What to be....?



My first character was a Warrior that I leveled to 20 but got a bit bored with the hack and slash routine, admittedly in a good group it was fun but theres a limit to how much fun new combat styles can be and in this context they were not to hard to master.

Wanting something more challenging I created a Sorcerer, he is currently level 33 and going strong however I crave for my old life out crushing bears under my axe. The problem is I know that there will be a limit to the fun I can have as a brute force tank, and so I put it to the good, experienced readers of this board.

What should I be? I want something with the ability to solo well, at least equal level cons, is good in combat but has more to it than just hack and slash. Any advice would be welcome including ways to play and spec your suggestions. Much thanks.


Sounds like you prefer the tank role, but want some variety.

Try one of the caster/tank hybrids, speaking from Alb, paladins are fun to play group very well and solo fairly well too. Yet to try a reaver.

Once you've experiened the paladin twisting you'll never go back to a normal tank :)


i think champs are pretty fun, and you get to be a luri with a really big hammer (and yes i know you can be a luri lw hero too...)


or maybe a paladin/reaver/necromancer (although necro's don't have the satisfaction of a nice two handed chop-style :))

old.Trine Aquavit

The Savage is a pretty nice tank with better than average variety - tactical buffs, lots of reactive styles, multiple hits, etc. Worth considering, I would think.


The friar is the most fun to play in Albion in my opinion (also better than all the mid chars i've played). Very versatile, very tough and also a good support healer. If specced fairly high in rejuve you can aslo be main healer (i'm 25 in rejuve and can manage fine) and still pack a punch :).


Slash & shield pally :
pro's :
you can take a beating like no other
Groups love you
You can solo oranges easy, take loads of blue aggro and get out of the fight full health
Cons : Takes half an hour to kill a yellow solo on a bad day


Reaver (only got a low lvlone might change at high lvl's)
fastish killer with nice dmg output, nothing realy does alot of damage dut the insta dots and lifedrain + the pbaoe + proc lifedrain buff add up to a nice amount of damage
Nice weapon styles and you can chose your damage type between crush or slash, if you spec flex
Can solo oranges fairly easy

Vielwalker (only have a low lvl aswell) :
Half mage half tank does verry nice damage with the scyte, and has some castable spells, can take a fair amount of beating with the evade and self buffs.
Will lose a bit of health soloing an orange but easy to get it back if you lifedrain pull the next

Of try a frair, they are hard hitting healing buffing beer drinking freaks


Originally posted by Sibanac
Slash & shield pally :
Cons : Takes half an hour to kill a yellow solo on a bad day.

Thats funny cos i can solo red/purp knights in two minutes.

OMG i r0x0r j00! :flame:


Originally posted by Sibanac
Cons : Takes half an hour to kill a yellow solo on a bad day

Originally posted by Lucias Varess

Thats funny cos i can solo red/purp knights in two minutes.

OMG i r0x0r j00! :flame:

Musta been a good day:)


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
although necro's don't have the satisfaction of a nice two handed chop-style :)
Na, but (from lvl 45 onwards) they get to watch their pet with a nice two-handed sword :)


If you're bored of the old hack 'n' slash thing but still want a tanking role, I'd deffinitely, as others have here, recommend a Paladin. They're great fun, loved by groups, can solo well and you always have something to do :D

In the other realms you might enjoy a Thane, a Savage, a Champion or a Valewalker. They can all take and give out a beating while always having something else to do other than just hack 'n' slash. Debuffs, dd's etc. :)

Good luck finding a class you like.


Reavers are good fun (bane of assassins) as are paladins, although I think reavers are less repetitive than paladins tbh. Aug. healers also make good fighters, but take half a year to solo yellows.


I can't believe no-one's suggested friar yet...
Healing (soon to be fancified a little with the addition of a group heal-over-time), buffing, a nice line of selfbuffs including a very nice haste and a ghetto (compared to pala, at least) endurance regen...
Plus you get to dress like a ninja, dance like a ninja, and well... flip out and kill people :D


Originally posted by old.LandShark
I can't believe no-one's suggested friar yet...

Originally posted by Haedric Griffin
The friar is the most fun to play in Albion in my opinion (also better than all the mid chars i've played). Very versatile, very tough and also a good support healer. If specced fairly high in rejuve you can aslo be main healer (i'm 25 in rejuve and can manage fine) and still pack a punch :).

Originally posted by Sibanac

Of try a frair, they are hard hitting healing buffing beer drinking freaks



Check out thisMercenary guideif you fancy Albion's light tank. However, if you like a larger variety of abilities (other than finding the right position for your styles and looking cool with two weapons), I would suggest a Paladin or Friar as mentioned above. If you fancy Hibbieland, check out the Champion for fancy two handed weapons and nifty debuffs and spells.


Funny, nobody mentions Skalds.

I wouldn't either though. :eek:



Skald, get to run about fast, great damage casts, damage add song, heal song, and always loved by groups

or if you fancy a challenge

Thanes make great tanks, can dish out plenty of damage, take it well wearing chain, get to choose different weapons, great DD, insta DD, AoEDD etc etc etc...they can be a real fun char to play IMO, despite ppls inpressions they are the gimp of Midgard.


Thanes make great tanks, can dish out plenty of damage, take it well wearing chain, get to choose different weapons, great DD, insta DD, AoEDD etc etc etc...they can be a real fun char to play IMO, despite ppls inpressions they are the gimp of Midgard.

They are gimps
But our time will come once we get next patch




Thane Changes:

AoE DD taken out.
DD taken out.
Must spec hammer only
Reduction to hammer damage
Thanes may now only wear up to studded armour.

Enchanter Changes:

Enchanters given pbaoe spell in light line
Pbaoe spell damage increased by 2x
Tank pets taken out, instead, enchanters will be given a new pet that can cast AND tank.
Insta-lifedrain added to enchantments line

Lots of love, Mythic (The Caring Developers)


As a Pal and an ex Hero i'd say be a friar, buffs, heals, melee. They are the jack of all trades of Albion youll never be bored. If you are building a melee ish character id still recomend friar, Arms are gimps now pals have end chant, and a Pal is only a glorfied Arms, its still all hack and slash and you will be eating dirt a lot, if you like charging that is. Friars are hard to kill and do wicked damage. If you are bored of melee (and are specced right) you can hang back and help the clerics out.

Hence why im rolling my 12 friar now ;)



get 2 accounts

go alb and make and infil and follow a cookie cutter spec, on the second account make a buffbot to lvl with easy :rolleyes:

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