I bought myself a kindle, I shall also be getting myself rock band 3, and the pro guitar.
Well done!
I bought myself a kindle, I shall also be getting myself rock band 3, and the pro guitar.
Scorchio hot pepper sauces and chilli gifts: the ultimate UK chili store
Good website if you are a chilli fan.
We don't do presents.
We don't do presents.
Bought myself one of these USB Microscope at Firebox.com
I'm sure the kids will have fun with it too
You've been reading the Reg today.
How very selfish of you all.
As my mum has had a particularly shitty year, I got her this today:
It's as full as I could make it of stout, dandelion and burdock, jam, margarine, liquorice, chocolate, lollipops, christmas pudding, and a huge chocolate plum pudding filled with truffles.
I'm happy to say she absolutely loves it