what do u think ?



i dont play my caster munch any more got tired of 5 minute run to emain then insta death yay

casters need somthing first we need to be able to get rlm points while were dead when were in a group an we die first this would make it better if we still gaind rlm points an all other classes should get this to :)

aslo pure casters could do with some love to. like makin some of their ra costs lowerd to somthing a little more resaneble

their r far to many resists to majic in the game at the moment active realm abilities passive realm abilities buffs an resists yet hardly anything to counter melee the only thing i can think of is melee resist wich r blody rare an imposible to get up to a decent enouth lvl to make any difference for a caster wurth getin with buffs ra an resists god knows how high effective majic resist go 75% ???

the most fun i had rvr was when i had 3 pbt on me an i survived a 1fg vs 1fc encounter an that was with 2 wardens usin all their mana healin me an me sprintin in a circle constanly with 3 pbt on me LOL it rocked had mincers stunin me dd me an intraiters an tanks all chasin me an all my group were chasin them in one big circle was foon

normly 1fg vs 1fg we charge they charge everything in enamy group locs onto me our tanks attack their tanks or if their good go for ther wizzys but normly they chase tanks wile bein nuked after ive been flatend

we need new defensive majics in the game considerin our damage output is nothing ware it use to be. an even if we wass still hittin for 400+ i think mages would still be screwed simply cos everyother class out their has lernt to kill us first.

i play a void eld an when i play i have good days an not so good days

maby not all mages need love cos obviusly some r sweet hell if i had an chanter pet id be happy


Originally posted by geldor

i play a void eld an when i play i have good days an not so good days

You do know its the same for every class? No?


/em checks earned rp tables and concludes casters should not whine


Originally posted by geldor
their r far to many resists to majic in the game at the moment active realm abilities passive realm abilities buffs an resists yet hardly anything to counter melee the only thing i can think of is melee resist wich r blody rare an imposible to get up to a decent enouth lvl to make any difference for a caster wurth getin with buffs ra an resists god knows how high effective majic resist go 75% ???

Even with good resists a caster nuke a tank into oblivion rather easily, if played well.

normly 1fg vs 1fg we charge they charge everything in enamy group locs onto me our tanks attack their tanks or if their good go for ther wizzys but normly they chase tanks wile bein nuked after ive been flatend

Order a shield-specced tank to stay with the caster and use Guard . Also inform him/her that it is not too difficult to switch target for the Guard mid-combat ;)

we need new defensive majics in the game considerin our damage output is nothing ware it use to be. an even if we wass still hittin for 400+ i think mages would still be screwed simply cos everyother class out their has lernt to kill us first.

i play a void eld an when i play i have good days an not so good days

9 sec baseline stun (for Hibbies, since you play a Hibbie), what do you call that? Offensive magic?
9 secs is ample time to either a) run away or b) turn the tank into a pile of ashes.
AF Shield? Self Bladeturn?


I have a void Eld, I'm not gonna start whining..............
OK I will, we could do with something, anything as a defence against stealthers .
Dieing to stealther is like goin LD ,it's instant you don't know when it's gonna happen and there's nothing whatsover you can do about it.
It has moved from the realm of combat, to a lottery, with every other combatant I can see them, we face off, timing, skill, being aware all account to the result, with stealth it's like having a pc that randomnly crashes all day.


sorry but I have to agree with the majority here.

all classes have weaknesses which are often the cause of their death.

If you can't hack the dying do a different class..you will in fact find that it is the same for them too.

All characters are designed to be inter-dependant on each other. The idea is for people to group mainly but in solo casters can be lethal killers whereas a lot of other chars are unable to kill higher than a blue:(

I take your point about death in RvR but I have to say that when I play my level 50 cleric I make every effort to rez a caster so that they don't miss the rp's for their ra's. Paladins also try to rez quickly as we are aware that people will miss rp's if not rezzed during combat.


Originally posted by old.job
I have a void Eld, I'm not gonna start whining..............
OK I will, we could do with something, anything as a defence against stealthers .
Dieing to stealther is like goin LD ,it's instant you don't know when it's gonna happen and there's nothing whatsover you can do about it.
It has moved from the realm of combat, to a lottery, with every other combatant I can see them, we face off, timing, skill, being aware all account to the result, with stealth it's like having a pc that randomnly crashes all day.

don't stand still in an open field alone
don't sit when there's noone near you.

Don't run in straight lines along roads.

there are defenses...


I one shot bolt-killed 3 Albs in 2 mins outside their central keep yesterday in BG, LOL bet you they were whining. :)
I am aware that my Eld was born yesterday, and that casters have been dodging stealthers since the beta days, it's just I want to kill everything and be invincible myself.

Is this too much to ask??


The problem with these whine threads are they are always written by people whose real whine is "I used to be uber, now I am not".

In the case of casters, before the loving to tanks they totally owned tanks so much. It was embarrasing watching tanks go to RvR, as they were just rp cows. Pure and simple.

Now things have changed, but not totally in tanks favour in my opinion. Tanks can just compete now. Tanks still get nuked into tomorrow, but they have a real chance now with RAs and resist to reach that caster, and quite rightly, cut them down in 2 or 3 hits.

Much like the archers who endlessly whine, all you have to do when Mythic nerf is look at what your class can do now, not what it used to be able to do. Don't try to play like you did before the nerf, or you will get owned. Understand your strengths and your enemies weakness. Just don't expect to be able to spot a tank and press and hold the '1' on your keyboard and get 500RP.


So true. I just don't get people. Complaining all the time that they can't own someone, anyone or their mother. Its simple formula really. Everyone want to own, which means you can't die but you are the hero of the day, everyday. In order for this to be true every peep in game could own anyone, which would mean peeps would need to die which would mean that some of the times you actually are one of the people dying and getting owned = you can't actually be superuber = post to barrys and cry.



As a caster, I'm one of the rare few casters that solo around Uppland. As such I've been in a fair few duels with all kinds of classes.
The only time when I just KNOW I'm gonna get owned is when a tank casts IP. But I don't think tanks are overpowered. The only reason people with IP always cast it in Uppland is because I'm the first target they'll see and generally IP is intact.
In RP-main, the tanks will have used IP generally so that advantage is usually not there for the tanks and the casters rule again.

so I'm really starting to think the caster/tank balance is getting sorted.


I play a sorceress , and yea it can get annoying being killed almost at the start of the battle . But saying that i've also had some really good fights , just by changing my spot , casting , then moving again .
Only thing i ask is that we get rps for mezzing , as more often than not , i get 1 mez off , and everyone and their dog heads straight for me :p - hence dead b4 anyone else is .
However i love my char and will continue to play it no matter if i die in 1 blow or not

[edit typos]


One little tip that has improved my RvR playing:
Spend a little time playing your classes' nemesis class. If you're a caster, take a little time and play and assassin for a while and you learn how they think and how they operate. When you go back to your main class you'll find you will fair better in avoiding them. Know thy enemy.


no what ya mean smurf played every class sept chimp an bard in hib an my hero gets nuked to death in bg :) i know but thats with out ra so.......so it kinda shows what it was like befor ra but now we got ra tanks live longer wich is good jus wish i could get some rlm points after i died when im in a group would make it much better i think

played an assasin was foon...lernt one realy cool trick wich i defenatly didnt even think about befor i played him if u see a stealther befor he strikes spin away quickly befor he can land hes pa its positional based an a fail pa hits for nearly nothing at all :) an nearly any class can take a stealther who misses hes pa easy

infact any class i think can take stealther who misses hes pa

about the shield tank gard thing this tactic i knew about but rarly hapens unless im in a guild group wich isnt often some one should rite a big list for all the tatics for all the classes in rvr cos its totaly different to rve an alot of people only play theri clases to half its full potential

people need to share their experiances an knowledge this way we could make a more efficient army


As an air theurg I had pretty good change with assasin types, even when they did attack from behind. BT took care of one blade and usually Id just end up being hurt and slowed, but not poisoned. Then its quickcast mezz, leg to max range (praying the assasin don't have purge), cast pbt and pump 2 air pets on them and start dding. Around half the time your still alive with few hps after the assasin dies. :) Unless they have ip...


i think most people make the mistake of running at the caster after they were rooted and bolted to 10 hp


I have a question - maybe not entirely related to this thread but bears some resemblance to what anerae said about gaining rps for mezzing.

If im in a group and I spend all my time sitting down close to a fight and my group kills someone, do I get RPs?


Originally posted by geldor
i dont play my caster munch any more got tired of 5 minute run to emain then insta death yay

casters need somthing first we need to be able to get rlm points while were dead when were in a group an we die first this would make it better if we still gaind rlm points an all other classes should get this to :)

aslo pure casters could do with some love to. like makin some of their ra costs lowerd to somthing a little more resaneble

their r far to many resists to majic in the game at the moment active realm abilities passive realm abilities buffs an resists yet hardly anything to counter melee the only thing i can think of is melee resist wich r blody rare an imposible to get up to a decent enouth lvl to make any difference for a caster wurth getin with buffs ra an resists god knows how high effective majic resist go 75% ???

the most fun i had rvr was when i had 3 pbt on me an i survived a 1fg vs 1fc encounter an that was with 2 wardens usin all their mana healin me an me sprintin in a circle constanly with 3 pbt on me LOL it rocked had mincers stunin me dd me an intraiters an tanks all chasin me an all my group were chasin them in one big circle was foon

normly 1fg vs 1fg we charge they charge everything in enamy group locs onto me our tanks attack their tanks or if their good go for ther wizzys but normly they chase tanks wile bein nuked after ive been flatend

we need new defensive majics in the game considerin our damage output is nothing ware it use to be. an even if we wass still hittin for 400+ i think mages would still be screwed simply cos everyother class out their has lernt to kill us first.

i play a void eld an when i play i have good days an not so good days

maby not all mages need love cos obviusly some r sweet hell if i had an chanter pet id be happy

No offence - but i could barely read this post... Can u run it thru a spell checker b4 posting next time pls ?


Originally posted by Gabrial
If im in a group and I spend all my time sitting down close to a fight and my group kills someone, do I get RPs?

you get RP for doing nothing yes


Re: Re: what do u think ?

Originally posted by tripitaka

No offence - but i could barely read this post... Can u run it thru a spell checker b4 posting next time pls ?

ok mr englizh aniethin to plz u b4 he pots nxt tome


Originally posted by n3wbie

you get RP for doing nothing yes

In that case Im not sure I understand why people say about getting no RPs for mezzing? I can only guess (can someone confirm this?) that its because they are ungrouped, mezz the mid army and while everyone else trots around killing/gaining rps they get to sit back and watch?


or they're in a single group without many damage dealers...

they mezz 50 hibs, who get cut down quickly by the other 10 groups there...

the sorcerer gets about 3 rp from the one person his group managed to do damage to.


I thought that might be the case - thanks for the info.

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