what is this!!!



I dont know if this happens to others, but if it does, it´s no wonder ppl dont want to come to retake our keeps in albion frontier.

Now, I´m there everytime I hear retaking is going on, except if I have something very important going on - this morning, I was having a lot of fun in emain, and chose to stay there instead for the first time ever - hoping that albion could gather enough without me.

all of a sudden in the emain chat grp, this is spoken (G = me, and curse words stand as unreadable):

(quote): leave theese to the mids, dont G? Mging (thats cursing) even ask from me to take theese keep next month or relics, i dont +2&fing (cursing) care

(quote) and rezz costs 10g / 1, ADVANCE

(quote) u can do what u want and so can i

whats that about, first time I´d like to do something else, and I get flamed for it, well, gee, nice to know fellow albions appreciate what you have done in the past time for the realm.
all the flaming of each other in this realm, has made me think about changing realm several times, pretty damn sad albion is to be this way.


Albion of full of Elitist bastards that don't care about defending the realm, only how many RP they can rack up in a week so they look Elite.

It's complete total and utter bullshite. You rack up your RP, I'll help keep our frontiers safe when it's needed.

Albion needs to get itself in gear or the current cakewalk that the mids and the hibs have will continue.

If I'm on and there's a keep retake going on, /send Hienrich the details and I'll come help, and maybe drag some people with me too.


Originally posted by gwal
whats that about, first time I´d like to do something else, and I get flamed for it, well, gee, nice to know fellow albions appreciate what you have done in the past time for the realm.
all the flaming of each other in this realm, has made me think about changing realm several times, pretty damn sad albion is to be this way.
Nice to see Albion hasn't changed at all since I left. :p



It was me, and it wasnt ment to u i said that for just all, and there was like 6 peeps in cg, so i needed also steming out something ,helped me, just all the guys who were there with a sence of humor, and yes i was also pissed, because about 20 peeps said okies, i can come, and when we waited and waited 4 showed up. and then i did /who emain 50 peeps, by the way, the price of rezzing has raised to 50g, becuase looks like we need soon do more relic door repairs, because peeps still dont wanna repair relic doors after attack,
its LOADS cheaper and faster to take 5 keeps than fix all relic doors to 100% and 1 relic less to have, imo.

And it wasnt planned as flaming, it was finglish evil typing

And u know who is usaully 1 of those , and yes been getting loads of help, and ty for that

it was to all albs who were on the freaking emain, happenings where this-

30+ hibs/mids AMG, we tried to kill them 3 times, i said okies, lets go to pennines and take 2 keeps, then come back, and have fun again, or it was the other time when 60+ albs at emain, and only 8 mids and 8 hibs, so again 30-40 minutes to pennines and then back again, then the action would be there, etc etc

And the 2 keep were Beno and Renaris, and at 7 am they were ours again, then i went to sleep, i woke up , they have gotten again 5 keeps, and then BOOM BOOM relic gone.

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