I've decided to make a combat druid, aiming for 41 nature.
I don't really like healing all the time, but I need to have some power into it though, to rezz, cure diseases and heal people to save their but, but mainly concentrate on combat. Now are non-healing druids accepted in RvR groups? Cuz I think a druid is a character very capable of 1. being a heal char and 2. being a combat char, so are they accepted and what spec should I choose?
I don't really like healing all the time, but I need to have some power into it though, to rezz, cure diseases and heal people to save their but, but mainly concentrate on combat. Now are non-healing druids accepted in RvR groups? Cuz I think a druid is a character very capable of 1. being a heal char and 2. being a combat char, so are they accepted and what spec should I choose?