What to do if your realm is weak!


old.Kenshee Himura

Well most of you all Excali players know that albion is the stongest realm to date. But that might change fast, since our good friends the hibs have found the new tactic during keep defending.
Slogan: If you can't do it your self let someone else do it.
So just pull some bad ass mob get it to the enemy en let it kill (weaken them) en then rush you enemy. :puke:

And once again Hib proves that they are weaker.
Lets see they had mids fighting for them now mobs, what's next?
Cheats? :clap:

Message to you "brave" hibs you'll never win :twak: :flame: :clap: :cool:



I seem to remember albs pulling a stunt like that @ their pk to get their realm guards to gank hibs

If it's lame we must learn from the best :clap: :clap: :clap:




oh - you even got me killing an alb into the screenshot
thank you kindly :D



Guards pop at PK, wraiths don't pop at keeps...hmm.

Like I said in other thread, I wasn't there but XP deaths and pulling tricks are pretty poor. If your realm can't defend keeps perhaps it would be better to go and XP :)


If i remember correct, hibs pulled CC a LOT of times in beta coz of some bug.

I just feel pity for the xp-losses


war is war.
dont like the mobs? tough.
dont like us xp killing YOU for a change? tough.
go back to Camelot tincans :)


well, the mob chases a Hib, then it would go back after having killed him - oddly enough it attacked you, so i guess someone from the Albs must have attacked him, and you got your reward. And if you cant deal with a purple mob then perhaps go and Xp some more :p


I am very certain you would do EXACTLY the same thing if your keep was under attack and you were outnumbered!

It's tactics.. you don't like it.. don't go to war..
Pretty sure us hibs will whine too once you pull a similar stunt with us


1 : I thougth most people knew hib was weakest anyway? we dont need reminding

2 : mobs dont attack you unless you attack it, it would have gone back to its spawn point after killing the puller or losing interest

3 : stop complaining, if we didnt defend our realm by all ways we could then we wouldnt have any relics left :p


Guards pop at PK, wraiths don't pop at keeps...hmm.

No... an alb pulled an alp luchra (sp?) to pk and then out to road to pull guards out to the hibs.

I'm not seeing much of a difference here, other than you actually had to attack the drake for it to agro you.

<Tylar we salute you>


Mobs don't pull PK realm guards. you CANNOT pull the MaA or KC out with an alp luachra. They do not pull for mobs. The alp would pull the two elite guards (which are normal guards not realm guards) at the door.
Just to reiterate. MOBs do NOT pull realm guards!


Ty soooo much to Kenshee for the nice screenshot!
We where kindda sad we didn't take any in my group :( so ty sooooo much!!! if i can do anything for u, plz don't hesitate to ask!


And to re-iterate it some more, you don't have to attack mob for it to attack you. I left my char afk for 3 mins at pygmies today, wasn't part of any groups and was well away from the one group that was there today. They couldn't handle the pull, so one of them died and rest ran away. Guess who was dead when I came back?

That's right. Me, who hadn't done anything to the goblin and was there stealthed.


There are train bugs in this version and I'm sure Hib knew about them :)

old.Kenshee Himura

Well as you said war is war.
I have to agree it all counts at the bottom line.

We win. I ask my self hou many seconds it's gonna take to steal ur relics.
Anyway have fun............ Loosing to All Mighty Albion !
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

And btw harle that was and Aggroing mob
So all it has to do is get close enough :p


If u cant take a normal fucking keep, how are u planning on taking a relic keep?

The only way to take relic keeps is in the middle of the night cuz a defended relic keep is pretty impossible to take...

Thats why this game sucks and i dont give a fuck about any keep raids anymore ....


Wrong dannyn

I remember clearly + i have a screen .. an alb tank ran behind the keep, aggroed some of those bogeymans and graugach (4) and ran with them all past a realm guard

the realm guard killed all 4 and was then in front of a bunch of hibs it immediately aggroed them

i couldnt believe how lame that was... and iziz has seen this on a different occasion so it wasn't a one off

add this of course to your pestilent minstrels who xp kill people daily in the gorge, and you have the balls to accuse us of lameness? :rolleyes:

was a great stunt and i hope it annoyed u all a lot :)


Yes very stupid of us ...

To Lure realm Guards on you, next time we gonna lure something that actualy makes you lose Exp when it kills you. Btw gonna go back for that keep anyway cause you hibbies get alot of kills hiding behind the patrols there. Why don't you come fight us in Hadrians, Snowdownia or Pennine so we can hide behind the patrols for once... Oh I just love it how you hibbies are lame enough to justify your own ... uhm ... lets say "tactics" and always flame us albs for whatever we do. I also would like to say thx for pulling the Badger stunt earlier and another drake stunt during the next attack. As for not hitting the mob to agro it, well doesn't matter who attacks or agros it if attacks someone in the army I am part of I engage and try to kill it saving some poor people from getting Xp killed maybe AND it was deliberate XP killing because you knew damn well this was gonna happen.

Picture = Hibbies hitting rock bottom
(anyone else have a picture of the next drake ?)



Albs have the nerve to complain about us pulling a mob to exp kill them?!?!?!
Am i hearing right....albs complaining about being exp killed?

Check some of the previous threads with all these albs saying they go out trying to exp kill because they enjoy it. Well good on us hibs i say, finally they got a taste of their own medicine, and was great dancing on graves like finsters :)


Personally, i find this quite hillarious. Hibs make me laugh :clap:

They're obviously the weakest realm, i think its cute, they're like ickle wickle puppies that want to plaaay, awww.

but, pulling mobs into an army is pretty low... thats almost grief playing, thats just sad lol. As someone else said, if you cant defend yourselves (which you evidently cant), then go xp a little and get better (not that that'll help much, but it'll give us something else to laugh at).


Like albion say time and time again....its war. Use whatever methods possible to win and defend the realm. You dont want big drakes, then stay away from crim :p


Was a smart move and it saved us Crim. Being outnumbered deserves new tactics. You better said well done Hibbies instead of whining here, that is just ridiculous.


omg, it's not like we pulled a dragon on you - it was a stupid little drake which we had killed the other day without anyone of us even taking damage ( was lowish xp, so we hunted something else ; ).
And no, even an aggro mob doesn't attack you if it is away from your camp. I was close enough to hug the 2nd drake, and in the end it just wandered off to it's camp again, after killing only those triggerhappy enough to attack it.
And btw, the 2nd drake was a named one, and Tylar only wanted to check if you get any drops from it :rolleyes: , but you didn't kill it :(


lol, and i thought pulling those drakes were funny, but reading these threads tops it all :)

well done to all the albs that whine about xp killing, it shows ur age :)

(btw, you can't really be mad about 10 minutes worth of xp lost can you ?? )


Originally posted by Karam

but, pulling mobs into an army is pretty low... thats almost grief playing, thats just sad lol.

Grief playing??? It would be grief playing if it was done outside of a frontier area to members of your own realm, but using a realm's own mobs to attack enemy forces is just smart play AFAIC. It is no more an example of grief playing than killing the newly res'd, killing greys, or even mezzing enemy characters so they can't fight back.

Gimme a break, and stop whining. :p


so your saying that if i went and found a runemaster for example... after he pulls the mob and it's getting close to him i hit him with a stun to give him no chance of avoiding an xp death, your saying that that isnt greif playing?!

look. regardless of whether this was done in emain or yggdra... handing out mass xp deaths to a vast number of people who had almost certainly never even thought of xp killing people (sure some of them do... but not all) is absolutely no better than stunning someone after they solo pull a mob.

they still lose a shit load of xp for it, you've still xp killed them. where the hell's the difference please?

if someone gave a known xp killer an xp death then great!!! i'd just be pleased. but if you have to give one to a bunch of people that aren't xp killers at the same time then your just as pathetic as those minstrels that go around doing it to us.


The goal was never to exp kill you.. The goal was to get you the hell away from our fort..

It worked


you hibs are lame . the majority of you speak as thou8gh ONLY albs exp kill . read the various threads on it you dumb fuckers .
there are people from ALL realms who exp kill . and as in all realms a very high % of people who wouldnt even think about it . you guys are starting to stoop very low in order to beat us,
and as istated in another post these sorts of replys from lame ass hibs saying we deserved the exp kills is just gonna anger a lot more albs into going to gorge etc etc and exp kill all hibs in sight . just when i thought you hibs were becoming a force i thought we albs could have fun fighting against on the battlefield . you go and screw it up with lame ass tactics .
also the only person i can remember of the top of my head without checkig who said outright she likes to exp kill enemys is jazhara .. and she wasnt even at those raids last night , your just showing your yelow side with actions like this and im sure reprecussions will be brought :)


thats because midgard xpkills ALOT less than albion.


good stunt <grin> i like it!

war is a matter of ultimate means and i saw that drake walk over quite a few countercharging hibbies as well.

/salute the bard who had the courage to pull that off.

Finster, GM of RB

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