What happened to Doac high score tables?



The one working link I had stopped working, and before that it wasn't being updated.

Have any of you got a link to the high score tables anymore, and has it been fixed to update?

It was fun to look at the tables to see how everyone was doing, the game isn't quite the same without them.


High score lists? That is console game stuff...


The updating thing is broken..will be fixed in 1.62 I think.


Well I mean the lists showing the realm points that people and guilds have.

Brannor McThife

It hasn't worked since SI.

They (GOA) say it is because of blah blah blah, but we all know it's just because none of them can actually write any actual XML scripts...




Originally posted by Brannor McThife
It hasn't worked since SI.

They (GOA) say it is because of blah blah blah, but we all know it's just because none of them can actually write any actual XML scripts...



I don't usually reply to this sort of thing but please Brannor, your constant bitching at a game you no long play by your own admission is getting more than a little bit wearing.

I'm not sure which gets up me nose more to be honest - your previous defending of GOA come what may even in instances when they were clearly screwing up, or now that you choose to sumarily flame everything they do when it no longer affects you.

I'm sure you'll feel the need to flame in reply ;)

The Real Redi

awww, leave our brannor alone! :fluffle: s'ok Bran, we love you dude :)

I think he's earned the right to flame their arses, seeing as he put up with us lot bitching at him for defending them so much ;)


he's right :great:

apart from that, if its not GoA, it's probably Derrics fault anyway... ;)

Teh Krypt

Goa are just plain stupid. If your going to run servers for the whole of europe at least have SOME expericence in the XML scripting, did DAoC Korea (kekekekekke ^_^;;) Have this XML problem? No.

Did italy have this problem? No.

Did mythic have the problem? No.

God goa...


How can u fix XML when u only got translators to work for you ;)?


/points at korean herald

goa its really shameful that koreans have been working on it for a shorter time and their herald is 10x better

ffs they even got extra new emblems and spaces in their surnames...

The Real Redi

as with everything else in the world - the east totally puts the west to shame once again.

We knock down Wembley stadium, three years pass, no deal, 5 years down the line and now they're quoting prices like £4bn and crap like 4 years to build. In perspective, Saitama stadium was put up in about a year and cost the equivalant of like £20mil

We have so much redtape and middle managment bollocks in europe it makes me sick. Lets face it, that where the money is, and anyone who works/has worked in a city corp, or large company, will know that everything grinds to a halt to have a meeting about a meeting to discuss how much the bosses can pay themselves.

I like the game, i wouldnt play it if i didnt, but it gets on my nerves that GoA can't see the sense in saying "hold up, until we've fixed these problems, and stemmed the flow of folks leaving for pastures new, perhaps we should put those pointless expansions on hold and concentrate on mending whats broken"

But they wont. I get the feeling more and more that the men who hold court across the channel have seen the new MMORPGs arriving, and have no faith in their own game, or mythic, so are going to thrash as much cash as they can out of it, then leave the people who actually do the work to pick up the pieces.

shame, but sadly the way of a capitalist world...

If anyone here speaks French and can program XML code, perhaps you should phone up mythic and ask if they have any jobs going? :clap:


Brannor McThife

Here's your flame...
Originally posted by cadiva
...your constant bitching...
Who the fuck are you to decide that I shouldn't bitch or not? You sure as hell are not a deity that I should care what you think.

Originally posted by cadiva
...at a game you no long play by your own admission...
I said I left. Who said anything about whether I had NOT started again or not? If I have or have not, is MY business.

Originally posted by cadiva
is getting more than a little bit wearing.
To use a quote... Cry more n00b.

Originally posted by cadiva
I'm not sure which gets up me nose more to be honest - your previous defending of GOA come what may even in instances when they were clearly screwing up, or now that you choose to sumarily flame everything they do when it no longer affects you.
Here's where you start talking out your arse. I'd like you to run along, and find every case where I have posted concerning something GOA has done (in the past) and that I have defended them all the way. Oh wait...here's one. What were my thoughts on the fact that I got a black mark against my name even after it was well known I wasn't guilty? Or my views on the "epic events"?

To close. You don't know shit.

And when you see one of these ---> :flame:

It's normally meant as a joke/taunt, and not a real bitch session.



branner pwned cadiva!

if I was feeling bored, I might start a new thread on the excal RvR forums about this


As I do believe you've said before Brannor, everyone is entitled to their opinion and that's mine.

Oh yeah, this would be one of your 'defence of GOA' posts:

When they had a serious technical problem with the subscriptions and it took two Barrysworld posts before anyone from GOA (Kemor in this case - nice chap) posted anything here on BW to let people know. There was also a serious lack of information on the offical GOA websites.
Would seem to me to be a 'Brannor(TM)' post quoting either the CoC or the EULA which we saw with great frequency on the old offical GOA forums.

Originally posted by SilverHood
im not the only person with this problem then?

If they don't get it sorted, i'm gonna do a chargeback for a non delivered service

From the E.U.L.A.


You acknowledge that because of the complexity of computer technology, the Publisher cannot and does not warrant that this product's operation will be uninterrupted and error-free. Without limiting the foregoing, we do not ensure continuous, error-free, secure or virus-free operation of the CD-ROM, the Software, the Game or your Account.


Flame on.


End quote

I'm sure if i could be arsed I could find more on the BW forums. That turned up on page 63 out of 67 pages of 'search all posts by this user' - there were others before it, but this one struck me as somewhat ironic given that it was SilverHood who was complaining in that instance.
Sadly the old GOA boards aren't around so I wasn't able to produce any of your mod posts from there.

I tend rarely to flame, on this instance yet another post slagging GOA off about the lack of XML (oh my god it's soooooooooo important to be able to see your realm rank on a web site ffs) got on my tits and, as is my right, I decided to comment on it.

Oh and I don't believe at any point I told you you couldn't bitch, just said I was sick of reading it. ;)

The Real Redi

Cadiva, the only thing ill say against all this shindiggery is that Kemor happens to be a nice fella - i would guess that 90% of those who hold any sway at GoA wouldn't even know of Barrysworld, let alone the amount of people who speak on it.

The only board that appears to attract the influence makers is IGN, and thats full of whiners and wierdos...

or is that Excalibur? ah, i get confused, easy mistake ;)

ah, im in a good mood this day! Wheres Gombur, the old Care Bear when you need a comforting influence?

i miss that fluffy little fella... :D

Brannor McThife

Cadiva. I'm sitting here trying to figure out how that example shows me defending GOA. If you'd studied law, or any form of legal contracts, not to mention dealt with a hosting facility, you would know, that that quote I used, is part - in pretty much the same wording - of any EULA. Regardless of who the host is, if you accept the EULA, then you can't say you want your money back.

If you go back in time, to where everyone first started discussing Rightnow...you should find quite a few comments about how crap it was/is from me, that once the GOA internal forums were up and running, I reported things there or directly to a GM. Has that opinion changed since? No. The XML stopped working before I left in April, did I think it was good back then? No. Do I think it is good now? No.

With your minimal intellect, are you managing to grasp what I'm getting at?

The fact that I haven't changed my view on things. But you're probably one of those people, that can't accept that I could play all 3 realms on Prydwen. How in one day, I decided to play Midgard, after playing in Albion for the last month; discoverred a relic raid was in progress (Alb against Mid), and chose to stay in Mid and fight the realm I later played most in. I guess that's beyond your comprehension too.

Oh well, nevermind. I'll let you whine some more. Fact is. No XML for 3+ months is not acceptable, regardless of whether it's for a game or business.

Run along and play buffbot.



PS. Oh, and Kemor. Well. Kemor is just. You are all just characters to him and GOA. Who you are in RL means nothing. And Redi, any one that read the GOA internal forums knows about Barrysworld, as often Roleplaying and other specific threads are/were referenced there.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Oh well, nevermind. I'll let you whine some more.
Run along and play buffbot.

Yes Brannor, I'm one of those people who thought it was wrong for you to play all three realms because I have such a hang up about you that I constantly keep an eye out for everything you do because I find it vital to my DAoC gaming experience to know what you're doing/thinking/saying all the time. Even though I actually play on Excalibur it was vital for me to know what you were doing on Prydwen.

/sarcasm off.

Like I said before, I have an opinon, I'm quite entitled to voice it and if I want to be sick of your bitching I can be. It's very rare I flame or even whinge at anyone on Barrysworld, never mind anywhere else, you pissed me off and I've commented on it.

And yes, with my limited intelligence I'll go carry on playing my buffbot, which happens to be the character I've been playing since day one of retail.

Here endeth my 'discussion' with you the 'almighty' Brannor who has never defended GOA before and therefore can't have had an about face.

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