What does a low level Sorc do in a grp?



I have generated my sorcerer primarily for solo play during the week when I can't really commit to group play.

But last night I was playing my sorc in Mithra for a bit in a group.

I know how the Sorc solo playstyle works, but I'm not sure what I ought to actually be doing in a group?

I am primarily specced in mind followed by body.

ATM, I just use vitality drain, debuffs and slap on the power buff on the casters and occasionally mezz when needed.

Is that basically what a group sorc does?
Or did I miss something?


OK, well that was easy enough.

There is another handy spell called forgetfulness, it basically makes the mob forget his aggro.
It's dead useful to get a mob off of a Cleric or other caster for example.


One other question, will a pet drain XP off the rest of the grp?

I wasn't using a pet in Mithra anyway, as you can't charm most of the mobs in there, (being undead), which is a pain in the Butt BTW.


yes it will

and you can charm anything these days, undead or not

rtfm :p


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
yes it will
and you can charm anything these days, undead or not
rtfm :p

Well , I DID go around Mithra trying to charm quite a few diffrent mobs, SOME of them did charm, but most of them just said (can't remember the exact text) that it wasn't possible to charm it.
And no, it wasn't the normal failure to charm message.


You were trying to charm unique (named) mobs then - these are the ONLY mobs in the entire game now that you can't charm.


Originally posted by baphomet
One other question, will a pet drain XP off the rest of the grp?

I wasn't using a pet in Mithra anyway, as you can't charm most of the mobs in there, (being undead), which is a pain in the Butt BTW.

pet leeches only xp acourding to the amount of dmg it does. Never let anyone tell you to lose the pet, if the pet leeches noticable xp from a FG the group is crap anyway


Why don't you STFU and RTFM yourself...


Q: I (a sorcerer) was in the Tomb of Mithra and was unable to charm any of the monsters in the dungeon. I was under the impression that with patch 1.59 I would be able to charm any monster type. Is this a bug?

A: The patch note says "any type of mob" – but as you may have already noticed, not every individual mob is set to charmable. For instance, quest monsters and NPC merchants can’t be charmed.

In the case of The Tomb of Mithra, the choice was made to flag the lower level mobs as uncharmable. The reason is simple – a new monster won’t pop up until the first one dies, and we wanted to be sure the Tomb always had a good supply of monsters, regardless of pets. Higher level monsters in that dungeon are charmable.

BUT! In response to much feedback, I can bring you the following note: "In version 1.60 we will add a new, faster spawning, level 8 mob to the entrance area - to allow lower level sorcerers to charm an entrance pet, while still preserving the entrance mobs for players to hunt."




I got past the mithra stage of adolescence a long time ago.


Originally posted by Apathy
In the case of The Tomb of Mithra, the choice was made to flag the lower level mobs as uncharmable. The reason is simple – a new monster won’t pop up until the first one dies, and we wanted to be sure the Tomb always had a good supply of monsters, regardless of pets. Higher level monsters in that dungeon are charmable.

Thanks for the info.

Yes, I noticed I can charm the initiates near the door, but they con blue to my now (at lvl 10), and I'd like to get a yellow con pet.

I haven't searched the whole dungeon yet, so maybe there are some level 10 mobs in there somewhere I can charm.

It doesn't really matter that much, as there's plenty of decent XP for me and pets that yellow con to me back at SI, which I know quite well, I just felt like exploring my old stomping grounds again last night.


Further down in Mithra there are some higher con mobs...can't quite remember the levels though. Should be nice for soloing, even if you can't get a yellow con pet. Just send in the pet, wait till 80% then start nuking. If it comes for you, amnesia it.



Cap'n Sissyfoo

Don't let people tell you to get rid of the pet. If you are the group leader then get rid of the whiners. Most of the time a pet is a lot better than most tanks...especially at getting aggro off you. ;)

Hit ^_^

mostly all a sorc does in a group is try mezz then die cause most tanks dont know shit about aggro taking.


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
Don't let people tell you to get rid of the pet. If you are the group leader then get rid of the whiners. Most of the time a pet is a lot better than most tanks...especially at getting aggro off you. ;)

i resent that remark ! you insane aggro magnet


I did some soloing with my sorc. Just send in the pet, debuff, cast a singledot, let the dot and the pet do about 50% dmg and then start nuking, works very good.


last night I was playing my sorc in Mithra for a bit in a group.

I know how the Sorc solo playstyle works, but I'm not sure what I ought to actually be doing in a group?

The best thing for any lowbie alt in a group to do these days is...

1) Type /quit
2) Select your lvl 50.
3) Hit Play.
4) Play RvR till patch 1.62.
5) Log back to lowbie alt.
6) Type /level.

That way you'll never have to go to mithra or sailsbury plains ever again.



Originally posted by old.Ramas
The best thing for any lowbie alt in a group to do these days is...

1) Type /quit
2) Select your lvl 50.
3) Hit Play.
4) Play RvR till patch 1.62.
5) Log back to lowbie alt.
6) Type /level.

That way you'll never have to go to mithra or sailsbury plains ever again.

Only for underpopulated realms though, I don't think Excal/albion qualifies as such.



Originally posted by old.Reno
Only for underpopulated realms though, I don't think Excal/albion qualifies as such.
Everyone (with a level 50 char) gets /level 20. Underpopulated realms get /level 30 ;)


ME lvl 42 sorc, jsut played from 1 to 42 in 3 or 4 weeks, am Full mind and rest body
all i do is to be CC Master, and dot here and ther, once or to a life drine, keep Pr up, easy life and can keep group alive


Originally posted by old.Ramas
The best thing for any lowbie alt in a group to do these days is...
1) Type /quit
2) Select your lvl 50.
3) Hit Play.
4) Play RvR till patch 1.62.
5) Log back to lowbie alt.
6) Type /level.
That way you'll never have to go to mithra or sailsbury plains ever again.

Yeah, I'm aware of this /level fuction, but actually, I quite like the low level gaming.
I'm gonna miss the crowds going to Mithra and so on when this goes live.

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