what sort of fps do u lot use?



ok it's another throdgrain question!
what sort of fps do u use in q3? i have a p3 1000mhz processor with a gf2 mx vid card and 400-odd meg of ram.
with a resolution of 800-600 it seems to like being capped at 65 fps.at 640-480 it was capped at 85.i really dont like having it all ugly with everything turned off ,so most things are on except gibs etc
oh it does 106-110 fps in 640-480 on demo 127.
So, the question is ,what do u lots do? does this seem ok or not?i know u can have a fair game of q3 with 40 fps but thats hardly the point!

ive just redone those demos, it's more like avarage 117 on 640-480 and 114 at 800-600.so maybe the capped rate can come up a bit on the bigger res.that's with hunkmegs at 128 btw-throd


erm i use a P3 733, gf2 and 256 pc 133 ram, and i average 130 fps in timedemo in 800x600, using picmip3 and 16bit.

Your fps doesnt sound quite right for that setup!


well, this is a long term conversation lol one post a week...:)
well at 800-600 i ve left it capped at 85 which it pretty much keeps too no matter what.
bear in mind im using the standard q3 config with gibs turned off thats all.also it's version 1.27h.is 1.29 faster i wonder?


Throdgrain, the video card memory used for the MX version of the Geforce2 chipset is the bottleneck (128 bit using SDR or 64 bit using DDR). Your FPS is about right given the fillrate limit.

Upgrading to a non MX Geforce2 (GTS/Ultra/PRO) that doesn't have the memory bus 'throttle' when using DDR will give major FPS gain on your setup.


hi req long time no speak:)
so a new gf2 ultra would increase fps considerably? by how much,like 30-40 fps? i expect that would be worth it.anyone know how much these things are atm?


duron 750@950, gf ddr, 160mb ram... capped at 125fps - capable of much more. timedemo wise, 115fps.


if u demo at 115 what on earth do u cap at 125 for?
surely the point of capping is to keep the fps ultra stable.if my machine is demo-ing at 115 and i cap at 85 then the fps never varies , making the game run very smoothly. if i capped at 125 fps the rate would be going up and down all the time depending on what textures / other players i encountered as i went along.which , m8 , is what i assume your machine is doing...:)


in game and timedemo fps' are different. ingame is capped at 125, because it normally reaches much higher - this therefore enables me to keep a steady fps....


hey i'm not being argumentative or nuffink.but that dont make sense m8....
my pc also makes 200fps + mid demo ,but thats not the point.
mind i may try it and see :)


Bear in mind that if your FPS exceeds the refresh rate of the monitor at the same resolution, it becomes pointless.

I'd check you haven't got VSync switched on, or "on" as default, mine seems to mysteriously switch back randomly when I upgrade the video drivers.


The MX is much more capable than what he's getting Req.I've got the Hercules GF mx2 with a Celeron@900 and I easily get a steady 125 fps at 800*600(what my maxfps is set to).The only map I really see any drop is RA3map 4 where it drops to 70-80.
I'd say the problem is that you're playing with farly high settings even if you've turned everything off in menu.
I recommend taking a look at the configs here http://www.challenge-world.com/gk/configs/quake3/ and maybe copying the video settings from one into your own config,making sure you delete any duplicate lines. Blokey's is a decent one as it's laid out in sections
If theres anything you're unsure of,take a look at http://quakequakequake.com/q3arena.htm in the commands section(left hand colomn in goodies panel) where it explains what does what.
I had some spare time on my hands and went through most the configs on there and built my own.Still use picmip 1 so it don't look too bad,tho I've toned down a fair amount of the eye candy

Have Fun :)


jenson: thanks for the reply m8, but i like q3 to look good,it's one of the main things i like about it:) i hear 1.29 has a facility for turning off smoke trails,which would be good as it would improve fps , but also because i dont like the look of 'em at 800-600, they look a bit "blocky" sometimes to me.u can tell what sort of q3 playeri am by that comment probably lol
camatoz: i appreciate what ur saying m8, and my monitor refreshes at 60mhz.however whatever anyone says u CAN see the fps slow down from say, 85 to 70fps.only on q3 mind , it dont work on other games.i acutually have vsync turned on with the mx card, and while q2, counterstike and UT stay religously at 60fps q3 seems almost independant of this.dont asj me why i truly dont know :)

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