What if.........



I have been reading some of the posts about some of the problems with the game and the fact RvR is not what it used to be etc…

On the train into work today after my batteries ran out on my mp3 player, I started to think what was wrong with the game and the came up with something that I have not seen discussed before……

It’s the fact that all mobs and players are totally transparent and not actually solid objects, i.e. you can run through them.

This means that a Zerg of 100 people can occupy the space of a single player and all converge on a single enemy player, although in reality it would be impossible.

If players were solid objects, the players that were not at the front of the zerg would have to run around from behind as they could not walk through their fellow comrades, which would lessen the effectiveness of the zerg.

It would also maybe limit the amount of players who could attack an enemy player in melee.

Attacking and Defensive tactics would have to be developed, and it would enable tanks and defensive melee players to protect casters and clerics, by forming a ring around them. It may encourage slight stand-offs between groups where casters can get more involved.

It may be possible for a group with good defensive stance to beat a much larger group with poor attacking strategy.

Imagine the Mid Zerg up to the DF merchants....The Albs could have a line of shield uses across the entrance to the merchants, with clerics and casters behind. Stealthed infront and at the side of the shield wall would be the infiltrators and scouts. The mid zerg comes running up in an unorganised rabble and immediately engages on the shield wall at the front, the casters open up
from behind and the infs and scouts converge in from the sides forming a pincer movement. The mid caught in the middle literally cannot move as they are surrounded by other mid who are then surrounded by the albs.....I know it sounds great in theory....but whether we would have the discipline and leadership for tactics on such a large scale is another matter.

There may be some tweaking needed, and perhaps some areas in the game where this was disabled, but overall I think it may make a positive effect.

What do u think ?



it would make a word of difference, but also brings a world of problems with it. to make sure it would run properly for everybody collision detection should be done serverside, increasing the load on them a LOT. on top of that the griefing possibilities would be limitless. just imagine, for instance, a guild that feels like "having fun" and blocks off amg for their own realm mates. I like the idea, I really like it and it could offer a lot. but in practice it would most likely bring more problems then it would solve.


we need solid bushes/trees/landscape thingies etc, but solid people would suck in so many ways. it would unballance alot of things even more than it already is, and it would make milegates even more powerful. imagine 3 shield tanks in the doorway, with 5 pbaoe'rs just behind, and 3 bolt casters on each side on the battlements? Imagine a group of people wanting to grief someone, so surrounds that person trapping him. imagine so many issues like these, its not even funny.

Also, it would make DF stand offs suck in so many ways. Collision detection like this, simple wouldnt work in a limited space like a dungeon.

Imagine a relic raid? Imagine a keep raid? Imagine using the Gate Keeper?

try getting 120 trolls fit through the keep doors? imagine being on defence with one single aoe caster?

Which brings up another issue. Trolls take up as much room as 5 or 6 lurikeens. BIG disadvantage.

Conclusion; Collision detection would rock. but the game simply hasnt been built for it, and it would make the game worse if implimented.

Solid landscape though, WOULD be great, if they could somehow work out the LoS issues with e-g a ranger hiding behind a bush, shooting through it.


Solid landscape would really help a daoc a lot especially from a caster's point of view i mean how annoying is going to lord room of a keep then being shot through walls by some archer class?:/


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
Solid landscape would really help a daoc a lot especially from a caster's point of view i mean how annoying is going to lord room of a keep then being shot through walls by some archer class?:/

Fixed (nerfed imo ;) ) in 1.64 when archers' shots are LoS checked at draw and release. Only way to shoot 'through' walls after that will be volley.


next time just check if you got some spare batteries with you

SoulFly Amarok

Some useless twat goes /AFK and blocks the way to some merchants etc would be fun wouldn't it?



in FFXI they have collision detection in a sence. everything is solid that should be, sword blades / floors / fences ect

everyone is solid for 5 seconds , then you can run though them. Stops the whole bloking door/tunnels ect

It works in another way too, when killing mobs in FFXI the tanks make a wall with the casters behind them for proctection

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