What the...

  • Thread starter feldeshadowbane
  • Start date


Ok, I know this has been discussed before but I am so dissapointed I have to bring it up again.

Why does 90% of the people RvRing rather choose emain than defending our own backyard?
Today we stood as CS asking people to join retaking keeps in our frontier. Most people did not even answer, some people even said "our frontier sux" and stuff like that. I checked and there was 68 people at the time in emain. I really do not understand the attitude of the majority of our realm.
Renaris was defended by hibs and there were mids running around all over the place so there's no lack of rps in our own frontuer so I suggest that instead of going to emain all the time, go for a spin around our own backyard.

(thanks tho to all who did come for the keep retake, and those who regularly do)


will always be like that. no use bringing it up again


emain = fighting other players, and getting rps as a reward
pennines = bashing doors and NPCs, no reward


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
emain = fighting other players, and getting rps as a reward
pennines = bashing doors and NPCs, no reward

So all the hibs and mids running around in the pennines does not give you rps as the ones in emain?

There's plenty of rewards in our own frontier, that's why I don't understand why people are hesitant about going there.


Originally posted by Tleilax
will always be like that. no use bringing it up again

why will it always be like that? It might have something to do with just that attitude.


"So all the hibs and mids running around in the pennines does not give you rps as the ones in emain"

In short, no.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
"So all the hibs and mids running around in the pennines does not give you rps as the ones in emain"

In short, no.

Try to kill em maybe that will help...


erm khalen...........ever seen FC helping other grps in the rlm pts area ? never did, when I was following them with my grp they said MIDS INC E, my grp turnd around and went straight rdy for a fight...........later it seems no mids are E, so it was a big lie, aint gonna tell who did this, but he knows who, still think it was one of the lowest things I will ever see in the game, oh well

( sry for the moaning )


errrr ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :touch:

This guy being serious?


they can go to emain, they can go to odins, they dont need to go pennines...simple as that..free world...

and FC has been in pennines, not as much as others but they have been more than 50% of albs and they have been there defending frontiers, so shhh about that.

THE MAIN reason is that some of the peeps dont come to pennines and take defended keep is that 70% albs dont fucking listen when to go up to lord!!! those fucks rush there 1 by 1 and kills all albs because of stupid movements!!!

IF keep is defended, listen those who will say "GO" or u will been getting each time less and less peeps to fight there.


I will arrange another organized trip to HW someday soon.

Feel free to join in, I will make sure there's a plenty supply of mids and hibs. (Last time I started whining in #celticfist to send more hibs - and whatta ya know, 10-15 minutes later we had a good 15+ hibs inc).

ok, so 15+ wasnt any real challenge for our force of 4 FG, but it was fun flattening them ;)


Why I choose emain
1) There are people there
2) There is very little wondering agro
3) Its flat

Why I choose odins
1) Fun useful pets
2) Pretty scenery
3) Smaller more useful fights

Why I don’t go to the albion frontier
1) its stupidly hilly
2) I normally die before I get to hardens thx to agro
3) There isn’t that many people there

My opinions and I stick to them
Apparently in the next patch they make changes to odins and hadrens to make them more rvr friendly


Fact is, if your gona go kill mids/hibs in our frontiers it never really works unless you use tactics.....so i only really bother to go and kill large numbers of mids/hibs in frontier with my guild, or people i know well, i dont have any intention of regularly going out of sauvage and getting farmed..... most of these "kick enemies out of our frontier" are spur or the moment things in poorly organised groups that cant achieve anything, so basically its like albs in emain, disorganised and hopeless.

Jus my 2 cents


Until reading this post I didn't understand why people don't go and reclaim our frontier, or more to the point I didn't want to believe that everyone in this game is purely playing it to increase their numbers.

Maybe these people would have just as much fun by going to a web page and pressing a button that adds +1 to a score counter? (See This)

Ever wonder why we can't keep our power relics? Because nobody is prepared to defend our frontier, they are only interested in seeing their rp number go up.

I would love to see a day when the instant an Alb keep is taken, a force leaves the keep they were waiting in and goes and gets it back. People defending our frontier will help with spotting relic raids, and make the enemys life much harder, surely this is a good thing?

But I dispair with all the albs sometimes, nobody is prepared to work as as team or put the realm / group good above their own :( (well very few people are)

Once I get to a higher level, I will be there defending the frontier, so long as I can find a group of people to come with me ;)

--- edit

Sorry this is a bit flamey but I had a bad weekend ;)


RVR pennines is fun though, more fun than emain...

Odins is good also, but not when amg is camped by 4 fgps mids..
same thing when Albs camping mmg with 4 fgps, that aint fun either...

Odys idea of HW rvr is good, i like that, last time no time to join, but next time i will arrange some.

An its true they give RP's also, last time i was there with 6 stick boys and 2 clerics , we wiped out about 3-4 fgps enemy is less than 15 min, so dont say there aint peeps to kill...

And about Hill....yawn, learn the frontier, emain has hills, odins has hills, there is only 3 spots whats r actually nasty, Ellys..well they neutral to me, so np, Cyths...well they near boldiam, dont go to that hill, Drakes, well they in middle, who tells u to go there? no1...and when u get to HW, its flat, and no aggro mobs, well those green little things, but thats all, and on hills r some fairy's but dont go there...

So what is left? keeps!!! make 1 keep as main spot where u camp and from where u move, use eyes (infils) in crucial spots....and BOOM, u kill enemy incs at our own frontiers easy, and about Veeshan saying u need more tactics play there, and yes, its true, but i luv tactics =)

And u might also learn some RVR there, moving with zerg aint teaching u shit...and maybe albs find other way to excal than road, and maybe they find those spots where eneym usually hides and strikes from behind and kills albs like rats....

and maybe u peeps will soon learn also where is snowdonia..

There is still peeps asking how to get f,ex Beno, and they lvl 45+ ..or whats snowdonia, or whats swanton keep.......

imo, if u dont know where they r find out and learn to go there, before u dont know, dont step to emain/odins , becuase u dont know shit about Albion, so why u should try to go wondering and getting lost in emain if u dont know how to move in Albion area...


our frontier is a pain, i always get lost and hibs/mids have the advantage of the terrain. i've seen a fg of hibs or mids (depends on who's farming again) who could easily slaughter 3-4 fg of albs. there are so many hidding spots in our frontier that hunting enemies is more like hide and seek. you can run around for a while without seeing someone and then when you decide to quit, you kiss the ground before you realise what happend.


People will go where they want to, and they have every right to do so. Everyone pays their monthly DAoC bill. Everyone has the right to chose what aspect of the game appeals to them and everyone has the right to play in whatever area or however they choose to do it. I'm really getting tired of hearing "It's your responsibility to defend your realm" etc..well, in all honesty it is not by any means anyone's *responsibility* to do anything in this game. RvR is a *BIG* part of the game, however for some people it's not very important to them or it's just something to do when they aren't doing the other games things they prefer.

Basically what I mean is this: If you want to go out and defend a keep or retake it or whatever then that is perfectly fine, however, you have no *right* to tell/expect/force whatever anyone else to do it.

I RvR alot lately but when I would rather go item hunting I don't want some holier than thou RvR ego maniac telling me that I'm irresponsible and I don't care about whatever if I don't feel like joining that day.


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
"So all the hibs and mids running around in the pennines does not give you rps as the ones in emain"

In short, no.

they give better xp :) because you don't have to share them with 10000 other albs ;)


Originally posted by -astili-
our frontier is a pain, i always get lost and hibs/mids have the advantage of the terrain. i've seen a fg of hibs or mids (depends on who's farming again) who could easily slaughter 3-4 fg of albs. there are so many hidding spots in our frontier that hunting enemies is more like hide and seek. you can run around for a while without seeing someone and then when you decide to quit, you kiss the ground before you realise what happend.

They know the terrain...

you'd think fighting on home territory would give us the advantage ;) shame very few people in Albion know their own frontier.

Shall have to go to Pennines more, good xp, good RP, good fun.

Can't wait for the 20% keep xp bonus :) should liven things up.

Pennines is really dangerous at warp speed if you don't know your way around... but if you take a day or two to go exploring then you can be a nasty nasty force in Pennines, plenty of natural enemies to use against your opponents too :) (feed the drakes ;))

Of course if you're just a sheep that likes to be shown where to go, stand grazing at a milegate before you get farmed by the wolves (or stampede with the zerg on a good day) then ignore your own frontier.


Dreama: good point...
yelling at people on the pad won't make them help in sauvage - they're all petrified of it.

We need a 'Pennines for the beginner' guide :)
'Get to know your frontier' sessions :)

Everyone knows Emain, so they go there...

Odin's is the same - just port, and run around by the milegates.

Hadrian's wall is the other side of the pennine mountains... too far away and too scary for most. It might as wll be in another world.


Originally posted by Fingoniel

Shall have to go to Pennines more, good xp, good RP, good fun.

Can't wait for the 20% keep xp bonus :) should liven things up.

Pennines is really dangerous at warp speed if you don't know your way around... but if you take a day or two to go exploring then you can be a nasty nasty force in Pennines, plenty of natural enemies to use against your opponents too :) (feed the drakes ;))

Of course if you're just a sheep that likes to be shown where to go, stand grazing at a milegate before you get farmed by the wolves (or stampede with the zerg on a good day) then ignore your own frontier.

Agreed, HW and pennines is good fun once you know your way around and can avoid aggro.
I've been on a few guild/alliance events there in primetime and we always find something to kill and we have so far had a good laugh every time and as a bonus we defend our own realm.
I agree that bashing keepdoors isn't the most fun you can have but once in a while taking keeps back gives the realm access to DF wich makes quite a number of players happy (myself included).


Gets annoying after a while when you just settle in killing something decent and another bloody keep gets attacked ;)

but it's a good larf

Bleri McThrust

I find Pennines fun :) . Its a completely differrent type of terrain to all the other RvR areas. Getting ther from Sauvage can be a pain though sometimes :( . Mids/Hibs camping Sauvage arent to much of a problem (you dont have to use the road), but if they are camping right outside the gates it is.

However Im not lvl 50 and I can solo some exp there while waiting for an occasional solo Mid (never see solo Hibs) to pass through. When I hit the big 50 and theres nothing to do but wait it may be a different matter. If Im lucky I can take a solo out, it doesnt happen very often but the rush when it does is well worth the time Ive spent there :D .

Grouping there is a different matter, to many people need to be doing something all the time. Great for keep taking of course but they want the certainty of RP's they get from Emain.

As for what Dreama and Fin and Fingoniel said, there right, everyone pays to play for there own reason and to do what they want. Theres nothing worse than having 2-3 FG camping sauvage and a portal full of people heading for Emain. But you cant make them come and help. Some of those that do so regularly also sometimes have other things they want to focus on.

In a perfect world those porting would spend 10 mins or so just making sure Sauvage was clear. Or even 30 mins retaking a keep, but sadly its not.


Some people play the game just for that, the game, and don't care about keeps and defending/attacking them, and I have to admit there is more to the game then just keeps.

Personally I take the game seriously, often to much so, but I have no problem with people who arn't interested in keeps because they arn't playing the game for the same reasons we are.


Well tbh I like Albion Frontier....about the only place where you can do a nice clean 1v1 group battle without immediately geting zerged by insane amounts of albs. You guys should try 1 group vs 1 group more....much more fun if you win than the zerging business....So I hope we see you in Alb frontier sometime but not doing your usual 10 fgs routine ;p (ok slight exaggeration :p)

/salute Albion


im gonna say one thing


Whyy are we always defending our frontier? y dont we take 5 mid or hib keeps with the ppl we have in rvr, that will garauntee u a swift repsonse form hibs and mids and lots of nice rps....maybe even a relic raid chance...if we keep them underpressure then they cannot take our keeps like they do atm......so sod taking back our keeps all the time, lets take there bloody keeps, hold em and farm em for rps

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