What your most memorable event in any MMORPG?



Mine was in AO (played it before daoc)

After 2 weeks of killing stuff I felt like a change and decided to explore the world a little.. I went into a friendly city that I hadn't visited before.

I saw a huge building in front of me called Reets Retreat.. I thought to myself "wtf is that?" and went inside. There was a few people idling about and then I found myself in a massive room with a glass see-through dance floor. Must of been 80 people dancing in social clothes and drinking wine/beer with 1 guy broadcasting a winamp stream ip. There was all kinds of lights and effects.

So I tuned in and it was a techno/trance stream mixed by this same guy (mixing was not that great but his choons were pretty good). After 25 mins of /disco and /pulp (pulp fiction dance :p ) I sat down and thought to myself "damn this game rules". The atmosphere and the whole concept of being able to go to a nightclub in a game with live music and real people totally overwhelmed me.

Just a shame the PvP sucked and still does ><

Repent Reloaded

Meeting Tisme and Xander in Lyonesse with a sun set, they helped my get a level by fighting telemons :D



Outside Queynos there was a large GM event, it rocked.

I was sat there writing in spells before looking on my chat and seeing a lot of:

xxx says, "..."
xxx says, "..."
xxx says, "..."
xxx says, "..."
xxx says, "GM Event!!!!"

heh, i shat myself, looked out of my spell book and found the sky had gone from a nice day blue to a murky dark green, i looked behind me and a large amount of guards in shining white armour had appeared.

People started screaming to look directly infront of us where there were a large number of giants incoming, id estimate about 20, i conned the guards they were all red and the giants were red.. i think there was around the same number of guards.

Someone had ran up to the giants to pull onbe of them, he instantly got killed when all 20 turned round and killed him :)

Anyways we all stood back until the giants came very close and the guards rushed at them, christ they were giving the guards a kicking, the druid and clerics were going crazy healing the guards around 5 were killed in the first 5 minutes, then a bunch of wizards, barbarians and mages and necros poured outta Queynos, never seen so many people come outta there, and the caster let loose while the barbarians pulled the agro off the clerics and druids, after that all went calm and the guards nearly dead, only about 10 left returned to the gates and were left standing there for about 3 days after the event.

My god it was the most thrilling event i ever saw, was grouped with a wizard who said it would help me in someway or another, i recieved a necklace which beefed up my mana considerably :D


Well, the only mmorpg I've played is daoc but the most memorable thing was deffinitely the first keep take I partook in. I must have been about level 30ish at the time and it was thrilling seeing so many people gathered to do one thing together (it was, of course, in the old days when it took all of Albion to take a keep :p)

We got there and took the keep without much fuss and then some Mids arrived and the real fun began, was there all night, great fun :).


Last i checked, it still does take all of Albion to take a keep :D


My MMORPG time isn't very memorable cos i have only played for 2 months


Walking past three knights, in UO, who were sorting out their stuff, chucking it on the ground etc. and arguing with each other.

So i walked up, picked it alll up. and legged it. They chased me round till i lost them in a nearby forest.

Finding out that a herb i'd picked up, which i thought was common, was worth lots and lots of gold. and then selling it.

Taming a dog, getting it ready to desert me, and then selling it to a newbie.

And last, but not least. getting my current name of munkey. Was loitering round the bank wondering what to do when a guy comes in from some other realm with a red dragon, Called munkey, which he had tamed. i thought it was cool.

ho hum.


when i found out you could (default) push num lock for autorun


The 1st time I saw a elph in emain, about 14 months ago. I was like "wtf is that......... KILL IT!!!!!!11" How the little buggers have bred since then :(


Originally posted by tieris
The 1st time I saw a elph in emain, about 14 months ago. I was like "wtf is that......... KILL IT!!!!!!11" How the little buggers have bred since then :(


I remember seeing my first Troll and almost dying with laughter :p


hunting in a trigger-happy AO area, always gave me a buzz :)

Aule Valar

during a middy relic raid on the hibs (around augaust last year)
we albs decided to camp mmg to try and steal the relic (the mids onwed one keep in hib fronteir at that point), te mids attacked us and where easily held back (huge alb zerg), soon after then hibs came charging into us, probably in pursuit of the mids, these hibs where held off, and i think mostly wiped, however at this point HORDES of mids come pouring out of mpk to break through the alb blockade at mmg, at the same time hib reinforcments arrived
the resulting 3 way battle lasted at least 15 minutes, was sooo cool (first big rvr fight i'd been in)


Originally posted by Munkey-
Walking past three knights, in UO, who were sorting out their stuff, chucking it on the ground etc. and arguing with each other.

So i walked up, picked it alll up. and legged it. They chased me round till i lost them in a nearby forest.

Rofl, sounds fun. :D


badporting 8 or so gm/maras that tried zerg us on tgh xD


My most memerable event was walking from one side of Norrath to the otherside butt naked and this is un-guided and without a clue where im going.

One of my brothers friends was quiting and since i played it he was going to give all his stuff to me so i had to walk from oneside of the world to the other but since i was only a baby (lvl 10ish) i walked it naked so if i died i wouldnt lose any items (smart me you see) It was just a great feeling, its when i finally realised how big the everquest world is and how different it is, like that zone i cant remeber name but that zone where the monsters are lvl 5 in the daytime but lvl 40 at night...that was cool when some high lvl started shouting at me to stop before i entered the zone.

Most fun i have ever had, that even topped the GM event i saw...it was a crap GM event like but its still nice to see one.


my first rvr experience, in emain, end of beta event with my lvl 7 hunter, i even managed to hit a purp con higlander for 20 damage!! ;)


My was killing a purp con Giona. And seeing Ayam kill Coren :)


Originally posted by sharma

Outside Queynos there was a large GM event, it rocked.

What Server were u in EQ? i was in povar...good server...too bad it was filled with stupid lootwhores and corrupt GMs who had a GM event every time hell froze over..(never)


The ultimate fight in UO when Trinsic was under siege..was some bloody awesome battles...


Mine is without doubt the first movements of RvR in DaoC

Was xping at yggdra "undead camp"(remember that XPING AT YGGDRA) when i suddenly hear some funny music playing (minstrel mezz song i think) Suddenly the fight was on.. thats without doubt my best moment..

others are all those nights standing in odins on battlements with old hunter powers spamming arrows at the floods of invaders, seeing old Mjollnir and Odins firespear rain down and chase back our enemys.. was awesome!

It feels like the more you think of it the battles lasted longer, where more fun and changed from time to time.. now its Run engage /release or /cheer.. used to be long standoffs at milegates, keeps and Relic keeps


yup RvR in the early days still brings a tear to my eyes :p

I had been playing on alb/merlin for a good few months (had a 4x armsman and 4x cleric) and decided to roll a inf on the euroserver...

In those days it was possible to kill a orange con caster in 1 hit within a zerg of mids camping apk and safely run off still stealthed :D


using 1 full bar of mana, mcl2 and raging power nuking Tankster Girl (rr10 hero on excal) with my runie and still not killing her...

memorable for the wrong reasons but hey :p


Duo'ing at 5am in emain with Biggles using Najwa..while he did his own version of paladin kiting! ..charging Blejs fg...killing one..getting pwned ...I'd then have to run half way across emain 'til I lost Blejs group that was chasing me..then running back to rezz Biggles ;p

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