what next



ok i have finally tired of camelot

i have a lvl35spiritmaster and i can get into no grps....i also die immediatly to purple cons as soon as i RvR.

ive made many many alts in all realms and hib and alb just arnt the same for me.

so basically i want to know what to play next, i dont mind paying a tenner a month or whatever but i just need to know a decent game and one that doesnt require ages of play to have fun.....so if anyone has played D2 or EQ etc can they tell me what there like pls,

thx :)


Dunno EQ but ull get bored playing D2 very very quick.

My suggestion would be to wait for the patch and enter the last BG with ur spirtmaster. No purples there.


Level u skald to 24 and visit the first.

I guarantee u much fun there. And u'll learn much of the possibilites of ur class. To benefit u at the serious 'big boys' RvR later on.

Edit: ah see in another thread u was alrdy planning that ;) My bad :D


yeah i think ill do that since i ordered 6months with my nans credit card :)

how long are the battlegrounds going to be?

thx for the msg mate :)
you have saved a young boys life :p


Buy a 2nd hand copy of UO or get a copy from someone and go play on one of the many freeservers - the RPG ones offer the best fun as you won't have to have a uber char like on most servers where the emphasis is on PvP.


Hmm just read on a thread u posted on that last BG is 30-35, i had originally posted just now that it was 30-34 (assumed it was 5 level range) so guess u can get in.


how much is it per month?

and do you have to stay in character or anything cause that sounds fun.

i want something to do whilst i wait for battlegrounds.

i tried dungeon siege online but its boring...


The trouble is, many of the MMORPG's are all the same. Kill monsters, get xp, level, train, kill monsters, get xp, level, train, kill monsters.....you get the picture.

The only one currently on the market that I can see to be different is Ultima Online. It has a rather unique skill gain system, which is not based on levelling. The graphics are rather bad, to be honest, but it more than makes up for it in game playability and depth.

Many more people seem to roleplay on UO than DAoC, but there will always be the l337 d00ds that cannot be avoided, in any game.

It took me 3 and a half years to get bored of UO. It's taken you a couple of months to tire of DAoC.

I would recommend that instead of getting hold of an old account, you go to your regular retailer and get your mitts on a copy of UO: Lord Blackthorns Revenge. To be honest, I've not played this, but I hear it has new features and areas that you cannot access unless you have this.


Yeh... took me 2½ to get bored of UO but my account is still active and couoting 37 months.


It took me over 2 years to get bored of UO - the thing was it was taking up far too much of my time tho as I was running one of the most succesful evil pure-RP guilds on Europa and organising large RP events, PvP tournaments, town events, etc.

I decided to get my RL back again and sold my account on ebay for a decent amount of cash... and promptly got seriously into DaoC - DOH!


What I liked about UO was the variety of character. As it is in DAoC I can type /who Vell, or /who SFXman and know pretty much all I need to know about you. You can heal, you can tank, you can make us run faster.... there are slight variations, such as you might be better at shields than I gave you merit for (be still my beating heart!) or have gained more in one type of offence than the other, but I'm never going to be surprised. I can see by your colour whether or not you are a threat or a boon to me.

In UO, the variety means that you can sculpt a character to entirely suit you. I maybe a mage, who also is a thief... I could heal you back to health and lull you into a false sense of security before picking your pockets... I could be a feeble warrior but a master poison maker, and you'd better not be fooled into thinking me harmless simply because I look weak... It was a roleplayers dream to be truthful, and for non roleplayers too, to be so in control of so many different possible factions of your character. I trained in animal taming for ages, simply because I had a dream of an army of cats. Nothing high level, nothing threatening, nothing superbly GM of me, just something I wanted.

I managed to get four cats in the end, but I ran into a gargoyle and legged it, and the little critters lost sight of me and deserted. Cowards.

DAoC is incredibly inflexible in that sense. The graphics in DAoC completely astounded me at first, and I left UO because it had become so flawed in the money and cheat sense - the money and housing had gone so crazy it was impossible to really get a foot hold anymore. So I am not saying UO was the mecca for all MMORPG's. It was flawed, and bugged, and ruined by the e-bay trading, but I stayed with it for four years, and even now I haven't terminated my account.


Yeah. In UO the character building was great and there was so much depth to it.. I remember te pre-Trammel times, and all I can say is that I have never had as much fun in an MMORPG then at that time. Walking in the woods with maybe 1000 fresh iron ingots in your backpack and seeing a red name pop-up got your heart racing... it was occasionally extremely intense.
The problem that I see in the game was that later, after maybe 2 years or so, having a house and money and multiple grandmasters I didn't see much point anymore, simply because the PvP (which DAoC really does have) was simple and boring.
Still... with such an old account with unused rewards I am not able to cancel it :)
I might sell it IF I can, sometime after the summer vacation.

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