What would my account sell for?



I was just wondering what I would get for my DaoC account.
It’s a level 50 Cabalist and a level 50 Armsman.

Both are well specced.

The Cabalist is b28 m46 s4 which I would say is arguably the best spec for a Cabalist in the coming 1.52 patch (Best meaning most powerful, I personally believe that a Body specced Cabalist might be more fun to play). This gives the highest AoE DOT and nearsight as well as AOE disease from the Body line. The points put into Body also give a reduced variance in the life-tap (nuke that heals the caster) which combined with Mastery of Concentration gives a great chance to survive one on one against a tank.

The armsman is played by my brother and I have to admit that I don’t know much about tanks. He is very happy with the spec however.

We have both been playing these characters since the Euro beta so haven’t made a mess of them.

Obviously as we are pre 1.52 both characters have respec intact.

Since reaching level 50 I have found myself not wanting to play much. I log on to talk to the friends I have made in this game. I have little interest in playing it now.

So simply, what is this account worth?


The armsman is played by my brother and I have to admit that I don’t know much about tanks. He is very happy with the spec however.


My armsman is not for sale!!

He was speaking hypothetically of course, nothing for goa to get worried about :)


afaik the going rate for a level 50 is about £200, depends on class etc tho but if you look on ebay a friar is worth about £150 while infils/wizzys etc are a bit more.


I only asked what it was worth. I didn't say I was selling it.


I'll give you 35 american pennies for it. My final offer, take it or leave it.


we all knew you were a cheap arse dreama ;) why ya thinkin of selling arri ?


Originally posted by -Dreama-
I'll give you 35 american pennies for it. My final offer, take it or leave it.

I think not :( if had been English cents I might have given in :)

Hi Exiled, long time no see. How are you?. I guess I've had a week of bad experiances that have put me off but I met up with a few old friends and then had a good time in RvR tonight.

I may as well wait untill next patch and see what difference DOTs being in line with the primary stat makes.

Can I anti-bump this before I lose the account?


Originally posted by Jimli
P.S. Moderators are GOA Employees

No they aren't.

We got 2 GoA-"ppl" (is that normal to call them ppl?), running around.

Rest is just moderators.


They pay me £200,000 a year to moderate this board

No really they do :clap:


Kemor and Zargar are marked as moderators so that when we post we know it's actually them and not just someone who's registered in their names...

they don't actually do any moderating.

The actual moderators (Damini, Lonewolf, danskmacabre, Brinx) are in no way affiliated with GOA, but they'll close any 'selling this account' posts out of principle (read the big sticky thread at the top of the general forum for explanations)

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