) staff with +2 fire... It's a very nice staff...

Other then that, I'm currently looking for arms, cap and boots of Aqueous cloth...

We could probably team up soon too, should hit 30 in about an hour of XP (may be even less)...

Madonion Slicer

I will get my minstrel on to this striaght away he is just right to take down them mobs that drop that item.

i have the Staff of the Tempest Fire that i am using also have in the vault a Worn Asterite Wizard Staff, and a lvl46 one that i cant remember the name off and a few others.

With all my characters i seem to horde items, shame i never get my hands on the real good stuff.


I'd be quite interested in one of these hammers too, I saw Cellex (friar) carrying one yesterday but thought nothing of it as I don't know much about the class. Any more info anyone could give?

Madonion Slicer

Ok it seems your best bet is Mud Golems, in Avalon Marsh lvl14 so i will take my Minstrel there and see what i can dig up, cant promise i will get my hands on 3 as they seems pretty rare but if i do Wedge, Wildfire your next in line.

Madonion Slicer

I have just thought i have never hunted these Mud Golems, where can they be found??

Woo hoo something new to hunt:clap:


Hmm, arent mud golems the ones near Caer Withrin (towards the water with the epic lady of the lake in it?)?

I think so...

Also, on a side note, I hate GOA/Mythic's way of drops... I hunted 3 hours for my first Smouldering Robes... Now yesterday I was getting the last 3 bubbles of 30... And I have 3, yes three, smouldering robes dropped within 90 minutes...

So a big :puke: to GOA/Mythic for their drop tables... Btw, also going to open a Jeweled Left/Right Eye shop, got about 4 left eye's and 2 right eye's... And a minstrel has another 3 eyes... And a robe for a sorc/cabalist... Ooh and a Battlesword of Command... (Nice sword for a 2H user)

Madonion Slicer

LOL Wedge, you got lots of eyes too, shame here.

Did not get a chance to come on last night so not hunted them Golems yet but i will over the weekend, i try and contact you maybe we group up or somthing.


Sure, Magmatic is 31 now too... :clap:

Expect 34+ by the end of this weekend... :cool:

I might have a few chars that could help... But do not trust Alhakazam (or whatever) too much with what drops what... Can someone check on Gamebanshee?

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