what ever happened to...



Little ppl, not doorfs, low levels, it seems more an more daoc is made up of lvl 50ies, alts of lvl 50ies, and buff bots, it used to be that there were actually ppl in catacombs, keltoi, barrows etc etc, but now they are deserted, even lyonesse is only full of lvl 50ies money farming, we have more an more long time daoc players leaving cuz they get bored ive come very close to it myself, and no new ppl coming up to replace them. the game isnt even marketing in the uk, and i cant imagine shrouded isles being any different, without new ppl playing it, daoc even with shrouded isles, is gonne surely die?? and maybe with star wars galaxies maybe it will be sooner not later.

Its sad, that something ppl put a lot of work into, and pay for is not supported better, a few cds in shops etc, dont think thats much to ask...i guess a lot hinges on shrouded isles, if it improves daoc a great deal, maybe it will breath some life back to it, atm, at least for me its pretty boring tho, and im guessing a lot of ppl, feel like that? if shrouded isles prooves nto to be entertaining i can imagine a lot mor eppl leaving as there is nothign to keep them, how many times can u go to emain an kill mids an hibs before it gets boring :)

On another note, whatever happened to the new dungeon, i went for a wander around there, btu it doesnt seem very popular, there is never anyone there, and the higher lvl mobs r bugged? so what the hell is the point of adding a dungeon that no one can use properly??? seeems crazy...

Anyway, post thoughts here :)


its bound to happen when GOA/wanadoo doesnt advertice the game properly (atleast i havent seen any ads about daoc)

But just wait for SI, will be loads of tiny shades and reavers running around =)

still alts of 50s tho =p


It's pretty normal I think that we have a high lvl population, after all, the game has been running a while. But about not having low levels .... I don't think so. I addicted some peeps to DAoC lately and they have no problem grouping / finding groups. It's not as crowded as during first months but still ok. The Christmas period did bring in a number of new players ... we started at 18 to 19k players and are at 26k start 2003.

Last time I was in cata's or keltoi with the alts, it was rather populated. On the other hand, I've been lvling up my alts in new places, killing things I never did with my paladin and it's quite interesting tbh (well, for me it is).

As for SI, I do hope for a good P&R campaign as new blood is always fun. Mouth-to-mouth is of course the best publicity but it's just too slow :/

Personally, I'm waiting for coop (don't start another discussion thread about it here, not the intention) as I'm very curious on the PvE keep taking, the possibilities for roleplaying / cross-realm events and such. If it doesn't come here, I'll just move to the US and check it out before moving on.


A few new people got the game for christmas, one joined my guild, but theres not many new people now. And its alot easier to get to 50 now then it used to be even just a few patches ago.

DAoC's life expectancy isn't great, but it will continue for awhile long with SI still im sure.

As for the new dungeon, its shit. simple as that, the Albion one is at any rate, I hated it personally, prefer going to the midgard one, havent seen the hib one yet.

I don't think its right to say the normal pve dungeons are empty though, the ant room in keltoi is still as bloody camped as it ever was :(


yeah there is no lowlevel 'community' any more


well i tested 15-20 games after x-mas and they all sucked.

and i came back to daoc, mostly because of peeps who i know, not so much because if game, and find out this was still excellent game, and thats because it has some nice peeps playing it.

and also because u needed some finglish


latest issue of swedish PCGamer had a FULL page ad for SI in it...maybe they (GOA) are doing something...:cool:


My lvl 10 pally got grouped with a new player and a player with a lvl 30 main just after christmas. They seemed like nice guys as well they were in the dungeons and dragons guild who seem to have quite a few low levels doing the xp grind atm.

Lets hope SI brings in new players before the "second generation" mmorgs steal em :)


Originally posted by falcor

On another note, whatever happened to the new dungeon, i went for a wander around there, btu it doesnt seem very popular, there is never anyone there, and the higher lvl mobs r bugged? so what the hell is the point of adding a dungeon that no one can use properly??? seeems crazy...

Cuz you need so many people to get to the fun places (after aidon)


i spend a LOT of time in the barrows and it is rarely empty.
i can hardly move in there most evenings.


Prob with the new dungeon is.....

You get in, you can't attack for 30 sec....but 90% of the time there are 1-2 fg's mids/hibs at entrance picking off everyone 1 by 1 = rp farming at his best

no wonder it sucks...think they somehow screw** up the 30 sec protection...

instead of giving it to the people entering the dungeon...they gave it to the ones already inside

fix this...and maybe more people will visit it...and they sure are fun...pbaoe'ers must get loads of rp...if they dont aggro 20 mobs doing it :)


point is tho, the new dungeon was released with bug mobs that dont drop/die?? i believe, make su wonder what mythic r thinking bothering putting in a dunegon with massive bugs like that


Originally posted by tazzke
Prob with the new dungeon is.....

You get in, you can't attack for 30 sec....but 90% of the time there are 1-2 fg's mids/hibs at entrance picking off everyone 1 by 1 = rp farming at his best

no wonder it sucks...think they somehow screw** up the 30 sec protection...

instead of giving it to the people entering the dungeon...they gave it to the ones already inside

fix this...and maybe more people will visit it...and they sure are fun...pbaoe'ers must get loads of rp...if they dont aggro 20 mobs doing it :)

Make it so that the ones just entering can attack those already inside but those inside cant attack back for the 30 seconds....that would stop camping 100% and would make em ambush etc instead :D

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