What do you think of Warlock now?


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004

"The last part of the presentation and the most impressive was the Warlock presentation. All through the demonstration, all I was thinking about was, “watch out Albs, here comes your death.” I’m not taking sides or anything, but “GO MIDGARD!” The Warlock can weave spells together creating duel effects when they hit the target. The down side to this is it takes twice as long to cast those spells.

The real power of the Warlock will come in what is called Chambered Spells. A Chambered Spell is a spell the Warlock prepares before the fight. A warlock can chamber up to 5 spells. The spells he or she has chambered flows above his head for all to see. When he releases a chambered spell it costs the warlock no mana and is an instacast. However, there is a two second timer between casting chambered spells. Another feature that the Warlock will get is what is called primers, which the warlock weaves into his spells. The three primers that Matt mentioned are Instacast, Powerless Cast, and Extended Range Cast. Yes, Archers beware. The warlock weaves one primer with one secondary spell for the desired effect."



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
a new juicy target for the nerfbat ... just wondering what else will be nerfed in Midgard as 'collateral damage' along side of it. :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Cylian said:
a new juicy target for the nerfbat ... just wondering what else will be nerfed in Midgard as 'collateral damage' along side of it. :rolleyes:

My guess is dot poisons and envenom will be nerfed for mid somehow after this.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
I thought chambered spells only go off at 50% effectiveness?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
I am gonna wait and see. The warlock is certainly intriguing..

I liked the idea of the chamber spells. I am wondering if we are the only realm who will get this sort of ability or whether the Zealot will have a similar sort of utility (I mean as regards dual effect spells)

Either way Catacombs looks like it will provide a lot of new content which will make levelling ur new class to 50 far more interesting :p



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 12, 2004
Why can't mythic just fix the current classes instead of adding new ones. :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
Warlock looks far and away the most fun out of all the new classes I've seen so far. Nothing even comes close to it in my opinion.


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Just watched the vid and read the transcript. I'm looking forward to seeing if warlock is jsut another fancy caster or actually has some new utilisation, but let me get this straight -

1.You can chamber 5 spells which when cast costs no mana but takes ages to cast these spells

2. You can 'weave' when casting these spells any one of 3 primary spells - instant cast, long range or manaless cast.

3. Hypothetical Fight scenario: 5 spells chambered, 3 primaries (chambered too?) see enemy, pop a spell with a primary (for sake of arguement manaless cast), wait 2 seconds, pop another spell with long range (if they havent got a speedster and arent dancing on you) wait 2 seconds, pop another with instant cast wait 2 seconds. If you survive spend a while re-chambering spells presumably sitting/standing still

Compare this with oh i dunno a runie: see enemy pop bolts x 2, dd away, hit instant dd some all a lot faster, but using mana all the time. If you survive either sit and med or run about waiting for mana to come back.

Hmm no matter which way I look at it, from the information so far, I can't see warlock being that great. I think I'd much rather play a pet spam class than a 'looks nice, no substance' caster. Well time will tell, I really hope mythic get this right and as i say, I look forward to seeing a warlock in action.

The eternal pessimist


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
why cant they remove toa and the arti style? Keep the scrollstyle but please make the artifacts easier to get and faster to exp.
My thoughts, ToA could be more like SI instead, you can still play the game without it but there is some good items you can add to make your template better. As it is now, no idea to exp and an when you know you will have to spend ages on getting artis, getting ML:s and exping artis.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2004
Yep, definitely smells nerf. But not until enough ppl has bought Catacombs to play the new uber classes. Surely gonna be a few months of fun overpoweredness for the ppl buying Catacombs if the warlock is what it seems to be :)

Or maybe the class turns out to suck completely, even though it looks impressive on the paper. And later on when ppl learn to play the class effectively it gets nerfed to oblivion, like they did to animists.

Wonder what roaming will be like with a class that has to chamber spells after each fight. I even think it's annoying to stop to rebuff resists, af, etc ;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 29, 2004
The new Warlock class is seems to be as excellent 1on1 caster or pve class. However i doubt it would be group friendly in eg emain, u get ure chamberd spells ok... 1 fight and they are gone now, the group wants to run away normally what happens after u whipped a fg. But the Warlock wants to stay still for like ages to make preps for his spells :/


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
NF will change rvr as it currently stands - I think Mythic are planning more static rvr battles - keep takes and the like. I would imagine they see the warlock as being a character able to excel at a fixed defence, which certainly would seem to give us a caster that could excel in that fixed position.

Apparently the spell lists are up on Catacombs and the utility within them is particularly impressive, including castable pom and HOT. This is coupled with nearsight and other bits and bobs, including a 3500 range spell (or so I have been informed). I defintately smell a nerfbat coming.

Having said that - on a strictly pve front I think we all have something to look forwards to. I was particularly pleased to see that they were concentrating on Midgard first in catacombs, this I feel is fair as we didn't really a 'group dungeon' in SI, especially around the 40's. There is certainly no Avalon City which if you have ever played Alb you will know is just perfect for the last 10 levels.

Having said that - this isn't even in beta yet.. they're just placing the concept there. I suspect that the all of the classes will be radically altered when they're released. Imagine a banshee sitting in emain near the grannys around the milegates and using the old 'mob to realm guard' spell? I simply cannot see that stayin in it's current form in release.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
this I feel is fair as we didn't really a 'group dungeon' in SI, especially around the 40's.

you mean like Iarnvidurs Lair? mobs orange conn to level 40 at entrance, working their way up to purple to 50 a few rooms in?

leveled a few chars in there myself, its good xp for sub 50's and good cash too.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
Larn's lair - I don't get why people aren't in there more regularly?

I have been there for malice xp and I rarely see anyone else in there, it's weird.

I guess what I should've said is that there isn't really an avalon city type dungeon - which is basically a case of get horse to wearyall, jump off by big hill, trot up hill and enter for xp .....



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Theres a great reason Squish, its the box by the door which asks for a toll.
think the notice says something like "This dungeon is the property of Spug, all who enter must pay the toll"

I hope you paid.

anyway, I disgress...

seeing the notes up about the new hib classes, (a new PBAOE class..., and a melee/caster hybrid) I still think we're getting the short straw on our new caster. 6 second casting time is still screwed, unless the pre-cast spells do sufficent damage to drop an enemy.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
have been iarnv alott, lvl few toons ~40-50, few artifact to 10.

iarnv is ok dungeon, just those camp there is, you can empty fast.
whit zerk (+bott) was alott waiting pops whit redcaps, offcourse when killing 1st time area there is mobs for ~10 min but spawn rate is kinda slow.

reasons why iarnv is so uncamped?
iarnv is far from hagall (bindstone),
tricky route if dont been there,
seer is must (~40 min disease and nasty dots from snakes).
whole dungeon full of agro mobs (inside iarnv)


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
And vampiir gets climb walls..can you say stealth..How come other 2 realms get 3 stealthers (if it is) and we dont

Edit: I can't spell

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