What do you do with your vault?



Ok, im suffering from problems atm.

I have a couple of mains, and some little projects that im working on in the way of alts. But then every few weeks I re-roll one alt or another.

How do you guys organise high level items for alts?
What do you do with large sums of cash, leave them on your main or spread them out between alts?
Im concerned as each time i re-roll i may delete some items etc, im also concerned as if i buy "handy looking" bits and bobs off BW for an as yet not created alt where should I keep them.
Does anybody have a system or something?

Ive been thinking about having one Storage charachter per account where i keep every "loobie" charachters higher level stuff until they use it. Does anybody else do this?



8 character slots, keep one at say Gothwaite next to the vault keeper, put high level items in the characters inventory and low level items in the vault itself.
if you have 2 accounts you can easily access and deposit these items.


i fill mine full of death threats for BW moderators (esp evil inconnu ones!)

Sharp Thing

salvage the crap, sell the rest, use whats usefull


This problem is solved as soon as Foundations goes live and you have a house ;).

Muchos vaults.

And if there's not even enough room then, you can put your stuff on the consignment merchant and as 100P for each item. That way you have another 5 pages of vaultspace ;).


Check chars before you delete aint an option?


i collect all my money on my weaponcrafter.

and leave about 2p on those i play, just incase something comes up.


8 vault on main account
8 on bot account ;P

every car keep his own gold n proper grear


Hey Bellona,

your login name and password would be ? :D


Since I bought my 2nd account I have mucho vault space :) But when I only had 1 char I only kept the most important (good stuff) and the rest I either sold or gave away to friends. I've got around 1-2 P on each char so they can keep themselves funded. And I buy most of the armor with my main (with the most cash).

Now with my 2nd account I made 3 vault chars to start with. Armor, Weaponry and Jewelry vault. Jewelry vault is kinda almost full and I've put the best stuff in the vault itself and left the common/lowbee drops on the vault char's inventory.

A good idea might be to put some money on the vault chars as well (as backup) in case you might ever get robbed or scammed. But if yah don't trade or loan your account to others you got nothing to worry about (unless you got some evul family members who sneak up behind your pc and know how to play daoc ;))


Originally posted by Thamiles
stop rerolling


Well I collect all my cash on my tailorer, he makes all payments.

Vault, hmm chaos actually, once in a while i go through all my 50's vaults and
drop the stuff that might be useful to an alt and i sell the rest.

<Or i ask in /gu if anyone needs>


This is the most bizarre and possibly stupid thread ever.


Originally posted by Tilda
Ok, im suffering from problems atm.

I have a couple of mains, and some little projects that im working on in the way of alts. But then every few weeks I re-roll one alt or another.

How do you guys organise high level items for alts?
What do you do with large sums of cash, leave them on your main or spread them out between alts?
Im concerned as each time i re-roll i may delete some items etc, im also concerned as if i buy "handy looking" bits and bobs off BW for an as yet not created alt where should I keep them.
Does anybody have a system or something?

Ive been thinking about having one Storage charachter per account where i keep every "loobie" charachters higher level stuff until they use it. Does anybody else do this?


I have 4 characters i use as Money and item vaults - Wardrobe, for Armour, Cabinet for weapons, Vaultytoon for odds n sods, and Burping for neckies bracelets and other items that dont fit on other chars. These chars double up as the guild vault too, until we get those.


i not filled my char slots up yet (to much hassle having to many alts)

i have 1 char just for stuff i have made when tailoring
1 char full of rogs (jewelry)
on my 3 main chars i have good stuff in vault and sell the rest, i dont keep armors/weapojns etc due to me prefering to use player made.

so 1 for tailor stuff
1 for rog jewelry,
and my main chars i keep the stuff that i will use or eventually use in its own vault,so i know where all caster/rouge/friar stuff is


Originally posted by old.CrazyMuppet
This problem is solved as soon as Foundations goes live and you have a house ;).

Muchos vaults.

And if there's not even enough room then, you can put your stuff on the consignment merchant and as 100P for each item. That way you have another 5 pages of vaultspace ;).

Gonna put like 3p+ for most items as I'm mostly keeping garbage because "this might be nice for that alt" but I've no problems getting paid for a free slot in a "vault" :p


first of all, don't reroll chars all the time :p

I keep most of my money on my crafter/salvager, then I spread out some money on char's, bout 150G on each, so I can afford to repair items, take horsie's etc :)
When the alt's have made more then 500G, I take back my money, with interest's ofc, so they only have 100G left :D

Tilda, lvl a fotm Merc :D

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