What would you kick people for?



I've just had some lamer try to kick me because he said I was spamming.

I wasn't *really* - I was a bit over nagging - but definately not spamming.

But either way - kicking someone for spamming? You must be joking.

What would you kick people for?


lol ive been playing 4 about 2 days
ermm being a newby and freely admiting it seems 1 reason :)
ohh and spamming "i am the greatest" seems to piss people off as well (not me spamming btw aint worked out how to do that yet :p)
ohh and calling for the same vote all the time is a sure fire method

mind u i know nothing


TheRiven, Spamming taunts is actually the best thing you could do on a server. it`s most especially effective when you kill the same person repeatedly and taunt just after every time you do it. This person will come back again, and again, and then when it looks like they`re about to get the better of you disc yourself in the face so they don`t get the kill and say "Is that the best you can do?" . They`ll then attempt to come back at this by saying "Yes", "No", or "I dont know", it doesn`t matter which because they still look stupid. :)

(I'll kick anyone that ignores a warning).


There are plenty of reasons that I would kick someone for, though I rarely initiate a vote as usually someone else starts it off first (especially when Mac is involved).

1) TKing / own base trashing.
2) Stealing vehicles that have been dropped for a friendly capper
3) Destroying remote invs after someone has gone to great trouble to deploy them

As for spamming chat, that's hardly a problem if you've got a decent chat filter installed. Not everyone wants to install a chat filter though and will argue that they don't neccessarily want to have to use one which is fair enough.


But sometimes you have to destroy a remote inv.

Take an experience from a few weeks ago. I tried to deploy a remote inv in the gen room of the NMEs base of rec. It said there were too many deployed...

Fair enough so i pulled up the CC and looked at our base. There were 3 deployable inv stations on top of the base, one almost next to the main one.

Anyway i asked for one to be destroyed which someone did and someone started having a go at him for destroying base equipment.

The point is is that another inv in a stupid place isn't doing as much help as one in the NME gen room.


Aye - deploying portable i-stations next to their permanent cousins is another thing that really pisses me off.

They're supposed to be used as a remote tool. Occasionally it's worth using one at a spawn point - but rarely.

Certainly wouldn't kick someone for it tho :m00:


Originally posted by Custy
But sometimes you have to destroy a remote inv.

Take an experience from a few weeks ago. I tried to deploy a remote inv in the gen room of the NMEs base of rec. It said there were too many deployed...

Fair enough so i pulled up the CC and looked at our base. There were 3 deployable inv stations on top of the base, one almost next to the main one.

Anyway i asked for one to be destroyed which someone did and someone started having a go at him for destroying base equipment.

The point is is that another inv in a stupid place isn't doing as much help as one in the NME gen room.

Those are the invs I'm talking about :)


3) Destroying remote invs after someone has gone to great trouble to deploy them

What i'm saying is people kick others for destroying base eqiup but sometimes it is necersary


lol how bout this then
piloting a bomber
made 4 runs over enemy base
on fifth run bombadier jumps out shoots the tail gunner with a disc
tailgunner calles a vote and kicks me :)


Originally posted by TheRiven
lol how bout this then
piloting a bomber
made 4 runs over enemy base
on fifth run bombadier jumps out shoots the tail gunner with a disc
tailgunner calles a vote and kicks me :)

Ahh but u must have deserved the kick Riven - ever heard of the custom called teh whipping boy :cool:


Yep, sounds like Torque`s found himself a replacement there. ;)


bahh and here was me blaming eejits
live and learn i suppose

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