What is the diff between Guard 1 and Guard 3?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 26, 2005
Now, This might sound retarded but I dont know the difference between guard 1 and guard 3, I can figure out that I the % is higher at blocking with guard 3 but how does the % work? is it a higher amount of your block chance that transfers to the target of your guard for ever level u gain in it. I.E Your blockchance is 100%, you use guard 1 on a target (25% of your block %) and the chance that u will block for your target becomes 25%, guard 2 (50% of your block %) meaning you block 50% of the attacks etc etc... if this is the case is 75% top?

All you SI blockbot pallys in there! fill me in! <3


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
If i haven't completely forgot the scale, Guard 3 is at 15 shield.
So basically if u running around with 15 Shield u'll get 5% base chance + 0,5% * 15 (total 12,5% chance to block). This applies both to your chance of blocking and the chance u block for a teammate through guard ability (Guard ignore the Small-Medum-Large shield 1 -2 -3 attackers blocking chance).
Engage is another story.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 26, 2005
Very helpful, thank you very much.

Follow up question : Doesn't dex affect guard?:// coz if 30% is the top guard chance then I've seen some sick luckers in my days :D If u know then a basic calculation would be appreciated!


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I'm interested in the original question. Apart from the fact you get guard 3 at 15 shield skill - just what is the difference between guard 1 and guard 3?

It would probably require an answer from Mythic as I don't believe there is any documentation which describes the real difference.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Guard 3 at 15 shield could be about right, my bm has guard 2 at 10 shield spec.
I have never seen an in depth test what factors are involved in blocking with guard ( or what the differences are between the lvl's of guard).
My guess the only really influence is coming from mob, with some dex involvement.
The only test I can recall were those done before Mythic fixed guarding ( shortly after SI) in rvr and as far as I can remember the only changes there were between the group sizes of the attacking and defending parties.



Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
It's interesting, been xping on mid/ava with a spear valk/thane/shammy trio: thane pulls bunch of mobs with aoe, guard on valk, valk pbaoe spear styles everythign on the thane.

One think I notice is mobs seem to hit much more when thane has the aggro and blocking for himself, than when valk gets the aggro and thane is guardblocking for the valk. Both thane and valk same lvl, in epic and capped melee resists and main stats.

So I assumed the calculation for guardblocking and normal blocking slightly different, ofc mebbe my observations are furbarred.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
I'm interested in the original question. Apart from the fact you get guard 3 at 15 shield skill - just what is the difference between guard 1 and guard 3?

It would probably require an answer from Mythic as I don't believe there is any documentation which describes the real difference.

Well i really dunno but my point was that you won't block shit with 15 Shield both for ya and for your guarded mate ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 26, 2005
Thank you all for posting here and keeping it alive. I just like to over think everything and thought that I would need to know the guard chance

I read on a old thread about a pally that wrote how to spec n shit, and he said that he wouldnt consider going lower than 48 chants because of the red af chant. his argument for this was that af affects the block chance aswell. and it seems logical enough doesn't it ? miss parry pure dmg and block chance. he said anyways that it was the second largest factor after dex for how much u blocked.. wonder if that works on guard? If anyone got any intel on this then feel free to respond! Thank you once again.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Well it's sometime since i had an insightful discussion about melee game mechanics, but as far as i remember the only thing affecting your chance to block (apart of course how much u spec into shield, the +11 from items and your rr) it's dexterity, the higher it is the higher is your hidden Shield Weaponskill (then ofc u can add up buying the MoB RA).
If i'm not wrong when some1 tries to hit u the system takes into account, your chance to evade, your chance to parry, your chance to block(weaponskill of the attacker DOES have a malus factor on your flat chances AFAIK) in this order, after this there's still the chance that he'll miss u (Weaponskill against Armor Factor).
Don't take for granted that this is the right order btw cause my memory is somewhat going downhill cause of age :x
In case of the Pallie then, the only chant that would somehow directly affect it, it's the AF one when the system calculates the chance to rightout miss the strike.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
I always thought that AF purely affected how much damage you actually took once they hit you.
I'm not up on what actually causes the hit/miss chances tho so that could be completely wrong.

I am fairly sure that it doesn't effect blocking chances tho. (although again not 100%)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 26, 2005
Well personally im going 48 chants. if af affects the block chance - Awesome! if it doesn't.. Slightly less awesome! I'm still going to be going 48 chants because of the af which lowers damage and stuff and if the dude was right then it's just that much better. I must however say that I think that I have gained a lot higher block chance (at least I notice it a lot more now) than I had before thanks to the extra 200 AF I got when I picked up some sapphire seal armor instead of the emerald one (still had same dex, capped). From level 40 to 42 I have experienced a sick difference so I'm inclined to believe the pally that wrote that AF affects it hehe. Then again, it might just be because I want it to be true. Oh well :)

EDIT: Ohh, and if you would like to read the thread I read about the AF thingie, then click here and read down to the part about blocking.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 26, 2005
Follow up question, what does shield cap at? is it 50 or is it 65 as I've heard that spells do? aka, would I cap if I went 42+15 shield or do I need 50+15 ?:)


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Follow up question, what does shield cap at? is it 50 or is it 65 as I've heard that spells do? aka, would I cap if I went 42+15 shield or do I need 50+15 ?:)

Best u can have, afaik, it's 75% chance to block adding up the lot (they fixed it in recent patch afaik cause there were ppl with 50+21 shield and Mob5 blocking everything).


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 26, 2005
Best u can have, afaik, it's 75% chance to block adding up the lot (they fixed it in recent patch afaik cause there were ppl with 50+21 shield and Mob5 blocking everything).

no, I mean can u can the shield? as in.. the skill shield.. does it cap anywhere?

does 42+11 shield block less often than say 50+11 shield.. aka does it cap at 50 shield or can u keep going forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever.


I read somewhere that each 2 points in shield gives +1% block and each 20 dex gives +1% block and u get the 5% base from guard 3 right. awesome. now - does this affect guarding? and if it does is it just calculated straight over?


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
5% Base chance for having Shield Skill
.5% for every point u put in it
.5% for every point u have from items (+ Skill)
.5% for every rr post 1 u have.
Mob1 +2%
Mob2 +5%
Mob3 +10%
Mob4 +16%
Mob5 +23%

Note that Mob % are the overall u achieve, they don't add up (ie Mob5 is 23% not 23+16+10+5+2).

So let's take in account an rr10 Tank with 50+11 Shield and Mob5
5% base
.5% * 50 (Shield Spec) = 25%
.5% * 11 (Items) = 5,5%
.5% * 9 (Realm Ranks) = 4,5%
Mob5 = 23%

Total = 63%

Hope it clears the lot ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
5% Base chance for having Shield Skill
.5% for every point u put in it
.5% for every point u have from items (+ Skill)
.5% for every rr post 1 u have.
Mob1 +2%
Mob2 +5%
Mob3 +10%
Mob4 +16%
Mob5 +23%

Note that Mob % are the overall u achieve, they don't add up (ie Mob5 is 23% not 23+16+10+5+2).

So let's take in account an rr10 Tank with 50+11 Shield and Mob5
5% base
.5% * 50 (Shield Spec) = 25%
.5% * 11 (Items) = 5,5%
.5% * 9 (Realm Ranks) = 4,5%
Mob5 = 23%

Total = 63%

Hope it clears the lot ;)

Heh, I actually had gotten into my head that when haveing Guard I you could only block one opponent at the time, no matter Shield size, but I guess thats just somehing that I was thinking from the start while leveling my hero, and I never bothered to care how it worked later on, as you don't really need to know =P


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 22, 2007
42+11 will make you block alot less often than 50+11, which in my opinion only really matters if your going to make a blockbot for fast levling:)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Gahn said:
So let's take in account an rr10 Tank with 50+11 Shield and Mob5
5% base
.5% * 50 (Shield Spec) = 25%
.5% * 11 (Items) = 5,5%
.5% * 9 (Realm Ranks) = 4,5%
Mob5 = 23%

Total = 63%

Hope it clears the lot ;)

So how does dex fit in?

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