What I want from a space sim...



2001 with guns basically.

NO explosion sounds in space. Your breathing and sounds within your ship will do. Oh and maybe a nice classical score like Elite 2. Mussorgsky is ideal.

No alien races visible. At least until you've played the game for about 2 months. They should be a mystery...

Online play ? Not persistent worlds thx. I'd rather play offline than have kids annoying me.

Realistic Solar systems like Elite 2 again. No bases on gas giants but maybe on moons around them. The whole system, including landing, should be a seamless entity. Take off from a base and fly into a star if you wish.

Fairly realistic physics at least please. If I want an arcade game I'll play Mutant Storm thx.

Masses of different stuff to buy with regional variations in weapon types but not in such a way that sector A is the newbie sectorsector B is one up etc...

I'll think of more after our lass has dried her hair...


I'd go along with most of that I think.
I'd have to have some other sounds other than those from my own ship tho, the option to turn 'em off would be nice tho.

As far as online play is concerned the draw of co-oping with a like minded chum is too strong to resist for me. As far as annoying scrotes are concerened tho the option to run a server with no pvp and plenty of powerful admin tools would sort that out I think :)

The exploration factor has always appealed to me most I think, leaving your starting system and pushing out in the rest of the galaxy should be something to be strived for, a goal to be attained rather than a given at the start of the game I think.

Wrt physics... full newtonian everytime as long as there are some autopilots to help compensate when you want them. Imho it makes any combat (and just general flying about tbh) that much more interesting (the I-War games and Terminus are a great example).

I'd add BIG ships to the list as well, not enough space sims have ever simulated player owned capital ships (again as a goal to strive for). Freelancer suffers from that at the moment I think.
From what I know of the game it strikes me as fairly easy to attain the biggest freighter in the game fairly early on.... expansion packs maybe? ...togther with some more space to explore.

I'd love to own and run the space borne equivalent of an aircraft carrier with all me mates ships docked in it - arriving in a system and launching an assault on a base owned by another clan would be huge fun :) (espc. if they were asleep ...on better still on the bog ;))


2001 is all the more dramatic because it has no sounds in space. Clever use of sounds beats big boomy noises every time.

I'd love to have whole planets open to explore, like Damocles. that game rocked. Finding obscure stuff in obscure places was great.

I'd like to be able to mine rare minerals if I find them. Maybe build weapons out of them like MMPORPG crafting.

I'd like to be able to run a base.

I'd like the 'hard' systems to be scattered around not all lumped together. Something as a newbie you either have to go around or shit your pants as you try to fly though. Or hire an escort.

No set story PLEEEEASE. Some interesting set missions as well as the random ones will do fine. Elite > Privateer.


Damocles was awesome... another one of those games that'd be called revolutionary if it was made today.


Hmm... yeah, Freelancer in the Frontier: Elite 2 galaxy...

Or rather, Elite 2 with Freelancer controls and graphics...



I'd like to see an option added that u can buy ur own space station/outpost. Or planet even.

Ever heard of the game Hardwar? You could buy your own hangar there, and let other people browse your stock, repair their ships etc.

It adds a little touch to the game I'd say.

Ohyeah, and the inertia rules by Newton should be included aswell. I was great battling in dogfights in the Independece War games. :clap:


Hardwar was amazing ...got it here somewhere still.

X2:The Threat is shaping up to be interesting, no multiplyer sadly (bizarre huh) but if you're looking for an indepth elite type experience then X2 will be it.
No newtonian physics but the market is dynamic and U can own factories and operate trade routes as well as own capital ships etc etc.
Sequel to X:BTF which was SO deeeeep.

For the time being its gonna be FL for my online kicks (assuming BW actually run a server) and X2 for my offlines I think.


I think FL would've been better if it came out later...




/me runs off to recheck the development time it had already


That's what I was thinking, they've had 5 years ffs :(. Bah I'm still so gutted about this game.


def. doesnt seem to be the game that was originally promised.


i would like a mix of first person and space arcade sim, the whole entity that is freelancer is superb as a whole, but perhaps being able to board shipe and shoot all the passengers or being ables to walk around the space stations isnt too much to ask. also the worlds could be randomly generated terrain so yuo could fly down onto the planet and find the main city base using a cheakpoint on your HUD, much better


Originally posted by MikeyBear
X2:The Threat is shaping up to be interesting, no multiplyer sadly (bizarre huh) but if you're looking for an indepth elite type experience then X2 will be it.
Awww, ffs. For years Freelancer was The Elite-style game, then that busted and EVE was supposed to be The Elite-style game. Having been on the beta its clear that it isn't. Doesn't even have a cockpit-view. How can you immerse youself in this type of game if you view the whole thing as a third person?

Okay, maybe it works for DAoC but sometimes, in a space game I'm just going to want to drift through space, checking my instruments occasionally while I smoke a fag. Maybe talk to some others on the radio.

X2 looks good, though but my hopes have been dashed twice already.



LMFAO Summo..

I dont think anything like that is on the horizon tbh


these games are shit :(

gimme a man with a gun on a level with people any day :)

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