What to be?



I've been playing On Excalibur - Albion for about 2 months now and have explored most of the land there is to explore and will no doubt hit 50 within the next few weeks so, i'm thinking of starting a new character on Prywden in Hibernia :)

I've been reading about the classes but can't decide what to be, any tips/advice on what to be please :)?

BTW i don't want to be a healer so don't say druid please :p


nightshades are as hard as anything to lvl,

want a challenging class to lvl, pick a tank, due to focus shield pulling there finding it hard to group

want a easy ride go either druid/warden/bard/chanter

want an excruciating headache for around 4months till your lvl 40 then go nightshade or ranger.

and if u want to have people looking at u strange for having a caster thats not a mana chanter, then make a mentalist or eldy


If you want an interesting time as a tank, be a blademaster - as long as Sharwyn's incessant whining about being gimped doesn't put you off :)


What do you guys think of the new Hibernian classes? e.g. the SI ones


First of all pick something that suits your play style.

Shades are hard to level on your own and sometimes find it hard to get a group, same goes for the ranger.

Bards are always welcome in groups, same goes for druids. Wardens are great soloers and a good team players.

Hero is teh moosing tank with bow, spear and all, Blademasters are the hard tank to play (*cough* gimped), Champions are good soloers and a good tank/peeler/puller due to thier spells ... and they use Large weapons :)

spec your Mentalist right and you'll be loved in groups, spec an enchanter right and your equaly loved ...
Eld's are the nightmare caster class to spec (imo) and seems less wanted in groups.

Animists ... did anyone say shroms? They are a pet class with immobile pets, have no expirance with them at all.

Walevalkers aka the grimreapers, they are a good combi tank with spells, a wonderfull weapon that has styles that procs. But they tend to hit less and they ware CLOTH !!?!

Now make your own pick and dont let us make the pick for you.


Originally posted by acei
What do you guys think of the new Hibernian classes? e.g. the SI ones

Champ > VW

enchanter > animist

But animist are good for a laugh with their shrooms :)

If u want a easy time lvling make druid bard warden manachant or mana eld or mana chanter?

Unless u have a buffbot or someone here to powerlvl u go for a ranger or NS

Champs are more popular than heros and heros and more popular than BM

Well it depend if u want it easy or hard


hehe, i've made my decisions finally and am sticking to them as i've just seen the power of both :D

I'm going to be a Enchanter as Acei

and a Animist as Aceii

I'll be using my enchanter to level quick i.e. by grouping with anyone or just leveling on my own, with my animist i'll be grouping with a small amount of friends i have from excalibur that have started to make the cross over :)

Enchanter good things upto now --> Pet is a very handy attribute :D Also the PBAOE is one of the most powerful i have seen especially at the low levels.

Animist good things upto now --> Turrets are power and can wipe out a entire area of blues - yellows and sometimes even reds, while the turrets are blaring my pet is my own personal body guard so if i get any agro it starts killing them, all i have to do when i get agro is run around in circles or make a "root turret" damn they come in handy for quick get-a-ways and i can see the benefit of one of those in RvR e.g. i get told a alb/mid zerg is on the way so i could strategically place root turrets just before they get there i.e. behind trees or near the gate etc :D

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