What skills do Armsman and Paladins Autotrain?



Thinking of rolling a Tank to help level my cleric 2nd account.

May as well autotrain and get the most benefit.

I here Paladins autotrain Chants and Slash?
What about Armsman?

I assume with a Paladin its best to spec Crush to 40 the respec to Slash?


arms slash thrust
yes crush till 40 is best option


OK I need some advise, whats the best Fighter class to help level up my Cleric?

I would need to kill Oranges with impunity as a Double Team.

I want a combo on par with a Beserker/Shaman combo in Mid.
Shame clerics dont get end regen, how important is end regen when fighting Oranges? Would a Paladin therefore be a better choice with his chant?.

And about Armsman, how does a 50 Pole 50 Crush 27 Parry 10 Shield Armsman fare in both PvE and RvR ???

How about a Mercenary? beter option in PvE? Buffed to the teeth Dual Wield Offence greather than Polearm or S/S???

Are Mercs that much worss than Zerkers?

God I hate decisions, esp when I know diddly squat about a realm :D I feel like a n00b again



Just had a play with the Char Builder:

Crush to 40 then respec Slash;
Autotrain Chants to 32 (Hard but not impossible with a Cleric bot, just play Pseudo S/S Armsman till then :D)

Final Spec possible:

44 Slash
42 Shield
48 Chants
2 Parry

0 Points Spare

Anyone done this?


now we r talking auto train...

does caba autotrain anything ?


Originally posted by Solid
Are Mercs that much worss than Zerkers?

Zerkers pull yellows, get two yellow adds - go zerk mode and kill them.

Mercs pull yellows, realise they're damage neutral and flee :)

It's about 30% more damage from a zerker.

Compare Thane melee to Warrior melee - that's the difference between merc and zerk.

However they're fun to play :) in theory they do 20% more damage than polearmsmen (over time) at high levels... (and zerks are expected to be nerfed) although I'm not sure what the style damage from polearms is like... (since mercs get 100% of normal damage+100% of styled, +60% bonus unstyled damage, do polearms get 140% base+higher styles than normal?)

Merc+cleric would be a good duo - I assume yer buffing then hitting the heal key every so often?

If you're not able to heal with the other char you might be better using a Paladin - takes forever but they can solo oranges.


I can heal, Stun and Smite with my Bot account in the background, its quite easy.

Real thing is I dont want to be siting there tankign away for eons aka Kobbie Warrior style, I wanna kill quick and move on, dont mind taking some damage cos Cleric can heal up.

I want the most damaging class to tank with to kill asap, not sit and block forever doing meager damage.

Thats why I was thinking Poler or Merc.


yeah poler or merc if you've got a cleric healing :)

Polers will do more to begin with - mercs don't catch up in damage for a few levels, but eventually overtake. The positional merc styles are ok - but you don't get to use them solo/duo.


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
The positional merc styles are ok - but you don't get to use them solo/duo.

You do if you stun the mob :p


Originally posted by Solid
Thinking of rolling a Tank to help level my cleric 2nd account.

Not entirely sure of the meaning of this statement. Are you rolling a tank purely to level the cleric? Or are you rolling a tank cos you want to play a tank?

If all you want is the cleric levelled up fast then you would be best rolling a deathsight necro and sticking the cleric to it - MUCH faster than a tank.

OTOH, if you want to have a 50 tank at the end of it, go with whichever one you want to have at the end - and as you have a bot, spec them for max damage and you should be able to take oranges reasonably quickly with any of them and take advantage of autotrain for each.

Armsman - spec crush pole and respec at 20/40
Merc - spec DW crush and respec away from crush at 20/40
Paladin - spec 2H crush/thrust and respec out of 1 line at 20 and another at 40
Reaver - spec crush/thrust and respec at 20/40



So all Alb Fighter classes Auto slash?

I thought Armsmen Auto all 3 damage types and so there is no benefit to autotraining then switching to it at 40?

I think I will try Crush Poler cos its a unique thing to alb and as a Mid I never got the chance to try a cool 2H Tank type with good damage.



Buffed to the teeth I can take multiple yellows with ease. Mix in a few oranges for a closer fight. If dirt is up and doesn't get resisted it gets even easier. ;)

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