Oopsa Daisy
to get himself killed in thidranki. Lol i was nicely hugging a tree and standing in it near the alb bridge. I see loads of albs there so I keep standing in my tree.
After a short while all albs run of and i see sum middies appearing at alb bridge.... Then the middies run of to. I take a look at my clock and think well time to get yourself killed Oopsa Daisy.
So i run to alb bridge and THERE IS LIKE NO ALB NOR MID THERE. I think WTF? So i run to alb PK and THERE IS LIKE NO ALB NOR MID THERE. I think Sjeez Oopsa you sure lucky today. So i decide to take a look at middie bridge. Guess what THERE IS LIKE NO ALB NOR MID THERE. WTF this is getting weird. So i decide to run up to Middie pk.
I sit there for a while and suddenly the gates open. I howl in victory go sit and wait for them middies. WTF how long do you middies take to get down from that hill sjeez i almost fell a sleep zzzz. Then finally a group of Mids come down. Guess what insta mezz and then they just stare for 4 seconds at me. LOL you must be pretty dumb. Go figure i want to get a ticket out of BG. Then they finaly ganked me. THANK YOU!!! esp Gash who was so friendly to bow to me.
But anyways makes me wonder i ran like half an hour unprotected through Thidranki without encountering anyone.....
Still think you kind middies for killing me... Damn almost was running back to hib pk just to get the portal. Thanks Gash and Co
Oopsa Daisy
22th season Eldritch
After a short while all albs run of and i see sum middies appearing at alb bridge.... Then the middies run of to. I take a look at my clock and think well time to get yourself killed Oopsa Daisy.
So i run to alb bridge and THERE IS LIKE NO ALB NOR MID THERE. I think WTF? So i run to alb PK and THERE IS LIKE NO ALB NOR MID THERE. I think Sjeez Oopsa you sure lucky today. So i decide to take a look at middie bridge. Guess what THERE IS LIKE NO ALB NOR MID THERE. WTF this is getting weird. So i decide to run up to Middie pk.
I sit there for a while and suddenly the gates open. I howl in victory go sit and wait for them middies. WTF how long do you middies take to get down from that hill sjeez i almost fell a sleep zzzz. Then finally a group of Mids come down. Guess what insta mezz and then they just stare for 4 seconds at me. LOL you must be pretty dumb. Go figure i want to get a ticket out of BG. Then they finaly ganked me. THANK YOU!!! esp Gash who was so friendly to bow to me.
But anyways makes me wonder i ran like half an hour unprotected through Thidranki without encountering anyone.....
Still think you kind middies for killing me... Damn almost was running back to hib pk just to get the portal. Thanks Gash and Co
Oopsa Daisy
22th season Eldritch