what classes are needed/useful on hib/prydwen



hi all i havent actually played daoc just yet but read lots about it bought the game but cant play it for a couple more days due to connection problems :( i have friends who play on prydwen hib and so im defineately playing there hehe just thought id ask what classes hibernia are in need of? i know newbie level 1s wont help much but no point making a char that when it is high level is useless lol! i thought a nightshade (lurikeen?) sounded fun or a firbolg warden or maybe a bard of some sort? if all these characters would be a bad choice please say any info would be greatly apprecieted tnx all :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: hope to be seeing you in game soon :D

Nemesis Warlock


Yes Nightshades are fun but very hardt o play for a beginner -
and cuz its so much fun when ur high - everybody has a NS alt...

U asked classes that are needed, well...

we need

Bards & Mentalists

the most.

We got only a few blademasters and warden too
If u think a warden would be fun .. choose this one.

In the end youll have 4 chars on your roster like we all have ..
Itll be 1 fighter 1 healer 1 caster and 1 ranger / nighshade
Tahts what everybody has in the end ;)

For the beginning , and i ure new to the game id suggest a bard, druid or fighter... fighters are easy to play at beginning and a good choice to learn the game machanics

Druids and bard (or wardens) ared healers and therefore youll meet a lot peeps willing to group with u giving u lots of group experience (which i think is very useful cuz this is a Mulitplayer RPG suppporting teamwork (even forcing it ;)) )

So in short my suggestion ; (classes needed in HIB)

1. Bard
2. Warden
3. Mentalist

And now easy to learn game classes :

1: fighter till lvl 6 or 10
2: then druid (higher)
3: then bard (till 50 yeah ; )

Ull learn alot there and - the difference between a caster and fighter soon ;;)) so can soon figure out by yourself

If u got any questions ingame call /send spice ill answer u all questions patiently ( ill try ;)) ) or give u names of peeps that can help u .

P.S. plz dont choose ranger , yes ,yes its fun to play but Everybody knows taht and like NS has a ranger alt in his roster ;)

Good luck

Spiceeeeeeeeey (46.5 ranger)


We are in need of nightshades:)

Wardens/bards are good always wanted is groups

Mentalist are a need class and there are not many about :(


okay thanks :D yea i figured fighters would be easiest because they are in alot of games (ive played uo for a couple of years on and off) but think nightshades sound more fun to play and wardens sounds cool cos they can heal people and have some fighting abbilities think ill start a nightshade and another class probably bard/warden first but dont know much about bards yet hehe thanks for the info :clap: sry if i babbled a bit ^^^^^ lol :rolleyes:


hmmm any idea how to spec them? hehe havent found any guides to make them yet (mainly thinking long run) and also what race... firbolg? ahhhh i want to play now :sleeping: lol sounds like 2 days till i can get on :( but then ill be on several years straight lol :clap:
edit: just a couple of quick adds hehe a) didnt mean to say that fighters are easy high levels just meant to start out with and b) can wardens actually do damage? or like 99% buffs/heals? :) tnx

Nemesis Warlock

Hm.. ok

A warden ...

Blades : 44
Nurture: 45
Regrowth: 19 (or 12?)

For the big fighter with the great big 6s bubble (a shield absorbing a hit all 6 s -> for whole group , groups will love u for that ;) ), some low /decent healing

Blades: 44
Nurture: 35
Regrowth: 3x (33 or 35 around that )

For the fighter with a 8s bubble (draws less mana) and better healing / healing / regen chants --> the one ill choose perhaps

or pure Nurture and regrowth speccing
that would be a not-so-good fighter but great buffer / bubbler and healer / chanter --> i dont recommend so much

U can check it on a charbuilder on camelot catacombs

go to daoc.com -> links -> catacombs there ull find the charbuilder 1.3 where u can play with ur speccing

good luck



cool tnx alot!! but one last question sorry if im getting annoying lol :( but heard somewhere blunts better than blades rvr that true tnx so much for all advice!! hope to see everyone in game soon (ill be the level one guy constantly dying lol :p )


Blunt is better against the Albs (bashing plate mail), piercers are more effective against the Mids (chain mail), blades are in between. I also believe that there are more Hib mobs that blunt is more effective against, than the other weapon types. For RvR Celtic Spear or Large weapon are reckoned to be best as they do the biggest amount of damage (if you are a char type that can spec in them of course).

Generally I don't think it really makes that much difference - if your really concerned about it, then you can go into the full ins and outs of it, but if you want to have fun just play with the weapon type you prefer. For instance a lot of people say Celtic Dual (using 2 weapons) is a waste of time, but I am still speccing it (only a little, but still doing it) for my Ranger because I like it and it looks cool :) He may suffer slightly at some things rather than if i'd specced more in straight weapon, but I'm enjoying the character and that's why I play.

If you need any guidance in game feel free to /send me :)


thanks :D lol wasnt expecting any/much of a response hehe thanks all :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Nemesis Warlock

Yes Warden should take blunt!

Dam Table:

Blades Blunt Pierc

Albs Malus Bonus Neutral

Mids Malus Neutral Bonus

Wardens cant take pierc or large weps so blunt should be best for u ;)



ahh okay cool ill either be a lurikeen nightshade i THINK or a Firbolg Warden well both but not sure which first hehe :clap:


Try the warden fisrt easy to get into groups nightshade find it hard to group

i would recomend the warden :)


lemme just do a rough guestimate on our fair realms statistics...

average players on peak 300
min players seen(by me) 14

make up of Hibernia

40% 1-10's
15% 10-20's
15% 20-30's
15% 30-40's
15% 40-50's

Bard 9%
Druid 11%
Warden 7%

Blademaster 4%
Champion 7%
Hero 13%

Eldritch 13%
Enchanter 7%
Mentalist 4%

Nightshade 5%
Ranger 11%

Now your all wandering what? hes only given 91%.....

Under lvl 5's.... 9% ; )

Divided by 12 sections the population ideally would be just over 8% for each class. So anything under 7% should be considered as lacking, these are:....

Warden, Blademaster, Mentalist, Nightshade

hopefully that breakdown should help people to see where we have a need for classes.

Did this profile at 8:30 on June 11th 2002, will do another one thursday and hopefully get a running profile for prospective hibbies on where we lie classes wise ; )


cool thanks for the info glad that the ones id decided on (with help thanks all!) happen to be ones needed hehe :clap:


Nightshades are fantastic fun but at higher levels we cannot solo well and I personally am finding it really hard to get groups. Luckily my alliance has some cool guys in :)

People here are saying we need high level shades in our realm. Today someone said to me to hurry up to 50th cos we were needed for RvR. Well, give you friendly neighbourhood shade a group when he asks then!!! Cos without them we wont get there.

I know two higher level shades that are thinking of quitting because of this.


noooo dont let them quit lol i know i havent played daoc yet (1 day to go! :clap: ) but if its like other games (diablo) then you just need to find some guys to level with regulaly cos like for the sake of it i was making a pvp necromancer (lol not many of those around) and peple didnt want to invite me to join their party because id lag them with all my creatures.. when i said i was pvp and had none they said was even worse (no creature necromancers arent too great or at least arent considered to be) lol so i just got a higher level friend to help me level and if people had a problem with it (hey u high lvl person leave the necro and come with us) we killed um lol so if i were you/your shade friends i owuldnt quit just stick at it till you find soem unprejudiced people but as i said never played daoc so just speaking from memory of diablo II :)


Could do with more ments in hib.. haven't seen Zolt for ages and now I think Athis has gone too :(

I also have a lil lurishade on the make so I'm at least adding to 2 of the *needy* groups :)

Welcome to Hib, please stay awhile as we need as many people as we can lay our little tree hugging hands on :clap:


Originally posted by Merecraft
Nightshades are fantastic fun but at higher levels we cannot solo well and I personally am finding it really hard to get groups. Luckily my alliance has some cool guys in :)

People here are saying we need high level shades in our realm. Today someone said to me to hurry up to 50th cos we were needed for RvR. Well, give you friendly neighbourhood shade a group when he asks then!!! Cos without them we wont get there.

I know two higher level shades that are thinking of quitting because of this.

Hehe it was me who told ya to hurry :)

I think that many have an idea of how the ultimate exp group looks and sadly it does not include a NS or ranger. Lets not make all NS stop playing cause they cant get a group we NEED them. So ALL people plz we need all kinda chars and cant keep people out of the fun cause they play a char not that groupfriendly. Exp is great yes, but when you reach lvl50 and get your but kicked by a stealther cause we dont have stealth classes the lvls wont help ya. Sleeth man if you read this. Stick with it FoPW loooooves ya :D

I actually laughed alot while looking at you 3 NS in that group doing that rolling attack style. Looks SO cool :) Those bears must have died from surprise ;)


Nightshades can potentially out damage any melle class in Hibernia, with a good tank who knows what he/she is doing they can make excellent additions to any group.


Well, I'm no expert but I imagine the Nightshades critical hits can do a lot of damage.

Most have pierce and High Dex meaning they hit often. In situations where the Mobs aren't BAF, they probably have the best opener for a fight.

Their poisons should help against mobs that take a while to go down.

Granted at the moment, the above only works in a perfect world and there are seen to be much better characters out there. One of the main things I come across with my Nightshade is that people think that I die too quickly if I get aggro.

Personally I think Mythic have nightshades right. They are very powerful in RvR and the fact that they are horrid in PvE and a nightmare to level only stops people who aren't really suited for weilding much power from getting to the higher levels with one.

You see lots of Nightshades running around before level 20, then you may see a few after that. After the kill tasks run out, people lose enthusiasm for the class unless they really want to be one.


Hibernia needs nightshades... Lots of them... got nothing to play with :(


Rangers Nightshades rule in a group. A ranger 1or 2 lvls higher than my poor Champ can crit shot for 250-300 Dmg. This dmg can be made by me only after 4-5 perfect style hits. When a ranger pulls a mob and it has 1/3 of its life gone then it easier for me to tank/protect, gives me less resting time and faster exp income.

I think the problem with these classes, also the magician classes, is that they mostly solo and when in a group they act as soloers, meaning that they attack mobs of org-red which usually aggro them or baf, without giving time to tanks to rest.

Lol!! I have died lots of times trying to play with a "crazy" enchanter or eldrich. I think those classes have to learn how to play in groups cause they really rule in combats and can be most help in difficult situations as they are the ones that cn make a lot of dmg from distance.

Just my 2 coppers!


wellll im on daoc now yay made a level 5 warden but so far im kind of disappointed leveling is slow and noone is ever around and anyone i ask for advice ignores me lol maybe its just cos im a low level newbie hehe but one warden who was red to me.. i gave 8 silver (might be nothing to you but half the cash i had lol) i then asked what do some of the warden skils do (i ca\nt figure it out for most of them hehe) and he just pegged it off high speed lol am i that ugly?! lol ive been in 1 group but never even killed a creature hehe one guy in my group (yellow to me) attacked a water beetle? or something that was purple... i healed him and it attacked me (cant get used to aggro points lol) and i died in a few hits then they left the group lol apart from that its just been me alone attempting to kill feccans/mudmen/hill toads hehehe anyone got advice to get some advice/go in a group? i dont want handouts from people i just want to group get advice eheh thanks :)


i take it all back lol i hadnt seen the group button met a few people and grouped and like the game ALOT more now :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Just wait until you get the chance to do some RvR :cool:



Good to see u made it mate!! =)
Oh and happy birthday again mate, hope u didnt leave too many UO mates behind when u came here... any news on Kai?



lol hi! been trying to msg u lots in game but never seem to be on :( hehe nope i still play uo a bit and as i kno kai in rl not losing contact his comp cant play it though :( but gunna let him make a char on my account and just have him living round here lol

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