What made you reroll?


Feb 1, 2004
I started out in Hibernia on the US sever Percival with my eldritch, and with the introduction of the RA and spellcraft I managed to meet a solo warrior in hadrians wall. I stood on the hmg and the warrior "seemed" afk below.. after wasting my entire mana bar bolting and nuking, and with the warrior running around below like a headless chicken trying to see where the mage nuking him was, he used IP and waved at me. I just sat down and let him run up and kill me. After that I never played my Eldritch again.
( this was right after the "equip-a-shield-and-bolt's-will-only-do-5%-damage-to-you" nerf :p )

so.. Whats your story?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
pfft you should stick with you class no matter what :D

thats why theres so many thanes on mid/pryd i guess :p


Feb 1, 2004
Ormorof said:
pfft you should stick with you class no matter what :D

thats why theres so many thanes on mid/pryd i guess :p

judging from your sig I guess you havent been sticking to your class either :D


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2004
I had a infil on alb/pryd, then pretty much the time I got RR5 everyone was a stealth class on the server (at least that is what it felt like), so i made a sorc, got that to 50 only played it as group wanted a sorc for a regular RvR group. Of course this regular RvR group never really happened >< had like one decent outing where we killed 3 or so groups of hibs attacking beno. After that ToA happened so (the reroll part :p) me and 2 mates left alb for hib/pryd purely to play bgs no lvling artis or ml \o/. Hib/pryd changed to /level 30 within like 2 level 24 chars :< so went back alb where the plvl was easy and they had lvl 20.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Ballade. said:
judging from your sig I guess you havent been sticking to your class either :D

ah but i still play all of them actively :D

by re-roll i thought you meant delete and start different one? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
I rerolled Hib/Pry from Mid/Pry 'coz at the time about 75% of the realm was Swedish and refused to speak anything but Swedish.

The last straw was being turned down for an RvR group that'd been spamming Emain MPK for an hour for a PBT Runie because "sry m8 only swede".

Hib/Pry > ALL.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
After getting my armsman to around lvl 40, I discovered I could better roll a paladin...But the idea to charm mobs and let them fight for you had made me roll a sorcerer. And I still like my sorcerer a lot more than my armsman, even tho I don't play both of them anymore ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
I rolled my sm around the time SI came because i became bored playing with my sb which was seriously gimped.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
I started out as a roleplaying overpowered no-qui troll zerk on mid/pryd, but eventually i got a taste for rvr and heard about people i knew on mid/exc having alot of fun there, so i rolled a healer there and played some rvr... got bored of that after a while and deleted my mid/pryd chars and rolled an NS on hib/pryd, and now i made a druid there which i did ToA on. Dunno why i switched so much really, but i like hib/pryd :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
I switch when I get bored which is often. Tried it all got bored by it all. These days I have trouble to find enough to interest me for more than one hour at a time tbh :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
had a zerk which got 'fixed", when si came rolled a savage, played it for a week and went back to zerk


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Deepfat said:
I switch when I get bored which is often. Tried it all got bored by it all. These days I have trouble to find enough to interest me for more than one hour at a time tbh :(

time to find something new perhaps... :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
i make other classes just for stuff to do

first class was my sorc, and the class i love is my sorc :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
1, rolled ranger, got bored with perma-ts from assasins and being a luri. Had the chance to get my elf ns pled which was my old beta char but never been arsed to lvl him till the "Zerg by Xest" event. Got him to 40 with that, then dinged him to 50 in 3 weeks after.
2, got bored again, so rolled a chanter to 50 on "Zerg II", mainly for pve purposes... got bot, which dinged lvl 50 in 6months or so :) played ns till rr5
3, got seriously bored with stealth-zergs and hibernia itself, so moved exc/alb with some friends
4, rolled sorc, got it to 50. had 2-3 weeks of fun till guild died, 3 friends quit the game, so back to my shade
5, dinged ns to rr6, got a hero to 48 full sc-galla itemized but never been arsed to lvl it to 50, it has 360 rps or so still :)
6, played albion sometimes, but realised i dont like the realm with so much players in it
7, rolled svg, got it to 50, had 2 weeks of fun, 2 mates quit guild again, goofing around in toa with svg, thinking of giving upon him to get my lowbie sm to 50, as i realised tanks are so boring classes to play + excalibur demands pbae :x

end of story afaik


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
i rolled a wizard, didnt like stealthers 1shotting me :p
so rolled a infil...infil got boring in the end as not much skill involved and alb/excal just got infested with stealters so started to suck hard.
Rolled a reaver, was uber fun, but later sold acct as i wanted to quit game :eek6:
came bak few months later and decided ill play a cleric as i wanted a uber grp char :p, still play cleric now :D and just as fun as other 2 chars.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004

Started game as a SB, got fed up of no groups. (Soulsdoorway)

Made a skald died to low lvl mobs cause of crap equipment, then they changed the DD gfx (prefered the simple 4 petel flash ;<) (Chevron)

Made a shammy, but was changed to a bot, could say I followed the rest of the sheep ;P (Lilly)

Made a zerk, was alright but, only one thing made me play it, was going teddeh bear every 6-7 mins or so, its now just a farm DF char as my SB hits harder. :/ (Soulswindow)

Made a huntress, was fun solo in HW, didn't like the fact I was forced into melee 90% of the time. (Sai)

Remade a new SB, and here I am ;P (Yujie)

Along the way made aload of other alts etc but above main chars and reasons are above ;P


switched realms a couple of times, 40warden and a 36ranger(autoing), but in end kept to alb and made a scout, which I play when I'm annoyed with something on pry :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
My second char was a hunter, a group of us decided to all make hunters, never quite finished her tho.

Then healer, because its was easy to get a group, and my guild lacked them at the time.

Then my runie, got her as far as BG1 at 22, capped her and never really got into playing her again.

Then my BD, Si came and well, you have to try these things.

Then a hib chanter, got bored at 23, deleted and went to alb.

Rolled an infil, raised the old fashioned way to 19 before /level came in, took him to 22 and hes stayed there.

Got a bb account, rolled various chars.

Now I have my necro on Alb/Pryd I use to give me a pleasant break from the mud n snow of Midgard.

Yes, i like variety.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Rolled a pally on 1st day of retail on pry.

Got to L34, went to emain, saw the blue hammaz of doom!!! and re-rolled a thane!!!

Got him to 50/RR5, rolled a shammie got her to 50 rolled a SB got him 50, re-rolled Brunore got him to 2x...

Went to mid/excl and now play a 4x SM there...

I like mid :E


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
First char, Thane had fun with it for about 3 months.
Rolled Runemaster and had Apsk as teacher! got bored.
Rolled Sb, got bored after 1 week of rvr. went back to runie.
Got bored and quit game.
Came back, rolled healer and got bored.
Rolled SM for PL.
Rolled Shaman, got bored of rvr on pryd.
Rolled Chanter on hib and got bored quite fast.
Went back to mid.
Went alb, played some toa, quit.

And the story goes on :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Got bored to exca zergs and some people so rerolled pryd/hib,not regretting :)


Mar 11, 2004
Open Beta rolled a fighter [i had no idea at this time]

Advice came from people iw as grped with to make a Pally..

Made pally, lvled to 20ish

Retail came, rolled pally again...around lvl 12 metup with some old old friends on Salisburyplains..leveled to 50

Played Galewyr for....ummm...along time [till about 5 months ago]

During this time I decided for a change, got hold of a second account and rolled a NS on Hib/Pryd [Oena] met up with Aleina and together made 'Teh GingerLuris'

Stopped playing hib, later found out Aleina went to mid/pryd as the SB 'Mze' never heard from her again.

Resurrected my scout [Thya] about 3 months ago and leveled it to 50 with Erodafiras new Theur [Erodar]

Eroda left GoP [cried irl]

Solo'd scout to rr2, met up with Krissy and Minimezz and started using high MLs to whoop fgs in emain

RR4 Krissy Minimez and Jenkz vanished and went back to soloing, met up with guildies Feathers and Scouse and started roaming emain with them.

2 Weeks ago decided had enough, rolled hib/pryd with old friend Alaron [fire wizz] now evil Chanter and Druid xp duo

Thats as far as i have gotten :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Rolled a theurg at retail because it seemed like a unique caster which i liked the sound of, then i rolled a merc to be different(wasn't many about in 1.39) and wanted a fighter class too.Then rolled wiz same patch i think but never lved it since i enjoyed theurg/merc most, aswell as many other lv40s and lv50s which ToA killed. xE


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Rolled a minstrel at release, which I really liked. But the playstyle in RvR never really gelled for me. So I listed out all the things I liked best about the class: CC, pets, speed ... then I bit the bullet and levelled a sorcerer since it did most of those things better, and I had a low level one anyway which I'd made to try to figure out how charm worked (which was hard to do when charm was on the flute and pets had a tendency to run off at mach 6 when they broke it.) Had a lot more fun with my sorcerer, so even after minstrels got lots of boosts I never was tempted to go back.

Rolled a cleric because I wanted a change of pace, we were short of them in guild, and I knew I would want to do lots of raids when ToA came out and sorcerers aren't great for high level PvE raiding.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
First char was a cleric on Excal / alb, got to level 26, in the ASq guild
Found out a couple of friends played Pryd / Alb .. went there and made a Paladin ... grouped up with 3 friends
Cleric: Rharcyn
Cleric: Feknol
Merc: Rydd
Leveled to about 34ish, at that point the merc was invited to play mid/pryd and was promiced a PL to 50, so he deleted and rerolled .. the PL never happend :fluffle:

Feknol the cleric stopped playing much and started falling behind Rharcyn and my level .... Got stuck around level 42 when I got bored with Paladin and Albion

Tried out Mid / Excal .. got a healer to level 27, along with Rharcyn who made a Warrior ...

Went back to Alb / Pryd ... got to level 46 ... had to move appartment and lost internetconnection for about 3 months...

Came back ... started various alts which was leveled to around 20-30 ....
Then /level was introduced and I figured I could put up with the last 4 levels on my paladin to get this ability...

Got to level 50 with paladin... got bored being either mezzed, stunned or dead in RvR....

Moved to Excal / Mid once more ... Rolled a Shaman, 4 friends followed who made healer, healer, zerker and savage ... got to level 50 in about 1 month IRL ... joined a RvR-gank-squad-guild (Bloodarrows who renamed to Bermuda Triangle) got to RR4.

Then fell apart ... Returned to Prydwen played my earlier alts ,, found minstrel very funny in BG, so decided to level him... got VERY bored with the PvE as minstrel at level 45 (always get stuck at that levelish) but still enjoyed him in RvR (soloed my first level 50 caster at level 36) but not enough to keep going (yet)

really loved shammy alot, so wanted to try the closest Alb version, Friar .. got to 46 .... Then tried a friends Scout on the US servers .. started on .. played to 42, got bored with the lack of end-regen (Paladin, Friar and Shaman doesnt really have a problem with end) ... went back to friar ... found out I really liked him ... taking (can take 3 orange without trouble), healing, buffs .. what I like the most - Endregen ... just needed ranged attack and he would have all I wanted, but hey .. cant have it all :touch:
Got friar to 50 ... joined a new guild who like PvE just like me .. started TOAing with two friends ...

Did alot of quests, farming, dieing in TOA and grew pretty fond of the PvE inthere, except you need too many people to do something fun, which the guild lacked to provide .. then joined a GREAT alliance with Rose and am now almost done with my TOA/SC armour ... just need Healing Embrace cloak, encounter for Guard of Valor + Scrolls and 1 quest item (Search for the seven coins) and im all set ... got most of my MLs planned for the next couple of weeks if GF will let me :wub: ... Currently ML1 .. just need ML2.10 and have planned ML3, 4, 5 and 6 for the next two weeks... so if nothing gets canceled Im done in about 14 days, and with some luck my artis are around level 6 at that time (Egg of Youth, Belt of Moon, Guard of Valor and Healing Embrace, if I get what I need fast enough)....

Dont have any current projects except my friar...

oh and I hope and wish for a 3rd english server as CO-OP or just regulary server so I can get to try out hib ... tried it before I moved to Mid Excal .. got a Spearo to 28, but was too hard getting groups as a tank without shield :) ... playing a level 24 bard from time to time on a german server.. but not much fun .. got 350g and level 24 .. but cant get a darn crafter to make me some stuff


Loyal Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Mmmm where do i start.. ahh yeah.. at the beginning ;p

At release i rolled a Wizard called Trunon who i leveled to 26 before realising i was totally gimped having put spec points into earth, fire and ice could barely solo a yellow mob.

Then rolled an Armsman called Garok who i managed to get to 36.

Went to mid/pry and rolled a Thane called Heinz Ketchup was a great laugh but i got bored easily with the character, then decided i wanted to play a stealth class and considering i had explored a bit of mid i ended up staying in the realm and then went and rolled Emma.

Got Emma to 44 then decided to roll a minstrel on Alb/Excal got the minstrel to 43 and got bored with afk/ps crap.

Went back to Emma, got bored with the grind and wanted to spec differently as well, so rerolled her and got her to 50 this time.

Next character i rolled was a Warrior called Winky which originally started out as a mess about char, didnt actually plan on leveling her to 50, but i enjoyed the character so much it eventually happened.

About halfway though leveling the warrior i bought a second account and started to level a shaman to help with my warrior`s leveling.

The next character i rolled was Bettina my savage who i rolled the day of SI`s release ready for a Pbae group which had been organised dinged her 50 in around 3 1/2 days played got her to rr3l9 and got bored, went back to my SB.

After a couple months playing my SB i decided to go play Alb/excal again and roll an infiltrator just to get an idea of what the competition is all about. Got him to rr3lx got very bored and went back to mid/pryd.

After the Savage i wanted another tank but didnt want a thane again as i had played one before, so went for the Berserker as it looked insteresting to play. Got the Zerk to 50 and rr3 then decided to go back to Emma.

Got bored RvR`n with Emma because of the zergs and quit mid/pryd for 2-3 months and went to hib/excal to mess around with some chars there, ended up rolling an Enchanter, Eldritch and a Hero. Quit hib when ToA was released and went back to my SB.

Got SB to rr6l4, leveled god knows how many artifacts to level 10 and then quit once again and went alb/pryd where im happily playing now.

think thats all, missed out all the BG toons or toons that aren't worthy of the post ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 9, 2004
I rolled my thane i do have a few alts but the thane is still my only 50 :)

I play on camlann to :) A healer and a thane go figure :p

Ill stick with my thane.. i dunnu why i just like him although hes a bit gimp :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Open beta, played a scout on excal called Jarrax. (still think beta was the best RvR ever)
Retail, moved to alb/pryd messed about with mincer/infil got bored.

A few of us moved to mid/excal and started a guild... rolled an sb ( back in the 2/lvl, no i dont want POM, Str buff please days)...no bot, seriously hard to xp.
So I started a skald, forged ahead to 50, farmed everything i could, rog/cash for fellow guildies while they caught up.
Got the SB to 50, no bot still, solo'd him to r4l9 then my 5-spec got royally nerfed. Gave him up on a day where I hit a NS for 63dmg(AP) and a mincer for 47dmg(ab chant) mainhand, and got killed after a RR1 infil evade my first attack (DF'd) and killed me without a scratch (hence the BD's surname)
Rolled a BD, got a bot, now quite happily farting about in DF doing my best to rid it of infils.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
First: rolled a skald, got owned in bg, but keept playing....got some selfesteem in bg3 as i 3 shotted infils.....moved on to lvl 50, but as i hitted 50 i was killed by solo bards (mostly unbuffed and low rrs) as well as all other classes...so i rerolled to a paladin, got him to 50....but DANG...got killed by a HEALER in melee! (he was not buffed or annything as i suprised him while he logged on...saw he died by a infil...deleted on day...now playing shadowblade....AND IM STILL GETTING PWNED!! wtf is wrong with me? :mad:

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