What if a dirty bomb hit London?



It may be time for me to look for a new job, I work 10 minutes walk from Charing Cross :(...


I don't normally care about wars as they never directly effect me, but this is different, Blair and co are trying to win public support for their war on a county that most people cant find on an atlas. If they think putting everyone at risk will win the backing they want then they are in for a big surprise, it's OK for Blair and his family as I'm sure they will have a nice safe nuclear bunker to retreat to while the rest of us suffer.

To get me worrying about anything is a real accomplishment so I would say this is Terrorists 1 - Government 0

I can see this turning into a World War specially as some of the allies are now causing problems, we all know Americas arrogance and that they will attack regardless of what everyone else thinks.

How long until America decides the French and German people need new Governments?.

Testin da Cable

the end is near! :eek7:

seriously though: chill out dude!!


No Boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a Boom tomorrow.

Sooner or later. BOOM!

Testin da Cable

if it's not love, then it's the bomb that will bring us together


Originally posted by Testin da Cable
if it's not love, then it's the bomb that will bring us together

* mank sets mode -Morrissey


Originally posted by adams901
What if a dirty bomb hit London?

tbh, i dont think many folk up here would miss it :p :D


heh laz thats just what i was thinking, it wouldnt really affect me :)


if it did happen its all us up north that would have to pay more tax to fix the damage


They wouldn't be able to clean it up if the bomb was big enough. Very few people would die, but the area would have to be sealed off, maybe for a couple of hundred years.

And think of the public panic.


Originally posted by Will.
Very few people would die.

They would get leukemia and their kids would be born with 2 penises and 4 arms though.


Originally posted by leggy

They would get leukemia and their kids would be born with 2 penises and 4 arms though.
The exposure for people further away than 200m would be very low. Cancers would probably only be caused by long term exposure to such a low level of radiation. Some people would die of radiation sickness, but nowhere near as many as you'd expect.


Originally posted by adams901
To get me worrying about anything is a real accomplishment so I would say this is Terrorists 1 - Government 0

seems more like Terrorists 0 - Government 1 (imho) !


Re: Re: What if a dirty bomb hit London?

Originally posted by Penry

seems more like Terrorists 0 - Government 1 (imho) !

How did you work that one out?, the terrorists have nothing to lose we do, they obviously don't care if they die as they wouldnt run around with bombs strapped to them if they did. The average member of the public does care if they die, so who is more worried the terrorist or the public?, a population worried by a terrorist retaliation wont give the government the backing it seeks.

Terrorists 1 - Government 0


Originally posted by Will.
The exposure for people further away than 200m would be very low. Cancers would probably only be caused by long term exposure to such a low level of radiation. Some people would die of radiation sickness, but nowhere near as many as you'd expect.

The fall out from chernobyl reached us and probably caused countless deaths through different cancers but there is no hard evidence to prove this.

Although a direct attack via a dirty bomb would have less effect than a large scale disaster like chernobyl I would expect the unseen damage to be quite large.

Either way I doubt it'll affect me that much as i live in another country :)


Re: Re: Re: What if a dirty bomb hit London?

Originally posted by adams901

How did you work that one out?, the terrorists have nothing to lose we do, they obviously don't care if they die as they wouldnt run around with bombs strapped to them if they did. The average member of the public does care if they die, so who is more worried the terrorist or the public?, a population worried by a terrorist retaliation wont give the government the backing it seeks.

Terrorists 1 - Government 0

Because its bullshit government propaganda to try and get us to support the war for oil on iraq.


Do what ?
So you suggest we do nothing and hope terrorism leaves us alone ?
Not the best idea Ive heard. Or perhaps we should all become part of Al-Quiada's moslem jihad is that what you're saying ? So then we wont be a target .
Or do you think it's an Iraqi threat , and its our fault because we want to stop Iraq from having such capabilities ? And yet isnt the point from some camps that they dont have such capability, or intention ?
If you are saying that its Iraq who is threating us with your "dirty bomb" then that surely reinforces the idea that we should invade Iraq pronto in order to stop them.
If you are saying that it is Al-Quiada then your only hope is to become a extremist moslem and hope they think you're on their side.
How is any of this Tony Blair's fault btw ?


I dunno how I feel about this TBH.

I work in the EC2A area of london and I'm not sure how much of a target this area is. There's a few major investment banks and a lot of telecoms companies around here.

The point of terror, whether they do anything or not is to make people so afraid of things that it disrupts their normal lives.

For some "terrorists" the very thing of spreading lies about potential attacks on certain places and seeing the government respond by rolling tanks out into the air ports and stepping up security is enough for them to see they've got us rattled.

I won't stop travelling to London because of terrorist threats unless I am forced to by closures of train lines etc.


the world sucks

i say we nuke it to death and hope the cockroaches do better than us


The link between Iraq and Al Qaida (sp?) hasn't been proven but in the 70s and 80s Saddam has given terrorists financial support and arms but also has ACTIVELY USED THEM as instruments of the Iraqi regime as part of his "foreign policy", terrorists such as the infamous Abu Niddal amongst others.

I don't think Saddam plays any part in controlling Al Qaida in any way but he has always courted terrorist organizations. Before the PLO became a proper "respected" politicized movement, Arafat received so much support from Saddam he moved first his office then his whole base of operations to Baghdad. Saddam likes to think he is the leader and champion of the Arab world and will court anyone and anything he thinks will help this.

Err I'm ranting again, I love this subject!

Saddam loves confounding the US and UK but I don't think he'd DIRECTLY play a part in organizing terrorist action against the West.

I do think that the US/UK insistence on linking Al Qaida with Iraq just smacks of desperation, a "PLEASE WE MUST DESTROY SADDAM OR YOU WILL BE BOMBED AND PLANES DRIVEN INTO YOUR HOUSE" load of BS.

Finally, Al Qaida and the whole Iraqi regime can burn in hell for eternity for all I f00king care. I don't think we can legitimately invade Iraq as of yet, but I wouldn't be shedding tears if we did. Saddam has murdered thousands and thousands of his own people and his family run the country like a nazi state but with 1000000x worse corruption levels. Oh sod it, BOMB THE BASTS (I give up!)


After a brief consideration Id have to say I pretty much agree with everything Xtro just said.
One last point though, the idea that somehow there will be a special vote and we'll all have to agree before they invade Iraq is kinda wrong.
Like it or not, we have governments to do them decisions for us .


Puts a new meaning on "Congestion Charge" though, cough.



Originally posted by throdgrain
Do what ?
So you suggest we do nothing and hope terrorism leaves us alone ?
Not the best idea Ive heard. Or perhaps we should all become part of Al-Quiada's moslem jihad is that what you're saying ? So then we wont be a target .
Or do you think it's an Iraqi threat , and its our fault because we want to stop Iraq from having such capabilities ? And yet isnt the point from some camps that they dont have such capability, or intention ?
If you are saying that its Iraq who is threating us with your "dirty bomb" then that surely reinforces the idea that we should invade Iraq pronto in order to stop them.
If you are saying that it is Al-Quiada then your only hope is to become a extremist moslem and hope they think you're on their side.
How is any of this Tony Blair's fault btw ?

Umm your missing my point entirely, I'm not a peace loving hippy freak, I haven't suggest we leave them alone and hope they leave us alone, no where in my post have I even mentioned that. If you read other posts I have made in war on iraq threads I think you will see my general attitude and that I am not against the war. As I said I don't normally give a shit about wars but when the threat is less than half a mile from where you sit for 5 days a week 8 hours a day it makes you start to think. If this is government propaganda it isn't going to win many people over to the idea of war.

As for where the threat comes from, the link I provided say it is Al-Quiada, and we all know that they are trying to unite the middle east by saying the USA and its allies dislike the middle east and moslem people... Oh and it isn't "My" dirty bomb its the BBC's Dirty Bomb, that's why I included a link in the post.

Tony Blair hmmmm, how do you think half the terrorists have entered this country?, its through the excellent asylum polices, so not only has he let them all in, given them a house and paid them out of our tax money, he will also be giving them the reason they need to strap bombs to themselves GG Tony.

WPKenny I work in WC2A, National Air Traffic Services Building, while I feel fairly safe in thinking it wont be a target there are plenty of viable targets close by, like you it wont stop me travelling to London, but it will play in the back of my mind from time to time.


Originally posted by leggy
The fall out from chernobyl reached us and probably caused countless deaths through different cancers but there is no hard evidence to prove this.

Although a direct attack via a dirty bomb would have less effect than a large scale disaster like chernobyl I would expect the unseen damage to be quite large.

The so-called "Chernobyl" effect exists purely as speculation. It is not even worth bringing up the subject.

When the Three Mile Island accident occurred, billed as the worst in American nuclear history, people in the immediate area exposed to the "lethal" radioactive gas that escaped were in fact exposed in one lump to as much radiation as they'd normally experience from the background environment in one year, i.e. not actually that much.

Consequently, 30 year investigations have more or less proved that no cases of any type of cancer can be directly linked to TMI, and the area has not suffered any abnormal level of cancer above those at a national scale.

The same applies to Chernobyl, obviously the surrounding area suffered greatly, but there is absolutely no evidence to suggest it caused widespread illness further afield, even though it was detectable right across Europe, it is pure speculation.

Ratiation comes in various forms, the alpha and beta types are unlikely to penetrate skin, only the gamma radiation is of concern, it is unlikely that such a device would spread this widely as that requires a full nuclear explosion, you have to be careful which type you are dealing with before you get scared.

As with chemical toxins, the old adage is "the poison is the dose", i.e. at a relatively low level the effect of any radiation or toxin is so insignificant you cannot even measure its effect because it cannot be isolated from other possible carcinogenic causes. Whilst the radioactive material could be spread far and wide, whether it will cause death or illness is another matter entirely.

Johnny Bravo

Originally posted by WPKenny
I work in the EC2A area of london

That postcode rings bells.....is that Broadgate, Liverpool St?


Originally posted by adams901
... its through the excellent asylum polices ...

You mean the ones defined by the International Convention on Refugees ratified by Britain in the 1950's ?


You dont have to quote every time you're replying, it really does make the place look so untidy ;)
Any way, even in this post you still havent really made any point I can understand , hence my post earlier.
Unless it was simply that now you feel threatened , and wish it would all go away, which is a fair comment really. I dnt think it will though.
To get it in perspective I suppose, theres been all sorts of terrorist attacks in London over the years , this is a different style thats all. I mean in that its coming from arabs, (or so it seems) rather than the IRA.
You're right we shouldnt have so many assylum seekers / illegal immegrants either, though I dont think that this particular government has introduced anything to encourage them directly. You would possibly find that any perpartrators of any crimes might be uk citizens anyway. Look at that aeroplane bomber bloke for example.
If there was an attack on a plane at Heathrow in the next few days, and the government hadnt sent any troops, I wonder how many people would be posting here saying how terrible that was. Cant win I suppose.


yeah they would be the ones, the ones that only the UK seem to follow, the french had the right idea, cage them all up near the chunnel and hope they escape through into the Britain.

Everyone in europe knows the UK is an easy touch when it comes to asylum and handouts, thats why most asylum seekers travel through numerous european countries to get to Britain, and it has even been mentioned in europe that the UK takes more than it should.

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