What do you think of BTINTERNET ?



So ? I use it all the time as it has free phone calls, but do you really think it is worth the £10 a month ? It is really unreliable aswell anyone else feel the same ?
Sometimes i get ping of 210 on wireplay and others i cant even get connected to it ! And do you think counter strike is really playable with a ping of 300+ I DONT ! Can someone tell me what other FREE isps there are which are more reliable ? I CANT BE GOOD BECAUSE OF BTINTERNET, AAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH



Well, I dont play CS but I get pings of 160ms for q2, it connects first time and download speeds are good.

I think it's worth 10 squid, but it's going down next month to £6 cuz of surftime.


The best free service is NTL
The second best is BTi

In either case, you gets what you pays for :)


Gets what you pay for is dead right, i use bti for downloading only, even on my isdn it blows for games, but downloading is great, i can get past there 1 line only by connecting with both of my computers, im happy :)


BT sux - it took an hour to send a genie text message onto my mates mobile yesterday....by that time the message was useless... Their service is crap for browsing let alone gaming - ffs - ppl givin BT £10 a month must be MAD...mad i tell you :) Bit OTT? mebbe..

Have a look for yourself


I use BT Internet on a Lucent Software modem, for TFC i get pings of 190 even a busy times. So I think the £10 is well worth it.
After joining BT Internet, my phone bill dropped from £50 a month to £10.


Well all in all I have to say that for me, BTI is worth the price for most general games. Indeed it is often pinging as low as any of the pay ISP's (BW/UKCCL) to quieter servers.

However wouldn't want use it for a 20+ player minos or Clan match.....

Like Karma my phone bill [since BTI] does at least come in an envelope now instead of a box.


gawd its ages since I saw a thread dominated by penge, tis usually all brentford these days :D

old.father jack

hi there
i agree with alcohol
i use bt free
im on isdn, the prob for me is packetloss
pings are wildly up and down tho
i find the best connection is had by obtaining an ip beginning 213.
if i get one beginning 62. i just reconnect until i get one beginning 213.
on using a trace program i often find a bad link in the chain to my game server, my proggy (uo trace) has a facility to mail the operators of the dodgy router,
is it worth it?
what info do they want?
obviously "oi twats sort it out" is the wrong way to go about it

hehe the brentfords strike back

[This message has been edited by father jack (edited 17 June 2000).]

[This message has been edited by father jack (edited 17 June 2000).]


I use World Online/Screaming.net/LocalTel, and it seems fine. Low pings on BW, 24/7 access, 'though I haven't used it during office hours much. Very cheap too - about £15.00pm.

What makes me laugh is the number of people in discussion groups raging about not being able to access the support lines of their free ISP, or it's poor connections. What do they expect for 'one-off fees' or £10.00pm? Don't tell me "It states in their contract blah-blah-blah" or "we PAY for this service gripe gripe gripe". Support and a reliable service requires an eager staff and costs good money, which they're *not* paying for their cheapo connection. I'm suprised they can make any money at this, and with the slowdown of IPOs I reckon there'll be a knockon effect of financiers not putting money into free ISP's just 'cause it's something to do with the internet.

Someone should set up an ISP named 'Cheap- Bastard-Net', and state clearly "If you can use it for the purposes you want, good, if not, too bad. We ignore whingers." Then everyone would know exactly where they stand.


Visit http://www.tigertom.com.
It's got some nifty stuff.

[This message has been edited by tigertom (edited 19 June 2000).]

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