What patches do I need?


Happy Go Lucky

I have a fresh retail quake 3 arena CD :)

I was wondering what patches etc do I need to kick ASS on the servers?

Whats the difference between the 127 fgh patches & 129 fgh patches, presumely the 129 is a later release :confused:

Shall I install
  1. f
  2. g
  3. h

    in thats order. Thanks :)


if you have the disk space, you can have them all installed.

make a dir on you hd called "quake3-127g" install q3 then patch to 1.27g . do all you config key / graphics set up / custom maps. next make a dir called quake3-1.27h and copy your quake3 patched game 1.27g the whole thing mind into you new dir 1.27h. then patch it to H blah blah blah.

then make shortcuts on your desktop for each version of q3 calling them the same name as the patch q3-127g.

now when you run each game it will find servers of that patch OR you could install ping tool (not sure if this works on gamespy) and in the game select pull down change it the the game version you are going to play ie c:\quake3-127g\quake3arena\quake3.exe

but you still see full-ish servers running q3 versions 1.xx? :)

Happy Go Lucky

Thanks, should I install 127 or 129?

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