What BattleBards(tm) should not take on...


Uncle Sick(tm)

Thorulf the Thane (at least judging from the lightning sizzling around me, I guess you are one)! Great fight! I knew once I dd-ed you, that I would lose that fight.. but hey, it was fun and Matti gave you the finishing blow;)

I fecked up my styles completely, though (had re-arranged my combat qb before I ported).. Instead of Fireblade, I hammered around on my 'stick' button *groan*

And to prove once more, that Mids have more styles than Albs (jump, laughspam), he even bowed.
Respect and /salute for an entertaining fight!:D

And /wave to all the Runies I must have driven nuts with Lullaby tonight;)



Aye it was fun eh Matti? ....lullaby is a great toy, ooooh and those pets...... they just love being confused! :p

Melodii, 24 Bardess


Nerf bards~!!!!!11

They aren't suppoised to hit things!!!

Uncle Sick(tm)

Next time I'll use styles even!:D
Would have lost anyway, considering that Matti gave me a heal and started whacking Thorulf together with an Eldritch (fear melee casters!;)).

Still, Thorulf conned yellow to me and died in the end... there- Bards can do damage.


Salute !

Indeed a great fight ... But I am not a Thane I am a skald ... the lightning you experienced was my battlesongs.

Hope to meet you again in the battlefields ...

Thorulf Stormdikt
Skald on duty in Thidranki


Muhahaha he mistook the little sparkly cute shiny stars from a skald for the fierce thunder of a thane?

Muhahahaha <runs off laughing like a PiXIE Fag>

Uncle Sick(tm)

We-ell... tonight the tables turned!:D

First Iced (who gave me great backup and is a nice chap:)) some others and I fought some Mids near their PK.
Someone yelled 'Albs!' and off they were, Iced and I straggeling behind, as some SB pa's Iced... Saeth' shadow (your stealth must be a bit low if I could see you;)) coming up on him from behind.

So what to do? Ice's hp were down to a sliver- so I mezzed Saeth for time being... and turned my attention to Ice's attacker.. who ran like a wabbit, health half down (Ice's l21, his attacker was 24.. so /salute Iced)... so back to Saeth and her/his (it's a kobold, who can tell...) flaming sword.

Fought Saeth down and had more than half my health left.
Would have saluted you - but saw some trolls coming up, so I rezzed Iced and off we were again.

We chased some Mids back to their PK later on (gee... you guys were quity pansy now that I think about it...) and had quite the standoff... Iced and me against... lets think five of you?

Nice fights there, though... wonder why you just didn't... charge us?:D
It did one thing, though... I'm not scared of twolls anymore. Hehehe

Great hour of skirmishes, though!
And to the three Alb minstrels... I'll get your sorry arses tomorrow night. Respect for your nice teamwork, though:)

*runs off on bardspeed(tm)*


How can you misstake an Thane for an Skald.....

It´s easy to know the differense, If you get a big old hammer, Mjolnir(TM) in your head or some lightnig thats a Thane. If you see an abnormaly fast troll thats a skald :) j/k

Sounded like fun, too bad i hit my Rp cap for Thidranki, but Hjod is soon coming to a battleground near you :p

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