What is to come?



Wow a 'My realm sux because of XXX' post on the (wh)IGN(e) boards? never seen any of them :)

There is a vague point with the casters though - albion casters are more specialised, the other two realms have more utility.

Currently the trade off is a little one-sided towards versatility


I've seen similar posts about each realm. Yes, most of them have some point in them, but the game isn't that black and white that you can estimate realms on paper. Or even based on stats from one server. Or all servers. I'm sure I could pick another server and come up with same kind of 'results' why mid sucks. Or hib.


You need to have the right mix of characters on each realm. Think if your realm had no healer. Your realm would suck. But if you had the right proportion of everything in a realm your realm would be "uber" and every US player would complain on the IGN boards about all their realms classes being rubbish and needing to be better.

Just need to sort out the "IGN whine" into the real situation(s) Really wish people would stop posting links to the IGN boards. It really puts people off a class/realm sometimes, and we can't be having this. Think what it would be like without ... <insert class here ;)>

<ramble over>


2) Lack of insta ranged-AE mezz. Not only does Albion not have any insta ranged-AE mezz, Albion is also the only realm that can not chain cast mezz.

This guy is hilarious


Imo, I feel that tho Albion seems well-balanced with a wide variety of classes that are good at what they do, the other realms are more versatile in their classes.

When playing on Hibernia or Midgard, I feel that a lot of characters can assume different roles in a group giving it a nice turn of role / backup role play. Made me understand that Albion often needs more people in a group to get the same effects or gameplay. This also reflects itself in RvR where a large group of albs can actually lose ground against a lesser force.

(Not talking about the strength of the classes, just the abilities and playstyles here. Also not too sure bout Midgard since I haven't played a very high one there.)


Thing is, Alb has a lot of very popular classes, then a load of not so popular classes. Lots of Armsmen, Clerics, Wizards, Theurgs, not so many Sorcs, Friars and Cabbys (no wonder). So obviously groups aren't going to be as diverse as in Hib (a really nice spread of classes) or Mid (nice spread, but not many Shammy/SM)

So the utility classes of Alb are under played. No sh*t when you consider the uberness of Clerics, Minstrels and Scouts in RvR pre-nerf. Plus Armsmen look uber in plate (come on, admit it, thats why you played Armsmen right :p)

I don't buy it that Mythic nerfed Alb because of the zerg. I just think that Albion classes are all great on paper (except cabs and maybe mercs), but it is hard to find a good group dynamic in Alb. I've only played a Sorc to 25 there, but had probs with healers that smited, armsmen with 0 defense and a glut of minstrels and scouts. Middy groups are simpler, tanks, tanks, tanks, a runey and a healer....who actually heals. End of. Hibby is the same, but replace a few tanks with nukers, and add a bard or warden and druid healing. Bobs yer uncle.

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