what quake 3 should have



I know this will be very controversial but I'm going to say it anyway.
These are my views of what I think quake3 should have to make it look good. I am not biased to any particular game.

1. It should have that water effect from unreal, u know the really nice shiny one, and that should be placed on the liquids, weather it be lava, water, or toxic waste. This would make it look very nice indeed.

2. The mirror effect from unreal is also very nice, if that were to be employed, and then it would make for a beautiful game.

3. Just one more unreal thing, the sky, it is very nice in unreal, with them birds and stuff flying, if that were to be kinda shoved into q3 then it would look stunning.

4. The explosions in Tribes are quite spectacular, especially when them big explosions happen, and a shock wave spreads out.

These are all I can really think of, and I am not biased towards unreal, just that it does have some very nice points to it, and those could be employed in quake3.




d00d the mirrors - class of there own
Unreal does look extremely b00tiful, but thing is id would have to implement the different liquid effects on top of the moving liquid (see IHV test), which could be hard
One point though - ID dont really need to fux0r with the graphical side too much - not all of us have pukka machines and the gameplay is still the most important factor
but mirrors..

Q2BAttleUK Admin


well, i must say that if the water and liquid effect are basically the same as q2, which they are in the test, and that basically the same as in q1, so basically nothing but only minor changes would of happened since q1 on the liquids, and thats wayyyyyyyyy too out of date
ureal has very nice liquid effect, and if id made their own effect based around that then it would be a change. Also the sky has'nt changed much from q1 to q2, and with todays powerfull machines becomming ever popular, it would be nice to have a good sky effect.



[This message has been edited by frankie (edited 27 June 1999).]


They should make Quake3 with the Quake1 SPG levels and monsties. Then it might be a good game.


not back to q1 again
i know its a good game
but thats in the past, we have to move on, to the FUTURE
so forget anything thats been done before and get something done real good





How about id buy a copy of Kingpin and take a look at that for ideas!
This game ROCKS!
I wasnt over impressed with quake3 test as werent any of me mates.
Reckon it needs to be an exact clone of quake2 with state of the art graphics and sound.
Id's idea of taking out stuff like strafe jumping and the like sucks! Its these little things that made quake2 what it is.
If quake2's so damn successful why bother changing what aint broke?


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