What now??



Hi every one!

I have not long dinged 50 with my main char but am already finding it disapointing
just wondering what u other lvl50's find to do as i have tried RvR but can never get a group ( as far as i know i havent pissed too many ppl off ), atm i just seem to sit around all day doing nothing or earth buffing low lvls.
Had some fun in the 30-35 Bg with my infil but hit the r/p cap way too quick, now finding it impossible to group with this char.
Just want a reason to stay playing this game cos i got to really love it, hope u have some ideas


I would gladly group with a lvl 50. I am only lvl 43, but when I invite u high lvls (Not all of u) u seem to think I am too low and I understand and accept it, but as I say. If u don't have a group just give me a send and I'll be glad to have u onboard.

PS. I like grouping with all ppl, whatever lvl they are

PS again. I don't group with acolytes and rogues tho


Start fletching / WC and u'll have plenty to do for 4-5 weeks.


well i just hang around terrorizing emain, help out guilds taking a keep, help defending our keeps, get a guildgroup started and hunt for some items, get a group with the emain ppl to get some epic mobs in barfog, ....... etc :clap:

old.Im pac man!!

Felan, to me 50 is a relief but at the same time i find myself asking the same questions. What to do?? Where to now??
Luckily there is still a lot to do for the guild. Mostly are almost +40 or reaching the big one so its easy to do RvR. Pity we all died on the relic attempt but you saw how easy it was to get a brethren party going, and lots were not online.
Come over before you get too bored and delete the char. I really want you to stay.


It's difficult indeed.
I'm slowly advancing to 43 (so still a long way to go) now and allready feel that there is some sort of 'lack' in content for high(er) lvls but thats is a bit normal I guess.

Right now, I'm concentrating on fun and drop hunts for our group of 40+ and on lvling up the 30 plussers so we can be of more help in RvR / raids since we are still a rather small group.

Hope you 50's keep it up and stay, we all need our big peeps to look up to :p


Wut to do? Gank some mids in emain while waiting for this... :)

Patch 1.49

The translation team has been working pretty hard these last weeks to catch up with the US patches. The result is here, the patch 1.49 in French will be installed on GORRE (test server) next week. The German and English versions will be tested soon after.
This patch is quite big and will introduce a new RvR dungeon, Darkness Fall and the epic quests for characters over level 40. Of course, lots of testing will be needed but if everything goes as planned, the patch 1.49 should come to a server near you on the beginning of August.
We will do another check-up about the patch 1.49 soon.http://www.camelot-europe.com/en/news/view_news.php?num=2


yea mainly, once you hit 50 there are a lot of things u can do :

- Chill out :)
- Make your character really cool getting all the best dye and exactly how you want it etc.
- Collect armour/weapons/items ect.
- Help some of your other m8's lvl
- Crafting :)
- Make more cash
- Make an Alt :p
- Travel through Albion
- try get some xp fighting through xp cap :p

Well hope that kinda gives u some ideas :)

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