What should a RvR Ranger spec in?



I have a lv5 ranger and want to make him as good as he can be at RvR, what should I spec in? I've heard full bow and some in pathfinding and stealth. I also have put one point into a style.

Could someone plz tell me the exact stats what to spec in plz? cheers


there is no right and wrong answer and there is no exact stats, as you have probably seen from everyone else who asks how to spec. you spec how you want, not he want you to. you may aswell not play ther game if other people decide what you do.


Originally posted by milithiel
there is no right and wrong answer and there is no exact stats, as you have probably seen from everyone else who asks how to spec. you spec how you want, not he want you to. you may aswell not play ther game if other people decide what you do.

I'm asking otehr people's judgement on how I think I should spec to what degree I didn't actually say I was gonna do it now did I?


Im not the best in ranger speccing but i have rolled 2 of them already and i found out: A ranger with good pathfinding is easier to lvl than one with little.
Ignore stealth altogether for now unless you want bg action, and put stuff in bows, path, with the occasional weap. (i hope you choose pierce...), and ignore cd.
If you are looking at end template then pierce to 39(3 style combo) path at 43 (last speed buff) and whatever else you want in stealth and bow(27 bow for the last crit)


Originally posted by Tasans
Im not the best in ranger speccing but i have rolled 2 of them already and i found out: A ranger with good pathfinding is easier to lvl than one with little.
Ignore stealth altogether for now unless you want bg action, and put stuff in bows, path, with the occasional weap. (i hope you choose pierce...), and ignore cd.
If you are looking at end template then pierce to 39(3 style combo) path at 43 (last speed buff) and whatever else you want in stealth and bow(27 bow for the last crit)

Right.....yr probably being sarcastic but if you aren't then i'm sorry for what I'm about to say.....that's the biggest load of ****ing bull**** I've ever ****ing seen. are you ****ing insane? path to 43 and pierce to 39? what the **** are you thinking having bow at ****ing 27....phew


I said whatever you want in stealth and bow.
With 39 pierce and 43 path you would have 1255 skill remaining.
So 30 stealth and 39 bow? Dont tell 39 bow is too low because ill :twak: you :p


50 CD
27 bow
50 Blades
10 PF

I only hope that really gimps you.

Oh, and don't come here asking for advice, then shoot down the people who offer you that advice down in flames you ignorant tosser.



Originally posted by old.Cru

Right.....yr probably being sarcastic but if you aren't then i'm sorry for what I'm about to say.....that's the biggest load of ****ing bull**** I've ever ****ing seen. are you ****ing insane? path to 43 and pierce to 39? what the **** are you thinking having bow at ****ing 27....phew


Why would anyone wanna help you?

rude lil brat

Uncle Sick(tm)

Thanks.. so much, Arlone and Chesnor.
... I was about to gas up the flamethrower and you guys torched him already... damn... *grumbles and mumbles*

Well... one thing there is to say:
Post in the appropriate forums, numbnut... I am honestly glad that you are playing on 'ExcalibEr'... yay!


sickofit you can still save your reputation with some kind of funny image i would imagine.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Right.....yr probably being sarcastic but if you aren't then i'm sorry for what I'm about to say.....that's the biggest load of ****ing bull**** I've ever ****ing seen. are you ****ing insane? path to 43 and pierce to 39? what the **** are you thinking having bow at ****ing 27....phew

I wonder if he talks like that in real life...

And hmm.. will look for a proper picture after I return the movie...
patience, friends.


what is there left to say? i herby banish this delinquint (or however the hell you spell it :)) from my kingdom!

let it be!


Figure it out for yourself, if your gonna be shitty to anyone who tries to help you.

Uncle Sick(tm)

All hail to the dead bird! Change your nick and be nice to people, Cru-magnon (fuck, I am so DAMN witty).

Does Polly want a cookie?;)

[KWICK-edit: On second thought...not that witty... more like Nea-nderthal. And that was not even witty :( It's getting late...]


Stop giving sickofit opportunities to post!


sickofit... you are becoming very poor in your attempts to keep up with my spamming.

i shall now retire to the bedroom to rest my weary fingers, until about noon tomorrow when i shall return to spamzor you all.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.LandShark
Stop giving sickofit opportunities to post!

/feels flattered
You wub it... admit it.



My ranger was going to be specced like this at 50:

39 bow - with +items and +rr, you can easily get this to 50, even with a playermade bow, after 50 it does sod all
40 path - for the last 2nd to last dex/qui buff, all you need considering the stats epic armor gives
39 blades - contrary to what you may have heard, pierce isn't really the best weapon type. If I could respec now, I'd change to blades. You will hit 30% harder vs assasins and 15% harder vs archers (I think), the two classes you're most likely to melee in RvR
34 stealth - high 40s with +items and +rr, all you need

Early on I'd say max bow and path with just 1 in blades to get a style, then start pumping more into weap and stealth when you hit an RvRing sorta lvl.

Hope that helps


Originally posted by old.Cru

Right.....yr probably being sarcastic but if you aren't then i'm sorry for what I'm about to say.....that's the biggest load of ****ing bull**** I've ever ****ing seen. are you ****ing insane? path to 43 and pierce to 39? what the **** are you thinking having bow at ****ing 27....phew

Please everyone, stop helping this guy. People like these don't deserve help at all. Bah, help them and they bite your head off... :/


Originally posted by Perplexed
39 blades - contrary to what you may have heard, pierce isn't really the best weapon type. If I could respec now, I'd change to blades. You will hit 30% harder vs assasins and 15% harder vs archers (I think), the two classes you're most likely to melee in RvR

Yes, but your str is also lower than your dex, so having a str/dex based weapon (pierce) would be a better choice than a str based one. I have no clue however if this is enough to counter the armour bonuses. However you do have a penalty against archers (studded) and assassins (leather) with pierce and no bonus against archers with slash. Slash has only bonus on leather, pierce on chain.

So I think they're pretty much even.


my RVR spec is as follows,

45 RB, 39 stealth, 36 path, 30 pierce, 8 cd

As a ranger you want to avoid mellee like the plague....... You do need some mellee though, for nailing blues and multiple greens and finishing of sniped targets that make it to you.

You are gonna be doing 95% of your killing with the Bow, so its worth getting this high (even excessivly high) 45 is about right IMO.

cd 8 is cool, with 2 archer bracers and 2 glimmer stilletos and RR bonus it takes you to 19, which is optimum for 30 pierce.

Take pierce to 30 for diamond back stun move (comes at 25) and you can also use Dob's Fang.

Path 36 is a nice too.

Stealth is still very important. You need to be around 50 with all your bonus's. Base 39 will get you there with points to spare. (aye Realm abilites may effect how high you go but im keeping it at 39)

You cant go wrong with that spec.

There are 2 alternatives.

1) play a celt melee ranger, heavily spec blades and CD and pathfinding, keep bow low (27) and keep stealth very low too. More effective in mass RVR battles, but will struggle to snipe kill anything.

2) Go full out sniper. Get bow to50. Get path to 46. rest on stealth. Any left over points go on pierce (but dont mellee anything)
Some people do this but I wouldnt recommend it. The difference between speccing bow to 45 and 50 will be minimal (slightley less damage) And you will be limited to just sniping the odd stray or XP'er, this is pretty boring imo....

(or of course go for a Celt sniper with similar specc to the first stats posted, perhaps bow to around 39, and blades and path a bit higher)

There are many variations, like peeps always say.... play around on catacombs and see what suits you best for your game style.

good luck....


Originally posted by Sarnat
Yes, but your str is also lower than your dex, so having a str/dex based weapon (pierce) would be a better choice than a str based one. I have no clue however if this is enough to counter the armour bonuses. However you do have a penalty against archers (studded) and assassins (leather) with pierce and no bonus against archers with slash. Slash has only bonus on leather, pierce on chain.

So I think they're pretty much even.

The difference the extra dex makes to pierce damage is minimal, a ranger only receives 30 more dex than str up to lvl 50, and considering most people put +10 str at creation the difference is even less.

They've just made it so in 1.52d the armor resists/bonuses are doubled, so you will actually hit 60% harder vs assasins and 30% harder vs archers ... u think the 30 less str will counter that ?

Forget about the bonuses on plate and chain... you shouldn't be meleeing those kind of classes (with the exception of minstrels I guess, but they have crap hp anyway).

Also - why take bow to 45? Your epic gear gives +6... and a few realm ranks and items aren't exactly hard to get. Push your weapon up to 39 and path up to 40 and you'll be much more well-rounded.


You could make a hybrid ranger which some of us like to called the MelleeRanger.

50 pierce
50 cd
28 pf

you will r0x0r in PvE, and in RvR you can run up to the enemy on your speed buff and mellee them to death! bwaha!

plus you have a bow for pulling in pve.

groups will love you!


Don't usually resort to flamings... but hey is Cru the demented love-child of Karam and Lamus or something?

Actually that's probably unfair to Karam and Lamus, sorry.


Originally posted by Perplexed

The difference the extra dex makes to pierce damage is minimal, a ranger only receives 30 more dex than str up to lvl 50, and considering most people put +10 str at creation the difference is even less.

You forget buffs (rangers get str buff too, but dex buff gives more dex). But you are right. I don't think it makes the difference.
They've just made it so in 1.52d the armor resists/bonuses are doubled, so you will actually hit 60% harder vs assasins and 30% harder vs archers ... u think the 30 less str will counter that ?

Maybe you're right. But I like pierce better since you can get Dob's fang (like 16.2 dps 100qua). I hope 1.52D isnt final though. Makes it impossible to kill anyone who has high bonus against you and he doesnt have high penalty on you.

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