What is easiest too lvl in Mid?



What's the easiest class too lvl in Mid?(And want some RvR skills too :)
Sincerly Yours,
Maybe soon too me Mid-player

Hyuga Hinata

A Healer would probably be the easiest to get a group with, don't know how they do in RvR at the moment tho. But we sorely need them.

But for gods sake, do not make a SB! We do NOT need another one of those out there :p


Yep, healer easiest to level, by sooo much. Log a healer on and you get pm'd for groups. Also play the most important role in RvR, just remember that you are a team player as a healer, you set up the kills but dont actually whack anything.

Shamans I think are finding it harder to get groups now unfortunately as so many ppl have bots, sad but true. Saying that they are still very group friendly and are still welcome in most groups

Tanks, everyone loves them, get a friends list set up fast. with seers on it. Tanks are very popular, shield users more so at later levels (malmo)

Shadowblades are the group exile at the moment, so many about that few people want to group with them (or have a group full of them already). Hunters are slightly better as can pull.

Casters, Midgard needs these almost as much as we need more healers


i rolled a shaman pvp, he could easily solo oranges and now i also know they're grp friendly so i think i'll roll one of those :) thanks guys


Easiest i have lvled is a Sup sm(with bot tho) buff pet pull shit load off mobs.. nuke em all to hell(ding)


yes make a healer and sit in and wait for group for RvR every time, over last week I have tried to get a group a few times must say when u see 3-4 healers left in MPK u fell like playing an other char.
Try in cg : any need a healer 10 min no response then it comes can u come rez just outside Pk lol .
I always hear we need more healers but sadly I can say it actually hard to get a group playing healer lately. Have not tried to xp lvl with 1 long time but most have a buff bot when doing xp so u be nothing then a heal bot how fun is that.



Originally posted by zapzap
yes make a healer and sit in and wait for group for RvR every time, over last week I have tried to get a group a few times must say when u see 3-4 healers left in MPK u fell like playing an other char.
Try in cg : any need a healer 10 min no response then it comes can u come rez just outside Pk lol .
I always hear we need more healers but sadly I can say it actually hard to get a group playing healer lately. Have not tried to xp lvl with 1 long time but most have a buff bot when doing xp so u be nothing then a heal bot how fun is that.


Hmm never realised you guys had such a problem, my main is a shammy so I know there limitations, not having Mezz in RvR is such a disadvantage. If I were choosing a group I would pick a healer over a shammy everytime. End regen is nice, but aint much use when you are standing there mezzed as you had no healer to mezz the oppenents CC characters.

I just hope healers finding it hard is a temporary thing or midgard is going to get into an even worse state.


Recently (whilst off Anon) I've found I'm getting a hell of a lot more group invites as a healer than I used to, although truthfully I always show up to RvR with at least 2 others, so I dont have much problem group-wise... It helps in RvR that I'm multi-specced (equal every at the mo) that celerity helps on keep doors :)


Originally posted by old.Spug
Recently (whilst off Anon) I've found I'm getting a hell of a lot more group invites as a healer than I used to

The chock the horror!.. you got more invites when not beeing anon.. wonder why?


Rolled a nice balanced spec shammy thinking I should get some groups in SI no problem as every man and his dog would be playing BD or savages.

Number of group invites = nil.

Solo'd to 11, am bored beyond belief.


PL my BD then !!1 :)

Lvl 4 Mystic is hard. I can't kill blues even :(

Need that pet...


You can group with me np bud, lvl 4 was a pain in the backside for me too :)


Why does everyone run around and expect to get invites to groups? its not like its impossible to do a /who <lvl range> and ask if some want to join. Put the good ppl on the friend list. Damn silly to solo as a shaman when you would most likely get a group if you just asked around a little



No idea why you presume I *didn't* ask people for groups. Of course I did, I presumed I wouldn't have had to state that word for word, thought people would guess I didn't just stand there at the city gates waiting for invites.

Lvl 50 buffbot or lowbie shammy joining group...


PvE healers can find a group 7 times out of 10
RvR healers are asked for PoX then left at the PK.

What normally happens to me is, I port to emain, ask several people for invites, get none, wait at PK.

Then get spammed for rezzes by the people who just refused me a group.


Well you get Rps for Rez now :) so let them die just hope you make it to them without getting wiped out too :)

Could create rez parties to see if we can generate uber healer rez rpa


Originally posted by Cush

The chock the horror!.. you got more invites when not beeing anon.. wonder why?

that would be compared to not being anon two or three months back, but then, you knew that...


trying to get a group again tonight from 20.50-21.20 and all I see is 4 buff bots and 2 other healers waiting for group, so wanna do RvR dont make a healer.
I wonder why there is no healers in RvR only class that cant do shit solo and have to wait for a group that doesnt exciste. Just got my first response : do u have a poa LOL.
meantime other healers have ported back to go farm, waiting 1 more port time is now 21.40 well nobody ported or it was sbs reminds me why i made 1.

Zapsis rr7
zapsi rr 5l7


i have a level 34 shammy and im finding it soooo hard to get groups (im not even cave specced) i dont intend to use him as a bot, he is just for fun. I think the buffbot problem is getting out of hand, im considering making hib//excal my permanent home :(


Dont go to Hib/excal. Come to Hib/pryd. We are much more friendly. Roll a bard or warden with some regrowth ( healing ) spec and you get groups np. Druids a bit harder. Much needed for pve but kinda loses out to bards and wardens in rvr. Shame really because druids are Hibs main buffer and are harder to kill than bards and we all know how long it takes to kill a warden..... too long.


Originally posted by mavericky

Hmm never realised you guys had such a problem, my main is a shammy so I know there limitations, not having Mezz in RvR is such a disadvantage. If I were choosing a group I would pick a healer over a shammy everytime. End regen is nice, but aint much use when you are standing there mezzed as you had no healer to mezz the oppenents CC characters.

I just hope healers finding it hard is a temporary thing or midgard is going to get into an even worse state.

No, healers are becoming rare on US servers too now. Not as many people are playing them, and Midgard is suffering immensely as a consequence.

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